This is a fanfic I've wanted to write for a long time, if anyone's interested, read it and let me know what you think. This takes place right around the episode "Legend of the Negamoon" (I was exposed to dub, so you may not recognize the title; it's the one when Prince Diamond and Sailor Moon first meet, but a little different). As the story goes along, the plot will be clearer.

Hope you like. It's not much right now, but I will write more later.

Sweet Desire

Chapter 1: Failed Attempt

Thunder rumbled from a distance, and along with it came lightning, flashing across the sky for a split second. The dark, thick gray clouds covered the entire sky, with no moonlight for comfort. Heavy drops of rain came pouring down, sliding against the glass of the window, tapping and tapping. Lightning flashed again and the earth shook from the vibration of the thunder clouds. The lightning made shadows enormous in the corners of the room, creating monsters with sharp teeth and claws.

A whimper whispered in the night. Someone was trembling in their bed, their body totally covered by the warmth of her blankets. Her body shook as each thunder crashed and lightning crossed the skies with its mighty and dangerous light. The noises coming from the storm boomed against the walls of the room and the constant pours of the rain gave more to her headache.

Her heavy eyes opened at last, but slowly, as if straining. Cerulean blue eyes glittered as lights from the storm flashed from somewhere. Her head kept spinning inside and she couldn't exactly put thoughts together inside her mind. Spots of color were the only thing she could see, along with the depths of the black darkness; if that made any sense. She felt blind and hopeless as she tried to raise herself up.

But her arms felt like nothing and she almost slipped, but she kept trying. Her arms felt like they didn't have any muscles left, shaking abruptly as she forced her body up, her back slid up against the wall. Her back scratched against something wooden and it stung her a little.

Serena's clear blue eyes blinked a couple of times, but still she couldn't see, only darkness and spots of color as lights flashed from her side, softening her features and her fair pink skin. Strands of moonbeam hair fell to her eyes, a sensation she didn't expect and she jumped when something shook beneath in a rumbling flow like Indian drums.

Her mind still couldn't focus and she can't remember anything; only shadows, a mist, and a feeling that she couldn't feel. It didn't make sense to her at all, but that was the only thing she remembered.

She was breathing heavily, her heart pounding and pounding against her small bosom. Her face turned pale as sweat beaded down her forehead. Her hand touched her cold face and touched her eyes, but still she couldn't see clearly. Thunder roared from somewhere and she gasped. Her eyes turned white and small with fear.

Now she remembered one fact: she didn't like thunderstorms. But there had to be another reason why she felt so edgy. But she couldn't put it into view. She rubbed her temples, pressure building up inside her head. Her eyes looked up to nowhere in particular as more light flashed from over her head. She looked up confused over the high windows, too far to reach as the rain poured down from outside.

Serena shivered a little, finally realizing that the blanket had fallen onto her lap. She glanced down to notice that she was wearing a white dress. The material was so thin and it revealed her curses perfectly. It was low cut, but not too low. Golden jewels and diamonds hung against her breast in a semicircle. Glitter from more diamonds was wrapped barely around her shoulders. Puffy sleeves were further down her arms, revealing more of her upper body. Clear pink wings were on her back, the back of the dress was also low cut. It went down close to her waist.

Although the dress felt silky to the touch, she felt rather uncomfortable with it. She didn't remember putting it on and why would she sleep with this gown, she wouldn't know. The girl looked around the room, small with no holes to crawl out of. She started to breathe harshly. She felt like a prisoner. There were no doors or windows to reach out to and leave.

Serena panted a little as she struggled out of bed. She moved the blankets aside and swung her legs around slowly, her long hair by her sides as pigtails. But then her head started spinning again and she felt lightheaded; dizzy. She leaned back against the bed, her hand rubbing her forehead. She groaned softly in pain and in frustration as well.

"W-Why am I so weak?" Serena finally said, her arms straining to help her stand. Slowly, her mind was coming back to her. Memories performed for her like her dad's home videos. But she still couldn't remember why she felt this way or why she was in this unfamiliar place. Where are her friends? Where's Darien? Where's Rini? Where's— Serena gasped, "My locket! Where is it?"

