Its come to my attention after re-reading this story once again, there are a few flaws in my story line. Ive decided once again, to rewrite chapters 1-4 since I just recently wrote chapter 5. I hope you, my lovely and loyal reviewers, will enjoy the rewrites as they come up. Also, I have decided to change the names of the twins, lately I just feel like they are just to much alike, and honestly it confuses me to write them.


Journal Entry

At 21 I have to wonder why my mom suddenly decided to buy me a journal. It's been nearly five and a half years since Inuyasha left me alone and pregnant at sixteen. Kenji and Yumi are my life now and no matter how much I hate Inuyasha for never returning my calls or my letters, I cant help not regretting the gifts that came from that one fateful night. I guess this journal was a good idea for me, I feel a lot better after writing some of my thoughts down. The rest will have to be told at another time, for my mother invited her co-worker Sakura and her two sons over for dinner. From what my mother told me, the oldest is a full inu demon and that he is blind, and the youngest is a half inu demon, which very much reminds me of Inuyasha.

I pulled myself out of my thought upon hearing my mother knock on my door. I bid her enterance and she walked in.

"Dear, Sakura and her sons will be here in a few minutes, would you like help getting Kenji and Yumi ready?"

I smiled at her, she really was the best mother anyone could ask for. Even though she had Sota to take care of, she always helped me with my twins.

"No, thats okay mom, I can get them ready." I said standing up from my desk. "It will only take a few minutes. They arent one anymore."

My mother just looked at me and laughed softly. She knew I was refering to when they starting walking, how they would alway pull clothing out of the laundry basket and try to pull them on.

"I'll go make sure Sota is ready then and I'll see you down stairs in a few mintues."

I nodded at her and watched her walk out of my room. I walked out of my room and over to the twins room. I looked inside and saw they were already dressed. I guess when they saw their outfits on the bed they wanted to dress themselves. I walked into the room and looked at them both, checking on their clothes to make sure everything was buttoned correctly.

"Very good, both of you, you buttoned everything right." I beamed at them, smiling and tickling them softly. I really was proud of them, they were growing up so fast.

"Mommy, are you gonna wear that for dinner?" Yumi asked me pulling at my sweat pants.

"Of course not Yumi." I said walking out of their room. "Would you and Kenji like to help mommy choose what to wear?"

As I expected they both perked up quickly and flew by me into my bedroom. I just shook my head and walked into my room. When I walked in Yumi and Kenji were in my closet looking through my clothing. I decided to wait and see what they would pick out for me.

"Mommy, green dress?" Kenji asked me, pulling the botton of a forest green dress that I hadnt wore yet.

"I think thats perfect Kenji. Yumi would you like to pick what shoes Ill be wearing?" As soon as I asked, she pulled out a pair of my silver flats.

"Now, while mommy changes, will you two go see if gram needs any help?"

They nodded and ran out of my bedroom. Now to get changed. The dress they picked was a lovely forest green that reached a bit past the middle of my thighs. I quickly slipped it on and grabbed my grey leggings. I slid them on and then slipped on my flats. I glanced in the mirror, now how do I do my hair? Seeing how I didnt have much time I looked at my hair falling just past my shoulders. I parted my hair slightly to the right before pulling half of up into a clip. My bangs fell covering my forehead. I wanted simple yet elegant. I grabbed my silver eyeliner putting on a thin layer and then doing the same with my forest green eye shadow. I finally looked at myself in my full size mirror. I looked good for someone with two kids.

I made my way down stairs and past the living room where I found Kenji and Yumi playing with one of their video games. I guess thier uncle Sota is rubbing off on them. I walked into the kitchen and looked for my mom. She was checking on the food in the oven. I heard the doorbell ring and I was about to walk over to the door when my mothers voice stopped me.

"Kagome, honey, I need you to do me a favor."

I just looked at her and nodded.

"Can you go upstairs and grab my sweater, I'm a bit chilly." Once again I nodded and headed up to her bedroom. Upon my landing on the last step I heard voices.

"Yumi, Kenji, please stop running around the living room, our guests have arrived."

"Sorry." Was all I heard as I walked into my moms room. I should have known what was coming when I came back down stairs but I didnt.

"Excuse me Ms. H, who are the little kids? My mom said you had two kids." One of the boys asked

I heard my mom hesitate to answer the boys seemingly harmless question.

