Sara Sidle woke to the sound of her alarm clock beeping loudly. She looked at the clock and reluctantly rose from bed, looking around her empty room. Her bed was large and it seemed to her that it was too big for just one person. She found herself once again thinking of her supervisor, Gil Grissom for it seemed the millionth time that week. She didn't understand why he couldn't take a moment to see what was so blatantly staring him straight in the face. She had loved him for what seemed forever and she wanted nothing more than to hit him over the head with a microscope just to make him see that she was there. Waiting. Sara grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. She divested herself of her standard sleepwear, boxers and a t-shirt, and stepped into the steaming shower.

As she stood under the scalding water she turned her face upward and let the water cascade down over her skin. Suddenly she thought of the conversation she had had with Grissom the night before and began to cry.

The Day Before:

" Hey Gris, can we talk?"

"Sure Sara just let me finish this report really quick. How'd your case go tonight?"

"We solved it. it turns out it was the boyfriend. He found Ms. Baker cheating on him with his best friend and he went crazy. I don't understand how people can get to the point where they can kill."

"It's not our job to understand Sara. We just-"

"-Follow the evidence. I know." She said with a gap-toothed grin.

Grissom returned her smile as he finished his report. He put it away and then looked back up to where she was standing.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" he asked her.

" I was actually wondering if you wanted to get breakfast after shift ends? You get off when I do right?"

Grissom looked awkwardly at the floor before he looked back up to her with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry Sara but Sophia and I already made plans to go out after the shift."

Looking hurt Sara replied, "Okay. Maybe some other time."

" Sara are you okay?"

The concern in Grissom's voice made her sick to her stomach. She wished that he could just be cruel and not turn into the man she loved after he had shot her down.

"No Grissom. I'm not okay. I'm so tired of you leading me along and then just when I start to think that maybe there is something between us, you go and tell me that you're going out with Sophia! I'm tired of it Grissom and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

"Sara I-"

"No! No more! I'm not a puppet you can yank around! I'm so tired of it. From now on we're colleagues and nothing more. When you decide what you want, then we'll talk. Good bye."

She had walked out of Grissom's office without so much as a backward glance. She didn't have to see his face to know that there was a look of confusion etched into his handsome features.

Sara turned off the water in the shower and stepped out to dry herself off. She got dressed and blow dried her hair before going to the kitchen to make some dinner. She opened her refrigerator and pulled out some left over Chinese food from the night before. She sniffed it before deeming it okay to eat and popped it in the microwave. Just as she hit the start button there was a knock at the door.