Here's another crossover idea I had. I think this one will be unique, though.

June 25, 1999:

Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were pacing the office nervously. It was the first time they had heard of their friend for almost two years and both were worried that he would hate them.

After they graduated from Hogwarts, many things changed. For starters, Ron was now the DADA professor and Hermione taught potions after Severus Snape retired. Unfortunately, after Harry had destroyed Voldemort, he fled, not making contact with anyone in the magical world, as far as they knew.

"So what will he be like?" asked Ron. "Will he ever forgive us?"

"Harry can hold a grudge, but he's a forgiving person." said Hermione. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see us."

"How can he be happy to see me?" replied Ron. "I blamed him when Dad was killed. I hexed him in front of everyone, and said he was no better than V…Voldemort. How could he forgive me?"

"Ron, I'm sure Harry understands that you were striking out of grief. After all, he did that plenty of times himself during our 6th year, if you'll remember."

Their minds wandered back to their 6th year, probably the worst time of their lives. Harry was a ticking time bomb, and to tell the truth, who could blame him? Fudge and Umbridge still made his life miserable, and he was dragged to hearing several times. Very few people stood beside him that year, save them, Ginny, and Neville. The last one was a huge surprise. He hexed anyone who slandered Harry. Unfortunately, he was nearly expelled when Snape fired a few exceptional insults.

That year, he was in his glory. Snape taunted Harry about his godfather every chance he got, and when Remus Lupin was killed, he got even worse. Ron came very close to hexing Snape himself, and when he looked back, he was surprised that he didn't.

The only good thing about that year was that Dumbledore had started giving Harry private lessons. He had learned a lot, and by the time 6th year was over, he was able to beat Snape in a duel, to his fury.

There was a knock on the door, and Hermione eagerly answered it. It was the Harry Potter she once knew. He was almost as tall as Ron and had developed a lot of muscle. His hair was still black and he had the lightning-bolt scar on his forehead. However, his eyes seemed different, like a light green instead of the dark green they were when he was a student. He smirked and hugged Hermione tightly.

"It's great to see you again, Hermione." said Harry. "You and Ron married yet?"

"No, we're not married yet." said Hermione. "Mr. I'm afraid to talk to cute girls hasn't proposed yet."

"Hey, I'm getting there!" said Ron. "Just give me some time."

"Sorry, Hermione, you'll have to wait about 10 years for marriage." said Harry. "Well, you decided to marry a slowpoke."

Ron looked offended, so Harry quickly apologized. They talked about their days at Hogwarts while walking outside to the grounds. However, things were soon going to be far from peaceful.

Meanwhile, in Dumbledore's Siren, a magical scan detected around a dozen dark artifacts. A closer scan revealed that they were designed to destroy the anti-apparition wards. He turned on a siren which warned of danger, much like an air raid siren in Britain during WWII.

The students began evacuating into their dorms, the older students ready to fight if need be. Unfortunately, they weren't the ones in danger.

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione heard the siren, they rose their wands, prepared. Ron and Hermione retreated, but Harry stood his grounds. The bombs went off, destroying the anti-apparition wards.

"Avada Kedavra!" said Harry, firing the killing curse… right at Ron and Hermione. They rose their wands, but they were too late. He disarmed both of them and put the Cruciatus on Ron, relishing in his screams.

Dumbledore apprated onto the grounds, firing a spell at Harry. However, he easily blocked the stunner. Harry ran into the forbidden forest, daring Dumbledore to follow him, wanting to fight him one-on-one

Right as Harry got to the middle of the forest, Dumbledore appeared, cautiously going forward.

"It's not too late, Harry." said Dumbledore. "You don't have to go down this path. I can help you if you let me."

"It's too late for that, Dumbledore." Snarled Harry. "You had your chance 18 years ago, when Voldemort killed my parents. You left me with relatives that beat and neglected me without a second thought! And once I arrived at school, I was accused of being the Heir of Slytherin, spreading lies to gain attention. You didn't care at all and now you're going to pay."

He prepared to fire another killing curse, but Dumbledore interrupted with a lightning blast. Harry screamed in pain and anger and their duel begun. Unfortunately, Harry had the advantage of being faster and stronger then Dumbledore. That and he would not hesitate to use fatal curses.

Dumbledore sighed as he dodged a bone-breaker. This was the second time his failure had stared him in the face. How could he have let this happen again? He fired a massive lumos spell, hoping to blind him, but Harry simply countered with an exploding curse and he barely put up a shield in time.

Harry launched knives of fire at Dumbledore with his bare hands, but he easily destroyed them with a burst of water. Dumbledore launched tree branches at Harry, hoping to distract him, but it was simple for Harry to send them back, a few hitting Dumbledore. He fired a decapitation spell, but Dumbledore managed to dodge enough to save his life.

As the battle went on, they fought on even terms, despite the battle being in Harry's favor. They dueled, and Dumbledore realized that if he did not use dark curses, he would die. He reluctantly fired a killing curse, but it did not have the will to make it fatal. However, it was enough to make Harry scream in pain.