Her hand felt around the bed. She looked under the blanket and sighed in relief. She quickly took it in her hands and held it close to her face for comfort and its power.
It was a circular object bright in golden with a pink star. Each edge of the star had a colored gem; each different from the next: red, blue, green, and orange. And in the center of this star was a golden crescent moon as gold as her hair.

She held it in her hands when suddenly she felt a presence lingering somewhere inside this room. Serena looked around the room without tilting her head. Her blue eyes looked around the room like a hawk, sharp like a predator, focusing on where the prey may be hiding.

Her eyes looked to the side, where Roman columns were aliened and noticed a dark figure leaning calmly against one of them, with arms that crossed his chest. Snowy white hair fell to deep indigo eyes, almost as dark as the night sky. But they seemed stern and icy cold. His stare alone made her body cold and frozen like a statue.

He curled a smile across his pale face, his face half hidden by the shadows. Lightning struck from the window top and thunder drum rolled outside, shaking the ground beneath them. He moved away from the column and started walking toward her.

Serena forced herself to sit up and her back pressed against the wall. There she felt even more trapped and weak. She looked at the person as he approached the lit candles that glowed dimly over their heads. Her eyes widened when she saw the dark crescent symbol on his forehead and those jingling earrings of black crystal in his ears.

"W-Who are you?" Serena's lips quivered in fear, although she tried to make herself sound strong. But she couldn't and suddenly she felt tired.

The young man smiled at her. Yes, he was young and in a strange way handsome. But as he smiled at her, he seemed dark and seductive. His eyes watched her carefully, observing her and her body. She flushed, nervous and uncomfortable with his stare.

"Funny…" He started saying, which caught her attention. "People who have absorbed so much dark energy into their bodies would have been unconscious for days, for months even, maybe forever. But not you, no…you are different. After all, you are Sailor Moon."

"Who are you?" Serena spoke again, but softly, almost like a whisper. The young man smiled at her again, his eyes never left hers. "My name is Prince Diamond of the Dark Moon Clan." His eyes looked deceitful with the smile he placed then and Serena felt frightened by that smile.

"And I've been waiting a long time to meet you, Sailor Moon. No, that doesn't seem right, especially of your grace and status. But Neo-Queen Serenity sounds too formal. Perhaps, I can just call you Serena." He said and suddenly he disappeared from sight.

Serena gasped and looked all around for him. "Where did he go?" She spoke out. Her voice boomed against the walls and came back to her. Serena started to panic and her heart crushed her ribs, her lungs pumping with the air she was sucking in. She slowly swung her legs over the bed and was finally able to stand. The skirt of her white dress fell to her ankles as she slowly looked around in the darkness.

Thunder echoed softly from outside, vibrating the walls and a glimmer of light came from the thunderbolts that beamed in between the clouds. Serena jumped a little and her skin rose into goose bumps. A cold breeze flew by and she rubbed her hands against her icy cold arms.

There was nothing at the corner, so she turned around. But his figure stood in front of her and lightning flashed, frightening her even more. She gasped and was pushed against the wall, holding onto her locket tightly, her mind trying to think of a way to escape.

Prince Diamond came close to her, taking advantage of the situation. Serena looked at him with defiance and held her locket tightly. She shut her eyes and devoted her energy to the crystal. "Moon Crystal Power!" A bright glow from her crystal engulfed them both, but he didn't fret. Serena felt the warmth of power running through her and a satisfied smile crossed her face.

But as her crystal started to activate, something foreign, stronger came and it sucked all of her warmth away. Everything good faded away and was drained off of her. Pain built inside of Serena, like someone had stabbed her hard in the stomach and was turning the sword to make sure she was dead. Serena turned pale and she gasped for air.

Her head felt dizzy and her head fell back against the wall hard. Her muscles felt weak and her hand dropped the locket to the ground. "W-What happened?" She looked up, her eyes unclearly. Diamond looked fuzzy in white and purple. He leaned in closer to her, close enough to kiss her. She was too weak and out of focus to do anything.

"The Dark Crystal feeds on to the power of your Silver Crystal. The harder you try to use your crystal here, especially so close to the core, the weaker you will be." "T-The D-Dark Crystal?" Serena repeated slowly. She blinked and panted heavily, dots popping into view. Prince Diamond smiled at her. "In time, you will learn all the secrets of the crystal. But enough of that…"

Prince Diamond moved closer to her, his breath steaming on her skin and her heartbeat came faster and faster. Serena leaned against the wall as he came so awfully close. His presence was strong. "Why don't we get to know to each other a little better?" He said and reached out a hand toward her.

