AN: Thank you so much to the people who have messaged me and asked me to finish this story even though it's been forever since I posted anything. I promise I will try to finish the story. I think this time I really will :)

Chapter 17

"And Just where were you two last night?" Eleanor asked as Olivia made a bee line for the coffee,

"Oh, we just stayed locked up in our room." Elliot grinned. "How was Kenny?"

"Horrible!" Eleanor laughed. "You made a wise choice."

"That's what we thought."

Elanor looked over at Olivia and frowned. Even for someone who had yet to have their morning coffee, she looked frazzled. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh fine. You know Liv, she's not herself until she has a cup of coffee." Elliot lowered hi voice. "Plus, I think she is starting to miss Boston, Spring is coming, and with Spring comes the garden and that is such a treat for her. I think it takes her mind off all the strollers that suddenly pop up in the neigbourhood."

Eleanor nodded. "Yes, of course, I will have a talk with her."

"Oh, excuse me." Elliot said as his cell phone chirped. "i need to take this. I've been expecting a call from my business partner."

Elanor nooded and walked over to Olivia. "Elliot was just telling me about your garden."

"He was." Olivia said forcing herself to shallow her coffee. She prayed Elanor wouldn't ask her any questions about gardening, she knew nothing about the topic. "Well, it is Spring."

"Perfect weather to take a baby out in a stroller too. Elliot told me that's why you garden."

"Did he?"

"Oh. Please don't be angry at him. Have you thought about what we spoke about yesterday?"

"All night." Olive nodded. "I would like to go over the details when you have the time, I think it will be the best route for us in the long run."

"I think so too," Eleanor smiled. "I'm glad you agree."

"Tha was Don." Elliot said approaching the two women. "I thought he could handle things while we were gone, but it looks like I need to go back to Boston."

"For how long?" Olivia asked doing her best to sound disappointed.

"I won't know until I get there. From the sound of things it could take weeks to clean up this mess."

"Well, I should go with you then." Olivia sighed. "When do you have to leave?"

"First thing in the morning. I hate to skip out on breakfast, but I have about a dozen calls I need to make." Elliot kissed Olivia gently on the cheek. "I'm sorry honey."

Elliot left Olivia alone with Eleanor hoping she had taken the bait.

"Okay, okay." Eleanor said as she started to pace. "It'll be fast, but we can do this. We can make this happen."

"Make what happen?" Olivia asked playing dumb.

Eleanor grabbed Olvia's hands and squeezed gently. "A baby of course. I can't let you leave without one."

"Hell of a parting gift." Olivia thought. She crinkled her nose and looked at Eleanor. "But I leave tomorrow. Adoption takes months."

"Not private adoption. Let's go to my office."


"So all Elliot and I have to do is pay 50 000 and we'll be parents?"

"Simple as that." Eleanor nodded. "And I know what you're thinking, but the money is for all the lawyers fees and the birth mother's medical costs. That's what I can make this happen so fast."

"Lawyer fees. So this is legal? No one will try to take me baby?"

"You're going to be a wonderful mother Olivia." Eleanor smiled not answering the question. "i think we should get the ladies together and go shopping."


"For the baby of course. I know a wonderful place. We can get the basics. And when we get back the paperwork will be all set."

"Where, um, I mean. The baby. How do you get a baby so fast?"

"People have babies every day Olivia." Eleanor smiled. "Our lawyers have contacts all over America."

"This is all happening so fast. I have to go talk to Elliot. He'll be so happy."

"Of course. Go speak to Eliot. I'll set up the paper work and money transfer. And then, we shop."


"She took the bait?" Eliot asked when Olivia walked into their room smiling.

"Drop line and sinker. She's getting the paperwork ready as we speak. We sign on the dotted line, hand over 50 grand and walk out with a baby."

"Munch and Fin are waiting outside with our warents."

Olivia went to the closet and retrieved her badge and gun. "I'm ready when you are."