This is a story of three Bhaalspawn (the Candlekeep Bhaalspawn and two originals) taking place during BG1. Some of the canon characters you can expect to see are Imoen (ok, maybe it's a story of four Bhaalspawn), Kivan, Ajantis and, to a lesser extent, Branwen, Jaheira, and Khalid with a brief cameo by Shar-Teel. There is also an extensive caste of original characters you will meet if you haven't already hit your back button.

please read and review, any and all feedback is appreciated (even negative feedback is appreciated as long as it is constructive)

Kyner's Charge

"In what ways do you believe the taint could manifest itself?" Kyner asked. The old warrior's brow was a maze of lines and the remnant of his long grey hair cascaded from a bald pate. Though Gorion was several years older than Kyner, his years had given him a more patrician bearing than they had the old warrior. Cackling flames from the fireplace beside the table intensified Gorion's silence.

Gorion toked on his pipe before responding, "I was hoping we could do at least a little small talk before cutting to the heart of the matter." Gorion spoke calmly, as if they had only met to discuss the weather.

Would that I had Gorion's temperament, Kyner thought.

Gorion spoke after another uncomfortable silence, "Something has obviously precipitated your question, old friend. out with it."

"It's about Ciara," Kyner began haltingly, "I'm very worried. She has grown so disparately."

"So has Saunder," returned Gorion, "he has shown an affinity for channeling divine power and chosen to become a paladin of Tyr. Ormud, the priest of Oghma dwelling at Candlekeep, has already taught Saunder how to establish his connection with the divine and I have called upon an old friend, I believe you remember Khalid, to teach him how to wield a sword. The Watchers can only teach the boy so much."

Gorion sighed and continued, "I have digressed from your question, of course. You must keep in mind that we hardly chose Keep Noatun and Candlekeep to raise these children so that they could be among other children. We chose these places because they are safe and isolated."

"It's more than that," said Kyner, drawing an unsteady breath, "Ciara, she paints things, impulsively, images of demons that I've never seen or heard of before, and landscapes, dreadful images of hells I don't want to imagine exist."

Gorion dropped his smile. "Do you know why?"

Kyner shook his head, "I don't know. But, it frightens me. So far I've managed to keep her from showing those paintings to anyone else in the keep. The lords of Noatun would certainly cast us out if they were ever seen. I don't know how long I can keep it that way though. Could it be," Kyner had to open his fears to Gorion, "could it be that His blood is awakening in her?"

"Saunder has shown no such signs," Gorion said, his eyes showed that new worries were coming to him, "When did she start these paintings?"

"Only within the past five years," Kyner said, "I'm at a loss as to what I should do about it."

"Don't try to stop it," Gorion said, "repression of any kind may make the taint restless and that is the last thing we want," said Gorion. "We need to consolidate. I have heard rumors of other Bhaalspawn," Gorion grimaced as he said the word, "coming to power. I do not think our wards can be hidden for much longer."

"Other Bhaalspawn?" asked Kyner, alarmed.

"Yes," said Gorion, "the Temple of Bhaal that we assailed was hardly the only one. Similar incidents at other temples set free many others who were meant to be sacrificed. Some of them dreadfully powerful: fire giants, dragons and others."

Kyner was silent, contemplating the implications of what he had just heard.

"You must prepare your ward to leave Keep Noatun," said Gorion, "can she defend herself?"

"I've trained her myself," said Kyner.

"Good," replied Gorion, then before Kyner could speak, "they both have much to learn; regardless of however much we think we may have taught them. I must leave Candlekeep. The situation in Baldur's Gate is growing tense and things are far worse in Tethyr. Hmm . . . "

The fact that Gorion had to think hard for a safe place to go to gave Kyner more cause for worry. "Meet me at Scornubel as soon as you are able. Be careful, and make sure you are well-armed on the road." Gorion stood up and made to leave the private dining room.

"It will be like old times again won't it Gorion?" asked Kyner, and his face seemed to light up.

"It will," said Gorion, "except we're now much older and the stakes are higher." Gorion replied as he left, laughing heartily.