Serena snapped out of the trance and slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me!" She said between each breath she took.

Prince Diamond just smiled at her as she narrowed her eyes in anger. It was the same look she had given her. Those same beautiful, sapphire eyes; they literally took his breath away. And now those eyes will stare at him and him alone forever and no one can stop him. "On the contrary my queen, I can be quite…persuasive."

A bright light flashed from his forehead as the once black crescent moon turned and transformed into a yellow third eye. Serena gasped as everything around her lost its focus. A mystical mist floated around them and made the walls pink. She was forced to breath in the vapor and it made her sick and at the same time made her paralyzed.

Prince Diamond reached out his hands and held her face. She was so small and fragile, and yet so magnificent and beautiful in his eyes. He raised her face as she couldn't look anywhere else but his eyes. Her sparkling blue eyes were deep under his spell, her lips partly opened. Dark energy was flowing through her, making her fall into the trance, totally under his control and command. He didn't notice the tears that formed in her eyes.

She looked so fair and enchanting, her long hair as golden as the sun. And her eyes were the skies in the midday, her skin fair and sweet as peaches, her lips as pink as the roses from the gardens he had dreamt of seeing for so long.

Serena's cerulean blue eyes had lost their beauty as they slowly dilated and her eyes were deep blue, spellbound. She couldn't breathe properly, close her eyes to the slightest, or smell the sweat that was beating down her cheeks. Subconsciously, she felt his hands gliding down her body, making her shiver with a bitter cold feeling soul deep. His hands grasped at her sides and slid down slowly, goosebumps rose from her skin.

Diamond wrapped an arm around her petite waist and pressed her against his masculine body. The mist grew thicker and it fumed inside of her, letting her grow numb. Testing his authority, Diamond's fingers crawled up her sides, his cold eyes looking down at her blank face. He rubbed her bare shoulders, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. His hands guided down her arms and then back to her waist. Serena didn't do anything but continue to stare into the magical third eye.

Satisfied, Diamond's hands started moving up her back, touching the fine hairs in between his fingers. One hand tenderly touched the back of her neck and dug into her hair while the other held her tightly, pressing her hard against him.

Strands of her golden hair fell to her deep blue eyes, bringing his hand back to her face. He carefully brushed her hair aside and caressed her cheek, fingers brushing around her forehead and tapping to her lips, teasing her and filling his heart with desire and lust.

Her head leaned back, her eyes deep, still frozen to the third eye as if it was the only thing that existed. It exposed more of her broad shoulders and her chest, satisfying his crave. His long fingers traced over her neck and slid down to the crystals on her chest. He made the crystals jingled like bells. He felt her chest moving up and down within every breath she took, deep and her heart raced as he moved his hand up her chest, tickling her skin with delight.

Serena couldn't move or blink her eyes even. Her eyes watered and tears slid down her cheeks. She wanted to hurt this man for kidnapping her away from her friends. She didn't want this man to do this to her.

"Stop…please stop…" She pleaded. But he didn't listen. "No, I won't stop, Serenity. I've waited for too long for this moment and I won't let you out of my sight again." He whispered in her ear, as a solemn oath. The third eye's power grew strong, making Serena even more vulnerable.

Serena whimpered softly, but her eyes, although deep within the trance, tried to resist. "Tell me…" She spoke before he reached to her face. "Why is our planet so important to you? What do you want?"

Prince Diamond just stared at her, with that same cold smile on his face. His eyes beamed as his lips came to her cheek and they moved so softly around her ear as he spoke, tickling her and making her shiver. "I want you." He simply replied.

She couldn't move as his lips brushed against her skin, teasing her before he reached to her lips. But before they met, he screamed and something red flashed in front of her eyes. The third eye vanished and everything disappeared right at that instant.

Serena blinked a couple of times, her eyes no longer heavy and dilated to Prince Diamond's control. She looked at Diamond. He moved away from her, tending to his cheek. A prickle of blood slid down his cheek and dropped to his fingers. Serena saw the thin cut, but it seemed a lot more painful to him. She looked over her shoulder and noticed something that her heart quickened with delight.

