I Will Carry You

Chapter I - Move On

By: KaKaVegeGurl


Welcome back everyone!

Join me in here, with the showing of 'I Will Carry You'. The Sequel to "Brand New Love".

I hope you're ready for it!



"Why... Why won't you-you l-leave me aloooone..."

Goku looked over at Vegeta and frowned, "Hmm..."

Four nights in a row... I've known for some time that this would happen; his past would eventually come back to haunt him, I just wish he would come out and tell me. I know he had problems with this before, admitting it to me, I mean... Plenty of times before; and he had had a problem with it in the beginning. Only now it seemed that Vegeta was going to be a lot harder to get to.

Vegeta sat up quickly, sweat droplets coating his body, he felt cold, and yet so cold, and yet so hot at the same time, he could feel his heart pumping loudly against his inner walls, ready to burst forth from within.

He winced as he felt the salty tears burning his eyes, reaching an unsteady hand up to clear them from his sight.

The bed shifted as Goku woke from his sleep, due to the sound of Vegeta's sobs. The young warrior sat up quickly, now wide awake.


The Prince felt his face burn red with embarrassment, he couldn't believe he had been caught at such a vulnerable time, "What do you want Kakarrot?"

Goku smiled weakly in the dark as he reached over and turned on the light, "What's wrong?" He asked in a concerned tone.

Vegeta shifted nervously, "N-Nothing, Kakarrot, just go back to sleep."

"Vegeta." Goku moved to sit in front of the smaller Saiyan, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Vegeta said quickly, "I just had a-"

"Bad dream?" Goku stared at Vegeta, then; leaning over, pulled the Prince into a chaste kiss, when he finally broke it he stared deep into Vegeta's eyes, "We've been through this a million times, tell me? You know you can."

Vegeta turned away, "I told you it was nothing, it's nothing, don't worry about it Kakarrot."

Goku sighed softly, "And you say that every time, but Vegeta... Is it really nothing? I don't think it is."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, Kakarrot." Vegeta started, staring Goku dead in the eyes, "Let's just go back to bed."

"Fine... But I will get it out of you sooner or later." Goku laid back down, pulling the covers just over his waist.

Vegeta stared down at Goku, "I know you will, and I don't think you'll like what you find." He then leaned down and kissed Goku passionately on the lips.

Before reaching up to turn out the light, Goku kissed back with just as much emotion put into it.

"Sleep better?" Goku finally turned off the light and then moved, pulling Vegeta against him so that they could sleep much more comfortably.

"Night Kakarrot."

"Night." Goku kissed Vegeta once more before finally drifting off again.

Very short, eh? Yeah, but there will be more, promise! Please review!
