Disclaimer: See Prologue

Thank you all for your reviews! You guys are so awesome, despite the laziness of me- I'm afraid I don't want to take the time at this point to list you all. I love you all, though!

I'm finally finished. Thank you all for reading it...it's been great fun! I'm toying with the idea of posting a prequel about Hermione and Severus that follows its own plot rather than the plot of a movie...however this prequel would only be posted after I post my Hermione/Sirius story. So...read the Hermione/Sirius story while you wait!




Crystal and Severus walked hand-in-hand into Coyote Ugly with a Six-year-old Cody clinging to Severus' hand. It had been a long three years...encompassing Crystal's move back to London, the therapy that she'd needed, and countless concerts with the band, Devil's Spawn. Crystal, fearing the demons encompassing her flat without someone else living there other than Cody, had taken up Severus' offer to move in with him immediately. He had proposed the week before, and now they were back in America to hand-deliver the Coyotes' invitations. Crystal still felt quite fond of Tiff and her girls, and Severus was grudgingly accepting of anything and anything that made Crystal happy.

The first thing that she had grabbed upon returning to her flat to pack was her wand, and she'd carried it with her ever since...that being the only way that Severus would allow her into public without either Draco, Harry, Ron, or himself as an escort. She had even begun to wear robes again, so long as she had a sensible outfit- sensible being the kind that she'd been introduced to at Coyote Ugly- underneath. Right now, however, she and Severus had both abandoned their robes in the motel room in favor of sensible muggle clothes. Severus had reluctantly allowed himself to be talked into a pair of loose black jeans and tee. As they stepped into Coyote Ugly, the bar fell silent. Crystal's was a fairly well-known face in the muggle world as well as the wizarding world and she smirked, nodding to a few of the patrons that she recognized.

Tiff caught sight of her and vaulted the bar, followed shortly by Michelle and Amy. They gave her a quick hug and escorted her to the bar, giving Cody a rare glass of water and his parents each a mild beer. Michelle and Amy got quickly back to work after receiving their invitations, promising to do what they could. Tiff studied hers for a long time before nodding and putting it away, leaning over the counter and grasping Severus' chin, studying his face.

"Well...you don't look like much, but I suppose you'll work for our London." She said calmly. It was as if some line of tension went out of Michelle, Amy, and Ty that Crys and Sev hadn't noticed until then. They shared a smile and Crys turned her eyes down the bar where a new girl with brown hair and eyes was fumbling with the bottles of alcohol.

"Tiff! I don't think your new girl's gonna work out!" Michelle called out, looking up to share a secretive smile with Crystal.


As Harry, Draco, and Ron handed her over to Severus on her wedding day, Crystal couldn't stop the mile-wide smile that split her face. Cody had acted as the ring bearer, and he'd done so wonderfully. Harry and Draco had adopted a child, a four year old little girl that they'd named Lilian Narcissa, and she was the flower girl...and the light of her two daddies' lives. But none of this was on Crys's mind as she looked up into the eyes of the man she loved. No...only the knowledge that this wonderful man...this man of delights and horrors...of wonder and hatred...was to be hers and no other's. She barely registered the vows and her part in them...her eyes were only for the man standing before her.

And later that night, after they had cut the cake and danced with everyone that they were obliged to dance with...after they had opened all of their presents and written out who had sent what...after Cody had been whisked off with Anne for the duration of his parents' honeymoon and the happy couple had apparated away to the Bahamas...Severus began to worship the body of the goddess who loved him, and she returned the favor.

Just before they fell into the sea of love and lust surrounding them, Crystal drew back and whispered against his lips "Severus?

"Yes, Crystal?" He whispered, his member at her entrance...poised.

"Call me Hermione." She kissed him hard.