Summary: Post OOTP. Harry finds out about his family and his "powers" . He leaves to learn about his herritage. Angry Harry! very Angry Harry!

I do not own so do not sue!

"Japanese" speak

"English" speak

Chapter one: Meet the Family

The car wove though traffic like it was being diren by a madman. In a way it was for you see this car belongs to the Dursleys and they had just picked up thier nephew, Harry Potter or to them "The Freak" , when other "freaks" or wizards told them,the Dursleys, to treat him, Harry Potter, right or else. Harry is not normal, he is a wizard. He is not even a normal wizard he is The-Boy-Who-Lived. Harry was not listening to his Uncle Vernon ranting about those "freaks" he was remembering the mental conversation he had on his way back on the Hogwarts Express.


"Are you Harry Potter?" the voice in his head said.

"Who are you? and yes." Harry replied.

"I am Charles Xavier. I am a telepath and head of a school for gifted children like you" the voice said.

"Gifted! Me! In what way am I gifted?" Harry asked.

"Well Harry you are a mutant like all the children in my school and I would like to take you to Amarica to teach you how to control your gifts." the voice said.

Harry thought ' this could be a trick or this could be about "the power he knows not" what should I do'. "If you wish we could meet at King's Cross station." the voice siad.

"No! There might be people waiting at the station and if what you are saying is true they will not let me leave with you to train my mutant abilities. Meet me at number 4 , Privet Drive in Surray As soon as possible." Harry said.

End Flashback

Harry was jolted out of his revery by a very sharp turn of the car. "Have you been listening to me Boy?" a very purple Uncle Vernon asked.

"No I have not Uncle Vernon. And the faster we get back to Privet Drive the sooner I can leave." Harry said.

"WHAT? You ungreatful welp. How dare you speek to me like that? What do you mean by leave?" Uncle Vernon asked.

"I mean that I have been asked by someone, that I will meet at Privet Drive, to go and train at his school in Amarica. And I am going to go if this is not some trick." Harry said. Uncle Vernon had a small smile on his face as he spedup.

Meanwhile at Privet Drive

"Are you sure The Toddler got it right. There is no way a decendent of ours can live in a plce like this." said a tall dark haired boy named Yusuke Urameshi. He was fallowing a slightly taller red haired boy named Kurama. Who was buzy looking at house numbers at the time.

"Yes I am sure this is where Koenma-sama said we would be able to find our decendent, My Lord." Kurama said. " Here we are number 4, Privet Drive. Is he here, Hiei?" Kurama asked.

A short spiky haired boy answerd "No, he is not here yet. I guess we wait for him to show."

Just as they were settling in for a long wait a car sped around the corner. "I think they are here. Let me do the talking since I speak English." said Kurama.

"Fine." "Hn!" the other two replied. Just then the car pulled in to the driveway.

"Are those people the ones your leaving with Boy?" Uncle Vernon asked when they reached Privet Drive.

"I do not know Uncle Vernon. I will ask them." Harry replied. The car stopped and Harry got out. "Is one of you Charles Xavier?" Harry asked.

"No I am afraid none of us are Charles Xavier." the red head answerd. "I am Kurama. This is Urameshi and Hiei." said the red head. "We are here because we just found out that you, Harry Potter, are related to us." Kurama said.


"It is about time you three got here." the pint sized ruler of the Raiki said. "I have a special assignment for you. I need you to go to England because we have a small problem there."

"Small problem! The last time you said small problem I died again. Why should we help you with this small problem when we do not have to?" Yusuke asked.

"He is right Koenma. We are nolonger on probation and England is to far away from my mother for me to go without a very good reason." Kurama said.

"Well I was hoping that I would not have to tell you but you leave me no choise. The small problem is your, Kurama and Hiei, great grandson and your, Yusuke, nephew since you are the heir of Raisen. The problem is that he has not activated yet and he was ment to activate two years ago. What I need you to do is find out why he did not activate and if possible activate him and train him! Do you understand?" Koenma said.

