And I'm finally back from a break since…. Last August, when I was the queen of SoR fandom. Well I don't know about that, but anyway, I'm back! And here's my latest story, which I thought of immediately upon finishing reading Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception. If you think I'm dirty, nasty, and perverted, good for you. But if you do read this, please review! Leave constructive criticism; don't be afraid to say something. And I really want to know what you guys think of it…

Disclaimer: Eoin Colfer and other people own all rights to anything related to Artemis Fowl. Not me. If I did, I wouldn't just be sitting here writing fanfics because I would have put this in the book.

He missed her. It was as simple as that. So simple, yet so extraordinarily complicated. Artemis Fowl, now nineteen years old, was staring into his own eyes in a reflection in his bathroom mirror. He still had an hour before she contacted him via fairy communicator, so he figured he'd take a nice hot bath in the luxurious tub within his highly decorated bathroom. Artemis was still a resident of Fowl Manor, though not for much longer. He was consulting with some renowned architects and constructors to make a dream manor of his own on some property he bought with stolen money just a few minutes away from the current Fowl residence. After his last escapade with the LEP, he had decided to turn over a new leaf. Aside from a few operations (not nearly as dangerous as his previous escapades but just as illegal,) Artemis was trying very hard to lead a normal life. Or as normal as life could be for the latest in the Fowl dynasty.

Artemis had changed considerably in the last five years. Now he was a psychologist, and had progressed the field tremendously. All under aliases, of course, because he couldn't draw too much attention to himself if he was to keep his title of criminal mastermind. He had also grown into a man, his body finally catching up with his mind. Artemis held true to the promise he made to himself during the time he and Holly spent fighting for their lives in a replica of the Temple of Artemis, which was festering with homicidal trolls. He vowed to get into better shape, because his easy fatigue nearly got him and Holly killed.

With Butler, his massive Eurasian bodyguard and best friend, this was a fairly attainable goal. Butler taught Artemis the routine necessary for a physically fit body. Artemis was obviously the kind of person who never accepted failure at anything, so here he was with a muscular, but not too muscular physique. Of course, he still had jet-black hair (which he grew to be about eye length and slightly shaggy,) penetrating ice-blue eyes, and the charm and sophisticated wit to match. And who could forget his famous vampire smile?

Yes, he had it all, he thought, as he removed his robe and sunk into the much needed, steaming hot bath. The teen slid completely under the water, and opened his eyes to see the world above him. An air bubble escaped his lips and floated toward the surface. Toward his perfect world with the deepest imperfection.

Artemis Fowl, who had never cared about or respected for anyone but himself, save Butler when he reached his teens, had somewhat slowly opened his heart. For five years, he waited with bated breath for her to contact him every other Thursday night at eight o' clock sharp. It was the one thing he looked forward to. Hearing her voice, and seeing those beautiful hazel eyes.

Holly needed him, more than anything. Artemis was part of the motivation that kept her going. The young elf was absolutely sick and tired of Commander Sool and his tyrannical ways. Well, Haven hadn't exactly fallen to tyranny, but in Holly's opinion, it was on a cart speeding in that direction. Her private detective business was going fairly well, for an independent female. Of course, she still had Mulch working with her, which proved to be rather useful although occasionally illegal. Holly and Mulch's business was named Root Enterprises: We'll Get Down to the Root of Your Problem. Cheesy, she knew, but Holly felt she had to honor her late commander and surrogate father figure.

Holly, still at work, glanced at the clock. She still had an hour before she was scheduled to call Artemis.

"Mulch," she called to the dwarf.

"What is it, Holly? In need of my gastric services?"

She grimaced. "Sorry, not at the moment, Mulch. I think I'm going to just leave now…close up as soon as you're done doing that research." The pair had been trying to figure out a tough case which involved liberal amounts of dwarf rock polish and Commander Sool's home. Not that they were trying hard.

"Got it," said Mulch, eyeing up a gold statuette Holly had won for a novel she wrote about her experiences in the LEP.

Holly gathered her belongings and raced out the door, letting it slam behind her. Mulch continued staring wistfully at the gold begging to be hawked, but before he even had time to think about how to make a cheap replica, Holly popped her head back in again. "Don't even think about my award, Mulch, for the hundredth time!"

