A/N:Hey ppl I finally got my crippled ass to the basement to write a second chapter-- So here it is I hope you all enjoy it.

cal:Thank you sooooo much for EEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYYTTTTHHHHHIIIIINNNNNGGGGG! You have been so great with the birthday wish, extremely long reviews, get well wishes and author alerts-- cal you ROCK. And I'm glad that I've been the first one to make you hate our favorite pirate lass. Oh please tell me where you found the pictures at I would really love to know--

And thanks to everone else who has reviewed to Original Sin and any of my other fics. (Sorry dotn have time for too many personal notes.

For some reason he woke up to find a mysterious dark figure looming over him. He was oblivious to fear sitting up to feel a knife to his throat.

"Don't try to resist us Jack. The crew has been informed of our actions," came a deep voice. "Your crew is in no shape to help you so don't bother with them. And your First-Mate-"

"What 'ave you done with Ana?"

"Don't worry Jack," came her voice from the door. She held a lantern in her hand, walking towards the captain. "I'm right here." Something was wrong he now knew.

"What's going on Ana?" he asked afraid and confused. Ana shook her head. His head ran through all the probable possibilities. It wasn't a mutiny was it? He had before been positive that Anamaria would never mutiny against him. He didn't think she could or even would conspire against him. Barbossa was one who looked suspicious and before he hadn't thought Ana had that same look and now he looked up at her face seeing the smirk and the amusement in her eyes. She was even more dangerous than Barbossa he could tell now, he may have been blinded and deceived before by her beauty and apparent innocence but it came a bit too late for him.

"You're leading a mutiny against me Ana? Never thought a lady of such merit as your self would lead a band of men of such- bloody idiots as the buggers you got here in your said mutiny.

"Oh Jack," she said with a laugh shaking her head. "You never cease to amaze me. You know that right? You're laughing and you don't even know what we have planned for you." He wasn't worried when he thought they were only planning a mutiny. He figured he would be stranded on an island and he could easily find a way to start a fire and someone would come to his aid. Now at the moment he had precisely no idea what to expect.

"So there's not going to be a mutiny?"

Ana looked at him with a smile- but it was fooling. "Of course there isn't going to be a mutiny. Because I would be compelled to come back for you. And I couldn't possibly do that because of the incredibly huge bounty on your head. I could about damned buy Isla de Muerta with all the loot on you Sparrow. And I'll get it all just by putting a pistol to your chest." Jack looked at her in horror and disbelief. "I'm sorry I have to do this Jack but… I need my ship and I need my loot.