"Well when you put it that way...OK I will go how about you two?" Yusuke asked.

"I was planning on checking up on my decenents, you can not live for over a thousand years with out a few of those." Kurama said.

"Hn" said Hiei.

"Thank you, you will find him at number 4, Privet Drive in Surray, England. He will be finishing school in two weeks and I have arranged transport for you then." Koenma said.

"That is enough time for me to tell my mother about this trip." Kurama said.

"Uhm...Koenma you forgot to tell us what this boy looks like or his name?" Yusuke asked.

"Oh right... His name is Harry Potter or at least that is the name he is using at this time but it is not his full proper name and I do not know why. Here is a picture of him." and with that Koenma turned on the T.V. screen and a picture of a boy with messy black hair, emerald green eyes and a lighting bolt shaped scar on his forhead appered. "Please find out what happended and why he did not activate."

End Flashback

Harry was stunned'Did he just say that they are related to me' Harry thought. "Whats this nonsence about? You are that 'freaks' last living relative." Uncle Vernon bellowed at Aunt Petunia.

"As far as I know I have no other living relatives. So how can you people claim to be related to Him?" Aunt Petunia asked.

Kurama winsed slightly at the volume of the humans voice and replied to the question. "I assure you, Granddauther that I am related to him and unfortunately to you too." The Dursleys were stunned, this teenager, called Petunia his granddaughter, how proposterous.

"Now see here Child. How dare you speek like that to your elders?" Uncle Vernon said.

"Hold your tongue Human or I might forget myself and remove it." Kurama stated. Uncle Vernon turned white when Kurama's words finely sunk in.

Just as Harry was about to ask something a big black van pulled up to the house. The side door of the van opened up to show a balding man in a wheelchair. The man in the wheelchair floated out of the van and put out his hand to shake. "I am sorry it took so long to get here, my name is Charles Xavier, you must be Harry." the man said.

"Yes that is me. Is that floating thing one of your mutant abilities?" Harry asked.

"Yes, as I communicated to you earlier I am a telepath and a telekenetic. Which means I can talk mind to mind and lift things with my mind. I run a school in America for other mutants. I have a machine that helps me to find other mutants before they powers go out of control and as I said before You, Harry Potter, are a mutant." Xavier said.

"Hn, Fox, what is the human in the chair telling our great gandson?" Hiei asked.

"Well he says that our great grandson is a mutant. But that can not be right, can it?" Kurama said.

"I will check" a purple glow behind Hiei's bandana/ward chould be seen if you looked "Shit! he chould be. I just found out why he did not activate when he was suppost to. He has been Sealed the oldest are fourteen or fifteen years old and the youngest are two weeks old, all of them are done by the same person!" Hiei stated.

"Um... I am sorry but you might be mistaken. I have just found out that I may not be fully human and these 'mutant' abilitied that you say I have might be my nonhuman abilities"Harry said to Mr. Xavier.

"Um... Harry you might be a mutant to as well as your nonhuman abilities, since Hiei informed me that your nonhuman abilities were Sealed since you were about one year old." Kurama said. "Mr. Xavier how does your mutant finding machine work?" Kurama asked.

"Well Cerebro, that is what the machine is called, attaches to my head and increases my telepathic abilities so I can find possible mutants all over the world. Since I can not sense you three than you are not mutants. I take it you are the reason that he believes that he is a nonhuman?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, we have just found out that he is one of our decentants. We were asked to find out why he did not activate Two years ago when he was suppost to." Kurama stated.

"Well can you tell me what you are then?" asked Xavier.

"We are youkai, I am a kitsune. Hiei is a fire demon. And Urameshi is a war god. We are all very powerful youkai." Kurama said.

"Did you say demon. Am I part demon?" Harry asked.

"Well you are really four fifths demon. Your mother was a hanyou firefox the granddaughter of myself and Hiei. And your father is a hanyou warsethra. A sethra is a youkia that from the waist down is a snake and from the waist up a human female, pure sethras are always female.And Urameshi is your uncle becuase Raisen was your great grandfather and he is Raisen's heir." Kurama said.

