Title: Through Hate Comes Love

Disclaimer: If I can't even afford to pay my apartment rent for the next month, how do you expect to find Randy Orton with me? In other words, I am working my ass off and writing stories for you guys because I have no life and I do not, let me repeat, DO NOT own Randy, John, Amy, Trish or whoever I use in these anecdotes for my own amusement and pleasure because I am a sick fuck who likes to torture other people. I do however own my copy of the BEST BOOK EVER, Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt – but I don't own his story or him either.

Author's Note: Alright, here is the extra part that was supposed to be with the last chapter. I decided to split the chapter into two chapters, as you can see last chapter was a filler page to express Trish's stress in a amusing funny way, if I do say so myself.

Chapter 7: Let the Games Begin

Randy let out a roar of frustration. He was so bored. John was with Amy all the time. If Randy were actually speaking to someone, there would be an obvious emphasis on "all the time". Randy couldn't laugh because there was no one to joke around with. He couldn't play because John wasn't there to play games with. Randy wasn't one to admit he needed things, but he needed John. What he needed more than John was sex. He was probably more sex deprived than the cricket that was screaming his hideous, ear deafening, mating song outside Trish's window.

Randy ran his fingers through his wet hair as he walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. Randy found some boxers and black sweatpants and then threw on his 'Cardinals' jersey before going over to the mirror to fix his hair. Randy started to think about Trish and whether or not she was going to show up to the party. He was hoping John would show up without Amy. He had nothing against the obstinate redhead, but she was keeping his boy away and Randy hated to be bored.

Trish removed her earplugs and looked around. For once she was filled with delight, no sounds of crickets and no sounds of her best friend having sex with a clumsy ditz. Trish got up from her bed and knocked on Amy's door. No one replied even after the fourth knock so Trish turned the knob and peeked in. There they were, cute and cuddled in bed in each other's arms, fast asleep. Trish decided she would have her fun so she jumped on the bed and turned on the stereo which was on top of the bookshelf, after she put in on full blast, she squeezed in between John and Amy and smiled, knowing this was gonna be great.

John and Amy both shot out of bed screaming and holding their ears while Trish giggled. John got up, naked and all and turned off the stereo and then looked over at Amy and Trish, rubbing his head.

"Ow." John stated. Trish looked down below John's waist and giggled. John looked down and then looked from Amy to Trish. His normal goofy look changed to a goofy smile filled with pride. "He's big, isn't he?" John asked.

Trish rolled her eyes and looked at Amy. "Oh yeah, yeah definitely, and he's real cute and pink too." Trish tried to suppress her fit of giggles but failed as Amy joined her giggling.

"He is cute, isn't he?" John said smiling. Amy rolled her eyes and told John to stop posing because he could much rather be snuggling with her.

"Hey guys, your going to the party right?" Trish asked.

"What party?" John and Amy replied in unison as they went back underneath the covers.

"Hunter's party, the one at school? You know… the party Stephanie had to get her parents to leave town for…" Trish slowed down.

"Oh right, that party." John stated. "Yeah we're going."

"Okay good, because if I had to be there with those sluts and manwhores all by myself, somebody was going to die and it was either gonna be me or one of them." Trish hissed.

"Oh don't worry, I'll keep you company." Amy replied as she snuggled closer to John.

"Can you guys stop hugging each other…? It looks weird…" Trish said as she pretended to barf.

"I think you're just sexually deprived…" John said.

"If you don't shut your filthy little mouth I'll get your girlfriend to sexually deprive you!" Trish jeered. "On that note, do you even know what deprive means?"

"Uh…" John started as he looked around. John then turned his head to Amy and whispered in her ear, "What does deprive mean?" Amy and Trish rolled their eyes. Trish walked to the door and looked back.

"I'm going to get ready and head to the party, I'll see you there." Trish said as she walked out. Trish went back to her own room and looked through some clothes. She looked through a number of outfits before choosing a black skirt with a baby tee that was slightly torn down from the center, exposing some extra cleavage. Trish pulled on her stiletto-like boots and grabbed her purse before heading out the door. She started walking towards the school when the infamous black Corvette pulled up beside her and the infamous grin making his arrogance evident.

"Hey Trish, wanna ride?" Randy asked with a smirk.

"No thanks." Trish simply replied.

"Come on, I'll even let you drive. You can ride me all night." Randy growled with a wink. Trish just kept walking. "I'm kidding… come on, just get in."

"I'm fine walking." Trish said.

"Last chance, get in the car and I'll drive us there." Randy offered.

"I said no thanks." Trish repeated. Randy just looked at her before driving the car a little further so it was at the same pace she was going beside her.

"Why not?" Randy asked.

"I'm fine walking." Trish said. "You should go on ahead, everyone's probably waiting for you, you're the heart of the party after all."

"You're right… you sure you don't want a ride?" Randy asked.

"I'm sure." Trish said as Randy zoomed off.

Trish walked a couple more blocks and arrived at the party, but now she was contemplating whether to go or not. Trish looked at the door and then turned her head to see a couple girls in similar tight outfits walking towards the back entrance. "Probably strippers." Trish muttered to herself as she entered.

Everyone was dancing and having a great time when Trish walked in. It would have been her kind of party, but she was alone and she didn't even know if she wanted to have company. Trish thought she liked being alone, but watching others made her contemplate whether or not it was what she wanted. Randy saw Trish enter; he had his eyes on the door to see when she would enter the gym, where the party was taking place. He wouldn't let her know, but he was going to keep his eye on her. Trish watched everyone party and decided that she should leave. There was no point in standing around and not having fun. She'd rather be lying down on her bed and reading Angela's Ashes. Trish turned around to go when someone walked up to her. Trish didn't recognize the person.

"Care to dance?" The person asked.

"Not really… my mommy always told me not to talk to strangers." Trish said with a slight smirk.

"Well let me introduce myself then. The name's Johnny Nitro." Johnny introduced.

"That's wonderful, and my name is none of your business." Trish said as she walked to the door but she didn't get far with his hand grabbing her arm.

"Come on Trish, it's a party and you dressed up to get here, lets dance, one dance." Nitro pleaded.

"How do you know who I am…?" Trish asked.

"Dance with me and I'll tell you." Nitro smirked. Trish eventually agreed to dance. Randy smirked and watched them. He couldn't let her leave. Not yet.

End of Chapter

Okay so this was another filler but I will have a decent update up ASAP! Leave reviews as usual.