"Mokuba's Ideas"

Disclaimer: I do not own YU-GI-OH!

Review Responses:

To Alliance THE: I'm so glad that you're loving this! You mean there are actually other spoofs to Milkshake involving Duel Monsters? I knew there were others (like this disturbing video I saw of a fat naked woman dancing to the song in my e-mail -shiver-), but not right to Duel Monsters! Do you still know the links? As for plot, this fic really doesn't have one! It is just random comedy! Yugi and co. do have a bigger part here as well! And oh yes, lets just say Kaiba Corp. won't be standing for too long with Seto and Mokuba as the pillars! Thanks for the review! P.S. – I recommend the manga greatly! I even explain a small piece at the end of this fic.

To cherry-star-aus: Glad you think so! Hope this chapter id bloody funny too, heh heh! Thanks for the review!

To InsaneShadowFan: I'm happy if you're happy! Enjoy! Thanks for the review!

To InsaneShadowFan: Yes, this is scary, even for me, the author! But I'm not sure that I'll do something THAT drastic again though! Thanks for the review!

To Scarab Dynasty: Oh yes! Mokuba will keep having ideas! More and more and more and more! You just can't stop the kid! And yeah, I too was disturbed by how well the words of that song worked! FREAKY! And I'm stressing that word! Ahh, (hugs Scarab's muse back). So cute! No, the Doom Phantom isn't a duel monsters card, it is a very powerful villain on a show known a Sailor Moon, one of my favorites! He is so powerful that to destroy him they need 2 silver crystals (the most powerful item in the world, one from the present, another came to them from the future) plus the power of the main character's friends. Now 'm just rambling, so I'll let you go. Thanks for the review!

To Mirrored-Insanity: Oh my! I don't want to e bugged! Insanity! So here is the next chapter! Please have mercy! Thanks for the review!

To Sour Schuyler: That was exactly how I imagined it! Kaiba dancing on his desk! All too funny! I had also liked what I did with the butler as well! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review!

To Sami Ryou's Hikari: YES! I was also laughing extremely hard at those adds! I also liked the first ne too: "It's a diet coke with lime thing" but thought the other one would be funnier for this fic. Did that song get stuck in your head as well? APOCALYPSE! NOOOOOOO! Must stop Kaiba from sing and dancing! But it is too funny to stop! NOOOOO! LOL! Thanks for the review!

To Fan of Fan Fic: You were crying from laughter! That really does make my day! Now I feel all special! Thanks for the review!

Chapter 3:

Sleep Over!

A limo pulled up to the Kaiba mansion and instantly slammed on brakes when the driver saw some kids and almost hit them. Angered the driver stuck his head out the window and saw none other than Yugi, Joey and Tea.

"Hey, watch it you kids!" the driver shouted out the window. "You KNOW you can't afford to pay for this if you damage it!"

"Apparently you can't either," responded Yugi. "I don't see you sitting in the back seat!"

"Why you little—"

"Enough," came Seto Kaiba's voice as he stepped out of the car.

"Kaiba, you mean you actually left your mansion! I'm surprised you'd show your face in public after that…'commercial'," Yugi insulted and everyone started to laugh, including the limo driver, who quickly shut up after seeing Kaiba glare at him.

"Let me show you what I do to people like you," Kaiba said.

"No! Wait, I'm sorry sir! NOOOOOOOOOO!" the driver screamed.

Kaiba pressed a button on his watch and suddenly rocket launchers on the driver's seat started up and the roof of the car opened up and the seat and driver went flying off into the air.

"CURSE YOU SETO!" the driver shouted as he flew off into the distance.

"Now, why are you geeks at my house?" Kaiba asked.

Yugi and his friends all sweat-dropped. 'Talk about over-reacting.'

"Well—" Yugi started but was cut off.

"I invited them, Seto," Mokuba finished.

Seto spun around so fast everyone could feel the wind blowing from his movement. "WHAT! Mokuba, explain yourself, THIS INSTANT!" Kaiba demanded.

"Well, I asked them if they wanted to spend the weekend in my place and they said yes."

"Mokuba, you know—"

Mokuba held up a hand in his older brother's face. "You are not the only one who lives here and I'll invite whoever I want and you can't stop me." With that said Mokuba snapped his fingers and walked off with Yugi, Joey and Tea close behind.

For a very long time Kaiba stood in the same spot with his mouth hanging wide open.

Later that night…

Mokuba, Yugi, Tea and Joey were all in one room about to go to sleep.

"Hey Mokuba, you said that all your maids and butlers had the day off, so who cooked that dinner we had?" Tea asked.

"Yeah, you got a point," Joey followed up.

Mokuba put on a thinking look. "To tell you the truth, I don't know either."

"How odd," Yugi said.

"Well, I guess it doesn't really matter," Joey said, " 'cause dinner was great!"


"W-what was that?" Yugi asked.

"I-I don't know," Mokuba answered.


"You guys, did Kaiba seem really mad with us?" Tea asked.

"You don't think that he'd kill us, do you?" Joe asked. Everyone single person in the room turned around and looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Do we need to remind you of Death-T?" Tea asked.


"If that really is Kaiba then we must go and face him!" Yugi declared and everyone agreed.

Slowly the four kids walked down the hallway and followed the sound of the chopping until they reached a door.

"Okay, this is it," Yugi said. "YUGIOHHHHHHHH!" Yami appeared in the placed where Yugi once stood and threw open the door. "Kaiba! I shall now allow you to—"

Fora second every single person paused and stared at the sight in front of them: Kaiba wore a pink "kiss-the-cook" apron along with a hair net and was CHOPPING vegetables with a knife.

"BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THE GREAT AND MIGHTY SETO KAIBA, REDUCED TO THE KITCHEN WENCH! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Joey shouted through fits of laughter as he rolled around on the floor and held his stomach.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Kaiba shouted as he struggled to try and violently stab at Joey with the knife,Yugi Tea and Mokuba barely holding him back.

"Control yourself brother!" Mokuba said.

After the finally got Seto to calm down Yugi pulled out a camera and took a picture of Kaiba. 'Wonder what people will think when they see this on the internet?'

I just couldn't help myself! HA! Though this idea isn't 100 percent original (it came from the manga Demon Diary vol.3) how could I resist humiliating Seto in such a way! It's just was too funny!

Death-T refers to YU-GI-OH! In it's truest form. Seto Kaiba was beaten by Yami and was then trapped in an illusion known as a Penalty Game where he was killed and eaten by ravenous monsters by Yami. Kaiba wanted revenge, thus he created a plan know as Death-T so he could defeat and kill Yugi in front of an audience. Of course, he lost and suffered a second penalty game, the Mind Crush. This is for all the people who don't know about the real version of YU-GI-OH! MUCH better than the chopped up one over here. ('Bout time he beat Dartz's sorry ass though.)

The next chapter should prove interesting, trust me! And Pegasus makes his appearance! Yayyy!