"Uhm... Kurama why do they let you do all the talking?" Harry asked.

"Oh... they only speek Japanese. Iam the only one that speaks English so I am the one to talk to you." Krama said.

" Oh..OKay. You said that I am Sealed. What does that mean and can I be Unsealed?" Harry asked.

"Well that means that your powers have been locked away and from what Hiei said to me the Seals on your power have been reinforced only two weeks ago by the same person that put them on you in the first place. As for wether you can be Unsealed I will have to ask Hiei." Kurama stated.

As the words sunk in to Harry's mind. "Hiei, he wants to know if he can be Unsealed?" Kurama asked.

"I will have to look deeper then a surface scan and that might not be a good idea right now." Hiei replied. Harry just finished proccessing what he had heard and was getting angry.

"What! You said that the same person that Sealed me reinforced those Seals only two weeks ago. That means that Dumbledore has been keeping more that secrets from me. He has almost crippled me. That man does not deserve respect or trust. And you said is not was when you spoke of my father does that mean that he is alive?" Harry asked.

"We think so but are not certain if he still lives or if he knows about you. We do know that he was not in the spirit worlds book of recently deceased two weeks ago when we were told of you. Of course he chould know about you and feel that he can not tell you of the relationship. I do not know about this but I can not tell you who your real father is because it is forebidden." Kurama said.

"Well Harry it seems that you have a decision to make. Do you wish to leave this place? If so with who do you wish to leave with?" Xavier asked.

"Do I wish to leave this place? You have to ask that question of course I wish to leave this place, but who I do not know. I need the training that all of you can give me is there a way for me to train with all of you?" Harry asked.

"You can all come to America my school can accomidate the three of you." Xavier said.

"It seems that our decenent wishes to train both his youkia and mutant abilities at the same time. The human in the chair, his name is Charles Xavier, said we can go to his mutant school and train Harry at the same time that his mutant abilities are being trained." Kurama said to the other two.

"Sure" "Hn!" they both responded.

"We will go to America with you." Kurama said.

"Well lets get your stuff in the van and we will be under way." Xavier said.

"Uhm... I do not want to be a party pooper but how are we to get to America?" Kurama asked.

"We will be flying in the Blckbird a stelth jet that belongs to my school." Xavier said.

"Uhm... can we stop off at London first there is something that I need to do there?" Harry asked.

"Of course, Harry. We have to go though London to get to the Blackbird anyways. So we can stop off somewhere on the way if you need to." Xavier said. So they got Harry's trunk and climbed in to the van.

" Ok, Mr. Potter where to?" asked Xavier as he positioned himself behind the wheel of the van.

"Oh... uhm...Chairing Cross Road in London. Uhm... what do you know of me?" Harry asked.

"That you are a mutant." "That you are our decendent." Xavier and Kurama stated.

"Oook... uhm... I had better tell you now before we get there. I am a wizard, a very famous wizard at that because I survied the killing curse when I was alittle over a year old. And now I need to go to the wizarding bank to find out what else has been kept from me." Harry stated.

"You felt that you were not a mutant because you are part youkai but not because you are a wizard I do not understand you." Xavier said.

"K'so" Kurama spat.

"I do not know what Kurama just said but you will understand when we get to the wizarding bank Mr. Xavier." Harry said.

"Hn, fox it is not like you to swear. What is wrong?" Hiei asked.

"Harry is being taught human magic. This might complicate things a bit or make it easier for us to teach him but he is also famous in the wizards world we may have problems because of that" Kurama said.

"Well we will see. Can Hiei do the deep scan now while we are moving?" Yusuke asked.

"Yes, but Harry will have to lay down and I will need an hour uninterupted." Hiei said.

"Harry, Hiei can do the deep scan now but you are going to have to lay down and we will have to be quiet for an hour so Hiei can consentrate on you." Kurama said.

"Ok there is enough room back here" Harry said as he laid down. Hiei took off his ward and opened his Jagan eye and peered at Harry.

