Disclaimer: I do not own Detective school Q… that's the last time I'm going to say this in this story…yessssss…

A: last chappie… enjoy…R&R plz

Yeah, just for the record the reason PLUTO isn't involved in the hypnotizing is because they vowed not to harm Ryuu…

Thanks for reviewing & Reading

To everyone who reviewed in this story. I know that none of you know me. Or will recognize me if you see me on the street. That's why I really want to thank you guys… you actually liked my story, and I'm forever grateful for that & for your support… I want to thank you and thank you so many times that I would go completely blue, (which is such a looong time)… and erm…I shall now stop saying all these cheesy things now... but THANK YOU SO MUCH… the feeling is exhilarating…

Sorry continue with the story…

Chapter 18 – Funeral…

Yuki's POV

The sun shone through the leaves…a slight breeze blew in, bringing in the sweet smell of pine and oak wood. Sakura trees were in bloom, their petals dancing in the breeze… birds chirped happily. It was… the perfect day.

In the distance, the casket was being tenderly laid to rest. The mourners assembled around the grave moved forwards, each holding a deep red rose to toss onto the casket before the plot was covered with earth…

"Are you alright?" a voice spoke in a low voice.

I looked up, found myself looking at Kyu, very pale with eyes red with tears; I realized my face would have looked the same too.

"Yeah, you?"

"I'm fine" he smiled lopsidedly "I never thought I'd be this involved in a case"

"Yeah" I repeated "me too"

There was a silence; the breeze picked up… setting free more blossoms that floated in the breeze effortlessly.

"How's Rin?" I broke the silence, still staring at the petals.

"Not good, the bleedings stopped but the doctor said she's showing signs of insanity now" Kyu explained, "maybe it all caught up to her…her sins, it must be hard"

"But there is no excuse for what she did"

"Yeah but…" he stopped catching my expression.

I stared at him steely "there is no excuse for taking away someone's life, accidentally or not"


There was another silence.

"You guys ready to go back?" Meg muttered.

Both of us turned to see the rest of the undercover group staring at us.

"Yeah" we said at once. And we all started walking towards the grave. The people were dispersing… the funeral must have ended by now.

"How is your arm?" Kyu asked Ryuu.

"Fine, thank you"

"Why are you wearing a green shirt?" Meg accused Kyu who jumped back at her voice.

"What?" Kyu repeated unable to believe his ears.

"You should have worn something black, it's disrespectful" she was scolding him now.

Ryuu stayed behind them, smiling sheepishly.

Kuniko patted me and Hayato put an arm around my shoulders. Everyone was acting normal. It felt normal, as if we'd never experienced everything that happened the last few days. A lot did happen…

Except for the bickering twins, we made our way to the tombstone in silence…







A tear forced out of my eyes, but I smiled despite it. Everyone stood silently around me.

"Yuki?" Ryuu asked me; evidently he thought I was still upset about Yukito. I wasn't.

"I can't believe its over" I added after a few minutes in silence. The breeze ruffled my hair. The silence was a nice one this time, we all stared at the tombstone. I was thinking how appropriate the last words were; he was one of a kind… exactly like him.

The silence was broken by Kyu this time…

"Let me get your hankie" he said indicating the handkerchief that Meg dropped at her feet.

The breeze blew again… this time somewhat suspiciously

"KYUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Meg screamed as the inevitable happened. There was a loud bonking noise as Meg attacked Kyu, who started yelling too.

"It was an accident – hey- I didn- Ow"

I snickered, as Hayato moved closer to me.

"It's a beautiful day" he whispered for me to hear.

"Yeah… it is"

Another silence… I smiled at the sky. Happy that it was finally over…

'Goodbye Yukito'

A: Finished…31st Dec 2005. It's been half a year but I loved writing this. Most notoriously confusing mystery ever…

thanks and bye…

- yunnie yuae