Disclaimer: I do not own Detective School Q.(Hmmm… I wonder if it's for sale on EBay)

But I own half of Sayuri (Hinasaki is swiped from FF1 because of my lack of Japanese surnames) Thanks a lot, rhapsodizing riyoko for helping me... if i get any credit for this, it's all yours... i'll take the insults...and oh this fic will be written in everyones POV so it might even be the killers POV or the victims before they die... there will definetely be Ryuu's POV. and Hayato is the magician guy fron class A (for those who don't know; i didn't even know this...) he's the only one who looks young enough to go undercover from the class A boys (this is the correction of the scrpt i wrote before, since i freaked out and uploaded it all without thinking)

Title: chapter 1 – the secret keeper oO;

Sayuri's POV

Class was noisy as usual, and it wasn't hard to imagine that last week a girl from our class died unexpectedly. But everyone was still in high spirits. That's partly because our teacher Mrs. Kinaki was late. Also she doesn't mind us making noise, on the contrary she wouldn't mind if everyone was standing on their desks singing, 'Fere ghontei' (some french song that is annoying, i can't even spell it). Only I was quiet, you see that girl who died, she was my best friend and I wasn't going to forget her so easily.

Mrs. Kinaki came in late, looking slightly stressed. Everyone quieted down for a minute, then returning to what they were doing before.

"Attention Class…" she said wheezing a little "it appears we'll be having two exchange students in our class today…" there was a pause "come in both of you"

Automatically everyone's eyes darted towards the door. I looked up from my notebook doodles (several sketches of angels flying/… FriENDs to the ENDs).

Two teenagers walked in, one boy one girl. The boy was lean with blue hair and dark eyes; wearing a dark shirt and grey slacks. The girl had short dark hair, dark eyes, she wore a long sleeved shirt with a navy colored vest and skirt.

"Hello my name is Ryuu Amakusa…" the boy said simply, it seemed enough, as his eyes scanned the classroom I heard several girls sigh. When his eyes turned to me I found myself blushing completely. I turned away quickly, towards Miki, only Miki was blushing too, with a totally dreamy expression on her face.

"My name is Yukihira Sakurako" the girl smiled very confidently. After the introductions were over Mrs. Kinaki turned to the board leaving the new students to find their seats.

I opened my notebook to doodle some more.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?"

I flinched, found myself staring at the new girl – Yuki.

"Yeah… sure" I managed to mumble trying to smile but I couldn't, tears threatened to fall again, but I held them back. I wondered if she knew she was sitting in Amika's place.

"Thanks" the girl smiled "my name's Yukihira Sakurako, what's yours?" she held out her hand to me. I tried to ignore her hand.

"S-Sayuri Hinasaki" I bowed my head respectfully and then faced the board, pretended to be very interested in the equation Mrs. Kinaki wrote on the board.

Yuki's POV

What is wrong that girl? I thought furiously glaring at the brown-haired scrawny looking girl at the lunch line. I had tried all sorts of things to reach her but nothing was letting through to her thick skull, I had even tried being annoyingly nice. But she refused to talk to me. I was really starting to hate her now. Like would it kill her to talk to another human being, so far she had not spoken to anyone else in the last three hours. Honestly how can that girl live?

"You look unhappy" a familiar voice sniggered close to my ear.

I took a deep tolerating breath and faced him "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be…"

"I finished already, thought I'd see how you've been doing" Hayato Shiramine smiled "So how are you doing?" he followed my gaze and stared over to Sayuri "that's the girl isn't it?"

"That girl is a real pain in the ass" I said simply "It's like she's scared of human contact. She doesn't even have any friends; it seems her only friend was that Amika. No one else knows anything about her or Amika for that matter. I've been trying to get her to talk to me but she's like a scared rabbit"

"Maybe she's just mourning?"

"No it's something else, she's hiding something. I wanna know what it is but the problem is that the girl is scared so easily. You can't even talk louder then a whisper, if you do she'd jump and crash into something" I sighed "I wish I had Meg's job"

"Sorry to disappoint but you don't have a photographic memory" he smiled again "that girl's so good that she's pointing out dust particles on my shirt"

I sneered "you like her don't you?"