An hour latter

"K'so" Hiei shouted.

"Hiei What is wrong?" Kurama asked.

"That basterd that Sealed Harry locked the Seals to this land. The only way to remove them is to take Harry away from this land mass." Hiei said.

"Well that is ok then we are going to go to America." Yusuke said.

"The problem is that so much power is backed up in him the minute we leave English air space he will expode. He won't be injured but we will be killed instantly." Hiei stated.

"OH...SHIT" both Kurama and Yusuke said. Hiei put his ward back on as Harry was rousing.

"So can the Seals be removed?" Harry asked.

"Yes, but we have a problem. The Seals on you caused your power to back up which means that as soon as the Seals start to weaken your power will expode out of you. You will not be harmed but anybody near you will be killed instantly. This means we have to find a way to get you off this land mass and out of this air space without being near you at the time." Kurama stated.

"That might be more than a problem. If my godfather had not fallen though that veil in the DOM I might have asked him for help. Maybe... They said that the veil led to the after life but if does not then I might be able ot go though the veil, explode and find my godfather and bring him back." Harry said.

"Discribe this vail that you are talking about?" Kurama asked.

"Well it is made of stone and has a black shoud over the opening that seems to move in an invisible wind. Why do you ask?" Harry stated

"Because I think you might have something with your plan. If I am right that sounds like a portal to the Makai or demon world and is not attached to this land mass. How long ago did your godfather go though this veil?" Kurama asked.

"Well almost three weeks ago. Do you think he is still alive if he is then we can go to the DOM first so I can get him." Harry said.

"If he is and has been in the Makai that long then a few more hours won't make a difference but something that you find out at this wizarding bank might. So I think we should go there first and anyways we can ask Koenma if he is there and were that vail leads to he may know." Kurama stated.

"Hn. Fox what are you saying about the Makai and what has Harry so excited?" Hiei asked.

"Well it seems that the wizards might have a one way portal to the Makai in something called the DOM, what ever that is, and Harry's godfather went though it about three weeks ago. When I told Harry about what you found Harry thought that he could go though this portal, explode, which most likely will make the portal into a two way portal and find his godfather and we will be safely on this side of the portal." Kurama said

"Hn!" Hiei said.

"What was that about The Toddler any way?" Yusuke asked.

"Well we have to tell him what we found and he might know were that portal leads to and wether Harry's godfather is still alive or not." Kurama said.

"Ok I will contact The Toddler and find out." Yusuke said. Yuskue pulled out a compact from his pocket and opened it up. "Hey Toddler we found out why Harry did not activate when he was suppose to." Yusuke said in to the mirror.

"Well why ?" the voice from the mirror asked.

"It seems that someone put Seals on him and locked those Seals to this land mass so we have to get him away from here. The problem is that so much power has backed up in him that taking him away from Britian will cause him to explode killing everybody near him. We might have found away around that though. What do you know about a veil in a place called the DOM?" Yusuke asked.

"Well... that veil leads to a part of the Makai that is difficult to reach, we had to close it off about two thousand years ago. Why do you ask?" the mirror replied.

"Well Harry's godfather fell though that vail about three weeks ago and Harry is thinking about going though to retrive him. And he can safely explode well we are on this side of the veil." Yusuke answerd.

"That might work. If he has that much power he will very likely reopen the portal and that might cause some problems but we will have to deal with them latter. His godfather is Sirius Black and he is not in the book of the dead so he might still be alive in that part of the Makai." the mirror said.

"What was that about ?" Harry asked.

"Oh... that was Koenma he said that vail leads to a hard to reach part of the Makai and that your godfather is not in the book of the dead so he is most likely alive." Kurama said.

"YEAH..."Harry yelled.

"We are here. Where do you need me to park?" Xavier stated.

"Oh.. park where ever you can. We will have to walk from there." Harry said.

Next Chapter: Gringotts and the Will

For athenakitty who has a spelling mania and Malach who finds it easier to read proper paragraghs. I have redone this chapter and will redo the other chapers before I write chapter eight.

Please read and Review.