She exited the premises once more, laughing to herself at the dwarf grumbling as she left. Holly's laughter stopped short though, as she recalled the time Mulch had stolen Academy Awards. Under a normal situation, this would have been quite comical. But now, one of the only fairies she could kid about that with was gone. Julius Root. She hated Opal for taking Julius from her. He was the most important person in her life. After she was kicked out of her house, he became the closest thing to family Holly had. It was thanks to him that she remained in the LEP after so many problems, some of which involved a certain Irish genius. Artemis. The Mud Boy, scratch that, Mud Man, who had outwitted her numerous times. They started out enemies, but over the years, they'd warmed up to each other. As Holly briskly walked to her small home, she couldn't help but realize that if Opal hadn't tried to get revenge, Root would still be alive, but Artemis would likely still be mind wiped. So she almost had Opal to thank for reuniting her with the person she lo-. No. Holly shook her head at her own childishness. Artemis was one of her greatest and most trusted friends, nothing more.

Artemis, it turned out, had fallen asleep in the bathtub. The water was kept heated, and the soft sounds of the water lapping at the sides of the tub had lulled him to sleep. He was startled awake by a very familiar tune coming from his bedroom. Blinking, trying to get re-oriented, Artemis yawned before the sound registered. Suddenly he leaped out of the tub, whisked a towel from a shelf and threw it around his waist, and picked up his communicator just before Holly was about to give up on the man with the vampire smile.

"Holly," Artemis said coolly. "How have you been?"

She smiled up at him. "Not so bad. And yourself?"

"Fine," he replied, after a moment's hesitation, and the smug look in his eyes faltered.

Holly looked at him quizzically. He couldn't help but notice how she'd changed in the past five years. While she would never grow any taller, she had certainly let her hair do some growing. Before, it was in short spikes, but she'd grown the auburn waves out to a short bob. She was wearing a typical work outfit for her, a white t-shirt and navy pants. Much different than her recon uniform, but it seemed to suit her just as well. Holly now carried herself with more pride and self-confidence than ever before. He noticed, as always, that her eyes remained unchanged. They were still that beautiful hazel color he admired so deeply. Such deep pools, full of so much pain and joy behind them at the same time. What Artemis didn't notice though, was that he was the reason there was joy in her eyes. The pair caught up with each other for an hour or so, before Holly was interrupted.

"Oh, Artemis, hold on, I've got another call," she explained, putting him on the fairy communicator equivalent of hold. She was gone from the screen, a screensaver type thing of an acorn surrounded in gnommish reading 'Holly will be right back.'

He wondered who it could be, as no one had ever interrupted one of their calls before. Impatiently, Artemis hurried into a pair of black boxers and a black t-shirt (he had loosened up slightly in the past few years) before Holly got back. He sat for a full five minutes after getting dressed before Holly returned.

"What took so long, Holly?" he demanded.

She was slightly breathless. "Artemis, Foaly had to tell me about a new invention of his."

Despite being irritated at his time with Holly being cut into, he was intrigued whenever one of Foaly's inventions came up.

"What is it this time?"

"You'll never believe this. Artemis, it is a complex process which can change a fairy to a Mud Man…or vice versa," she added slowly.

Artemis nodded slowly. "Continue."

"Well," she said, "the subject would need to go on these supplements for three days, then their body will be ready for the transformation. They'd then step into this machine Foaly programs which completely restructures DNA."

"That centaur never fails to impress me. And that takes a lot, if you haven't noticed."

Holly smirked. "Oh Artemis, I bet I impress you," she said, batting her eyelashes coyly.

Artemis was confused for a moment. Was this considered flirting? Well they were just friends, so it surely wouldn't mean anything, even if he did have feelings for-. No. He definitely didn't. But what harm could a little fun do?

"You know it, Holly," he purred, before winking at her.

They both looked at each other for another moment before they simultaneously burst out laughing, unable to conceal their amusement any longer.

"Goodnight Artemis," she said, smiling.

He returned the smile, but his was more vampire-like. "Goodnight Holly."

I really hope everyone liked it! Please review!