A single red rose was pinned on the ground, fully bloomed with bright green leaves. A single beautiful petal of that rose gracefully fell to the ground by its side. There was only one person who would make such an aim with a rose as lovely as that. She looked over her shoulder and her mouth opened to a smile.

"Tuxedo Mask!"

Prince Diamond looked up with his icy cold blue eyes and his teethed grinded against each other with anger as he glared at the dark figure standing beside the broken windows. A masked figure stood beside windows, glass shined at his feet. A long, flowing red cape swung beside his body. He wore a solid black tuxedo and white undershirt and tie. A black top hat was worn over his messy black haired head.

Tuxedo Mask looked down as a long black cane appeared by his side and he gripped it tightly with his gloved hands. "You're using force and mind control to get what you want? You're disgusting. The only way you can get what you want is being true. And you, sir, aren't being honest."

Prince Diamond growled and stepped forward, pushing Serena behind him.

"You made a big mistake in coming here." He growled under his breath.
"I only came here to bring someone back to her loved ones."
"She belongs to me now! And there's nothing you can do about it!"

Prince Diamond's black crescent mark shined brightly as it changed into the third eye and the third eye's pupil dilated with magic. A storm of dark energy thickened inside the room, blackening out the candles. Serena jumped a little as everything turned dark. She looked up as a swarm of dark energy shot out toward Tuxedo Mask, like a dragon exhaling a fiery blaze.


Tuxedo Mask gasped and with quick reflexes, wrapped his long cape around himself as a shield as the dark black energy came around him, trying to feed on his warmth and whatever strength he had. He groaned as his arms grew weaker and his sapphire eyes became heavy.

Prince Diamond chuckled at his struggle and walked forward, forcing the third eye to torture Tuxedo Mask more.

Serena watched in honor as Prince Diamond lifted himself off of the ground and he floated high toward the ceiling like a bird, with his hands by his waist and his third eye glowing. Tuxedo Mask looked up weakly from his cape as Prince Diamond came in front of him with a cold and evil grin and dangerous eyes.

"You will no longer be needed in her life." He said lowly, as deep as a lion's roar. He didn't shout out or burst into anger, but instead looked at him as if he was a lowlife and not worth living. Inside his mind was swarming of many ideas and strategies in killing this man, this Earthling who has taken away his chance to claim Serenity's heart. Although he was still unknown about his future, he hated him. He hated this 'Darien' with a passion that swirled inside his heart and tormented his mind with images of him and his Serenity.

Tuxedo Mask panted heavily, feeling his lungs being crushed against his ribs and his breath was short and dry. Sweat drops beaded down his forehead and dripped down his cheeks and chin as this man looked at him with pitiless eyes and uncaring heart.

He had taken Serena away from him. He would have saved her, but this man's magic had put him down and he was too occupied in saving Rini at that moment. He felt stupid in not protecting her when many times he had promised her he would. Many times he had almost lost her. He won't intend to let it happen again.

Tuxedo Mask groaned as he tried to stand, not letting his guard down. He concentrated his mind to force his legs to rise and his hand to stop shaking with the coldness that ran through him. He gripped his cape tightly, ready for battle. He looked up, his white mask shining and there was a glimpse of his bright and beautiful blue eyes, staring at Prince Diamond with defiance and determination.

Prince Diamond looked at him and laughed at his foolish pride. His third eye dilated again, bringing out more power and dark energy around Tuxedo Mask. "You cannot win!" He shouted. The thick clouds of dark energy swirled around Tuxedo Mask, making him body tighten and his lungs pull in molecules too much to bear. He coughed harshly, wishing for some oxygen and clean air.

His determination and pride failed him as he fell on his knees, dropping the cane at his side as he wrapped his arms around his stomach. He couldn't stop coughing and he felt like barfing. His top hat fell in front of him, carried away from the storm of energy swarming around him, stealing his strength and life away in the hands of Prince Diamond.

Serena watched from below with horror as she saw her beloved losing his strength. He didn't have much left. "Darien!" She cried out his name, trying to reassure him to stand. "Darien! Please don't get up!" She cried, tears glittering down her cerulean eyes. "Darien!"