His grin widened "so what? At least Meg is nice unlike someone I know"

"What's that supposed to mean?" my voice grew threatening "are you telling me that I'm not…"

"That's what I'm talking about, loosen up will ya" his answer surprised me.

"wha.." I shook myself mentally, what's with him? I thought staring at him. I wanted to ask him why he was sprouting opinions all of the sudden but Ryuu came just then. Hayato left suddenly.

"Yuki" as always his eyes were questioning "have you spoken to that girl yet?"

"I'm trying to…" I explained "she keeps pushing me away"

"Perhaps we can ask Kyu to talk to her or Meg?" his voice was soft and gentle not to offend me, but I couldn't help feeling frustrated, it wasn't his tone, or anything. It wasn't him, I was frustrated with myself.

"No, I'll do it. It's my job anyway" I sighed hating Ryuu for bringing that up. I knew I couldn't do it… yet but I didn't need anyone's help. I can do it.

"Alright" he said quietly "but we have to be quick before anything else happens"

"Fine…" I said walking away from him. Maybe he was right? Kyu can easily befriend anyone, he had that trait, and Meg was… nice? But I had to do it… this case had so many leads that class A & class Q had combined forces to solve this one. Though we had to work together I did not want to lose to class Q…

"Hi Sayuri" I greeted her when I reached her. She was sitting under the shade of a tree, eating or rather choking on a sandwich…

Sayuri jumped when she heard my voice, then nodded timidly. She then turned her attention towards the sandwich she was holding.

"I'm sorry… am I disturbing you?" I tried to be as un-provoking as possible "I – um don't know anyone here, so I was wondering if I could eat with you? If you don't mind that is"

The girl looked up at me with her deep violet eyes, stared for a moment…

"Sure" she did a bad job at smiling, and made her face into some sort of a grimace.

"Thanks" I sat down beside her on the grass. I slowly counted to ten and opened my lunch bag (again) very slowly… took a bit and chewed waiting for her to talk to me…

Sayuri didn't speak; she didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Are you alright?" I asked suddenly, I didn't plan to ask, it just popped up.

"I'm fine, thank you" she tried to smile again, this time it was a little better then the last time.

"Sooo, how come you don't have any friends?" I blurted out.

Sayuri's face crumpled up, she looked as if she was going to cry…

"I'm sorry" another thing I didn't mean to say "I didn't mean like that… please

don't cry"

"I have a friend, at least I used to have one" her voice shook a little. She bit her lip but a tear rolled down her face.

"What do you mean? What happened" I knew what she was talking bout but she had to tell me herself.

"The-re wa-s a gi-girl –Sniff- sh-e used to sit nex-t to me –sniff- her name was- her name -was Amika… she died last Monday…" she broke down into heavy tears.

Sayuri tried to wipe her tears but her hands shook so much that she abandoned that attempt and bowed her head so I couldn't see her crying.

"What happened to her? Do you know anything?"

"She - was murdered!" she sobbed still facing the ground "an-and w-hat's worst is t-hat I k-knew tha-t she was going to die"

"What?" I exclaimed "what do you mean you knew?"

It was no use, she was crying too hard, her small body rocked to and from as she tried to stop herself but she was still sobbing helplessly. I decided to stop questioning her and try to cheer her up.

"Hey it's okay…" I placed my hand on her shoulder comfortingly…

Sayuri let out a blood curling scream and jumped as if she was electrocuted by me. She pushed me away and ran away like a scared little rabbit… I watched her, dumbfounded, running towards the school building…

"Seriously what is wrong with her?" I thought out loud. I realized that I was shivering.

Several students were staring at me, with very angry/disgusted expressions on their faces, I winced.

I wonder ifit was possible toactually die by choking on a sandwich… i thought sarcastically staring at my sandwitch

Me: i seriously don't know what i'm doing so please bear with me ok... reveiw plz if you want more otherwise i'm thinking of retiring... sniff