"Why do you do this Harry?" asked Dumbledore, still trying to pull him away from the dark. "It's not too late."

"Shut up, old fool." replied Harry, firing a muscle-shattering spell, knocking Dumbledore's leg out of commission. Before he could finish him off, Dumbledore fired lightning out of his right hand, knocking him back while he repaired his leg. He just barely made it in time.

"You leave me no choice, Harry." said Dumbledore, and starting fighting fiercely, pushing Harry back. However, he still hesitated to destroy him, which gave Harry the chance to recover. He launched fire ropes out of his wand, but Dumbledore wrapped them around Harry, and then quickly disarmed him before Harry could recover.

"I wish it could be otherwise, Harry, but I must take you into custody." said Dumbledore, pocketing Harry's wand. He then fired a stunner, knocking Harry out.

Or so he thought. Harry fired a wave of magical energy, freeing himself, and summoned his wand to him. Dumbledore then took out the sword of Gryiffindor, ready for combat. Harry simply smirked and took out a green staff, trapping Dumbledore in 8 green circles.

"So both of us brought the Founder's weapons." said Harry. "May I present to you the Staff of Slytherin."

Their battle began once more, sword to staff. Dumbledore used his wand to counter the staff's magical blasts, while going on the offensive with his sword.

"Serpsentosia!" screamed Harry, and at least a dozen King Cobras attacked Dumbledore, but he destroyed them with an exploding spell. He returned fire with a powerful beam of energy, followed by a powerful spheres. A few made contact with Harry, but he pushed the pain down and liquefied a few of Dumbledore's bones.

After about 15 minutes, both more many scars from the battle, but Dumbledore was eventually overcoming Harry's power. Soon, Harry was on his knees, trying to stay alive.

"So it's come down to this." said Dumbledore. "The Mentor must destroy the student."

"There's still one trick I have." said Harry, and then disappeared. Dumbledore sighed, panting heavily. About 10 aurors were rushing to the scene, but Harry was already gone. And a new war was about to begin.

Several hours later, Dumbledore called a staff meeting to discuss the issue. However, before it even began, Trelawney began to speak in a rough, nasal voice. "The second Dark Lord will rise from the ashes of the first, and only the one who walks both worlds will be able to stop him. He is hated by the people, by his community, but will still stand up. He will twice defy the Dark Lord, before the final battle, when the fate of the magical world will be decided. "

"Well, that's a great help." said Ron. "There has to be thousands of half-breeds, no offense, so who the hell is this bat talking about?"

"I hypothesize that the person, or other entity in question, shall be extremely rare, perhaps even one of a kind." said Dumbledore. "We may find the person mentioned in the most unlikely of places."

Years had gone by and Harry had risen with at least 300 followers. They went around, slaughtering muggles, and anyone who opposed him. Unlike Voldemort, Harry was not into the pure-blood mania, and offered an escape to oppressed creatures, such as werewolves and vampires. Britain, as well as the rest of Europe was in an emergency state, the Order of the Phoenix desperately trying to find the one mentioned in the prophecy.

As for Hogwarts, the students were sharply divided. About 1/3 of the students supported Harry and his campaign, fed up with prejudice in the magical world. Surprisingly, Slytherin and Gryiffindor had reached a sort of truce, since few members in their house had sympathies towards Harry Potter.

However, not all the news was good. There was a group of about 70 students, called Potter's Youth. Harry found it very amusing to imitate Hitler, and the group constantly fought with supporters of the Ministry and Dumbledore. Students rarely died, but there were always people being sent to the hospital wing. They had to have 4 matrons instead of one because of it. Dumbledore tried to keep order, but to no avail, hoping the chosen one would show up soon.

He sighed over a recent death, a 4th year pureblood girl. The only reason he did not expel the group is that he could not prove they were involved, and for now, he could keep them away from Harry. He sighed, truly feeling his age.

Potter Fortress:

"So that is the prophecy." said Harry, sitting on his dark throne with his followers around him. "You have done an excellent job, Smith. You may go back into the circle."

"My lord, do you know who the chosen one is yet?" asked a Shadow (What Harry's servants were named), then winced, expecting to be tortured.

"I do not know, but neither does that old fool, else he would begin his training and reveal himself to the Wizarding World." said Harry. "Perhaps I can get around the Prophecy and convince him to join me. With him at our side, nothing can stop us. The only thing I am sure if is that he is extremely rare, not someone like a werewolf, or half-giant. No, no, I am quite sure he is more powerful than an ordinary wizard."

"But Nothing to you, My Lord." said a new recruit who had just come out of Potter's Youth.

"All you're doing is kissing up, Higgs, but I'll accept the compliment." said Harry. "I've looked all over Britain and have found no half-breed that could possibly be mentioned in the prophecy. Flint, where do you suggest I look?"

"Per-perhaps America, My lord." said Flint. "They are known for having powerful Elf/Human hybrids."

But everyone was wrong. The savior was not even a wizard. He was an "ordinary" resident in a city called Amity Park.