Tuxedo Mask shifted his eyes and looked down at the room, seeing Serena's angelic figure looking straight at him. His ears were clogged and he couldn't hear anything except mumbling and the whooshing of the wind blowing around his face and into his ears. His eyes watered and his throat felt dry, unable to bring words to his tongue.

Serena looked up at the scene as Prince Diamond pulled out more energy from his third eye. She could feel the thickness of the air growing and even for her, it was harder to breathe and she felt sweaty and sticky with this thin dress on. The wind howled and blew around her with Prince Diamond's power. Static electricity pricked her skin and made her shiver with goose bumps and the hairs stick out straight from her arms and neck.

Darien heard Serena's voice again, "Darien! Hang on, Darien!" Serena's screams filled his ears and he wanted to respond to her cry, but he kept coughing and soon red liquid dropped to his palm with blood. Serena…He thought softly, with her voice still ringing in his ear. His body was too weak now and he fell forward, tumbling down from the wall.

Serena's eyes widened as Tuxedo Mask fell down motionlessly to the ground with a loud thumb. Tears stung her eyes.


With enough strength, she ran to him and cuddled him in her arms, with his head resting against her chest. She held him for as long as she could, tears streaming down her cheeks and into his hair. "Darien, Darien…" She whispered. "Please open your eyes."

In response, Darien moaned, his body shaking uncontrollably. Serena wrapped her arms around him tightly, trying to keep him warm. She felt his coughs against her, dripping blood down her skirt and this pained her heart even more. She sobbed silently as she felt static electricity prickle her skin and raise her hairs straight up.

She looked up timidly as Prince Diamond came down from midair, with his arms fully charged, as if ready to fire again at Darien, surely for the final blast. His eyes shined with his hate as he raised his arm up and prepare to fire.

"STOP!" A voice shrieked out and everything at that moment froze in its place. No rain was pouring down outside and the candles suddenly dimmed, darkening everything around her, except for his white face.

Prince Diamond looked down at her with his mixed, angry face. But when he saw her, his whole body couldn't move. Strands of her golden hair laid flat against her sweaty, wet face, dried with tears and from screaming. Her lips and cheeks were awfully pale and she was shivering from the dead, cold breeze that came from the yonder window. Her eyes, he saw, were so sad and filled with hurt, bitter pain, sympathy, for Darien.

"Please…" She whispered to him in plea. "Please…don't kill him. I beg of you. If any part of you i-is human." Her voice started cracking, her throat clogged with salvia and she swallowed it hard as she tried to form words back to her lips. She looked at Prince Diamond, still weak, but also with determination. "I will stay…"

"What did you say?" Prince Diamond widened his eyes in shock, he was so sure that he didn't hear her words right. But she said them again.

"I will stay here with you, but please…please let him live. Take him back to Crystal Tokyo. I will remain here in place of his life. I-I-I surrender to you."

Serena's eyes cracked with crystalline tears as she bowed her head to him with moral respects. Prince Diamond saw the tears come down and touch the tiled floor.

Prince Diamond couldn't move, but only stare at her for a long time. Time had seemed to stop at that moment, with only her soft sobs as sound and her face in his eyes. She kept her head down, afraid to look at him. Her back came forward, so wrinkled from her normal posture. She held the young Darien in her arms still, trying to stop his bleeding, hoping to keep him for a little longer.

'She's sacrificing herself…to me?'

Prince Diamond without speaking, placed his arms down and looked at Serena softly. He blinked his eyes for a second and the soft glow of his third eye came and took over the room, shutting all light from the candles. He aimed his eye to Darien as his own, fragile body started to glow in pink. Serena looked up with shocked eyes as Darien slowly started to fade from her arms.

"Darien…" She whimpered as she tried to grab him, but he disintegrated from the reach of her fingers and all that was left was sparks of white light and stars. For that, she started whimpering, sobbing, cracking with tears. She wrapped her arms around herself and leaned low to the ground, her hair falling in front of her face.

Prince Diamond watched as she sobbed with sorrow and pain. He would want to reach out to her and try to comfort her, but he restrained himself from doing so and instead, disappeared from sight and left Serena alone, leaving her to cry these painful tears.

Her sobs echoed around this empty, dark room. And over the broken window, the pale blue moon was covered by dark clouds and the rains started coming back again, as if nature was crying with her.