"You'll have to ask my daughter young man. Now, Inuyasha, its been a few years since I saw you." I heard my mom say that name and I froze midway down the stairs.

'Inuyasha? As in Inuyasha Takashi? How could my mother invite them here? Oh my, Sesshomaru, he's blind? How could that be?'

I finished my desent down the stairs and handed my mom her sweater. I looked at our 'guests'. Inuyasha hadnt noticed me yet, he was staring at his kids, not that he knows they are his. Sesshomaru, who had gotten taller and whose beautiful golden orbs had vanished, was holding onto Sakuras wrist. Sakura looked at me and then spoke.

"You must be Kagome." The moment she spoke my name, Inuyasha's head flew to me.

His jaw dropped. He knew my mom, did he really forget about me while he was in America?

"Kagome?" He genuninely sounded surprised

I looked at him and just remained emotionless. Then I turned to my mother.

"You invited HIM?" I asked in french

"I didnt know who her boys were until they walked in, there isnt anything I can do Kagome." She replied in french

Sakura looked at us frowning, it wasnt proper manners to speak in front of your guests in a different language. She never really liked me before they moved and blamed me for Inuyasha failing his classes in grade 10.

"I'm sorry for Kagome, she doesnt speak much Japanese anymore." My mom said to her

Sakura nodded her acceptance and let it go. I had a feeling something was going to happen. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I looked at Kenji and Yumi and tried to figure out what I was gonna do about this situation.

"You know, having your mom lie for you isnt very good." A males voice said to me in french. I looked up and it was Sesshomaru, holding the door frame.

"I'm sorry, if she believes I dont speak Japanese, maybe she wont speak to me and neither will your brother for that matter." I said to him

He had a weird look on his face, like he was trying to figure something out. He moved a white cane in front of him and slowly walked into the living room. I was about to stand when he found the edge of the couch. He felt for someone sitting and when he found no one he sat down. Our conversation after continued in french, even after his mom walked in.

"Why dont you like Inuyasha?" He asked me softly

"He hurt me." Was all I said

He, once again, had that look of confusion.

"You're kids, are they his?"

My jaw dropped. I swear if it was possible my jaw might have hit the floor.

"Why would you ask that?"

"They dont smell like him, but what other reason could you have to hate him so much?"

I stayed quiet for a few mintues and as I was about to speak Sakura walked in.

"You speak japanese, dont you?" She asked me, giving me a hard look. I just gave her a weird look, pretending I didnt understand what she was saying.

"I'm not buying into your speaking only french little girl. You're hiding something." She said accusing me of hiding something, if only she knew the real truth.

I looked over at Sesshomaru, he had a look of anger on his face. I reached over and grabbed his hand gently. He looked at me or tried to look at me. And then I spoke to him.

"Kenji and Yumi are your neice and nephew. I tried so hard to get a hold of him before they were born, but I never could. Then when they were born, I tried sending letters with pictures of them. They always came back unopened. Eventually, I just stopping trying altogether. I've raised them alone, with the help of my mother, since they were born. They have no idea he is their father, and I really want to keep it that way."

Sesshomaru nodded and smirked.

"Kagome asks why you are giving her such a dirty look and wonders why you cant just ask me what ever you want to know so I can repeat it to her in a language she will actually understand." He asked his step mom glaring at her. I had to hide my smile, or it would give my secret away.

"I'm sorry Sesshomaru, I refuse to cater to a child who refuses to speak the same language as everyone else. She grew up here, how does she not speak Japanese?"

I looked over in Kagomes direction before speaking to her. I didnt ask her the question Sakura asked but another one I wanted to know.

"Is his name on their birth certificate?"

"No, its not. Tell her my father was french."

I looked in the direction I heard Sakuras voive come from. I really didnt like her, I've never liked her. She was to snotty and wretched.

"Her father was French, so she spent a lot of her childhood in France."

I had to resist the urge to smirk at this whole situation. Here I am, sitting with the mother of my neice and nephew like we've been friends for years. Meanwhile, helping her lie to my step mom about not being able to speak Japanese, and on top of it all, I couldnt even see what she looked like.

'What a day this is turning out to be.'

End of the newly rewritten chapter 1. Its exactly 7 pages, so woot for that. I changed a lot of things that happened. I like it better this way. And I hope everyone understood how I switched to Sesshomaru's point of view towards the end. Im testing not putting in a written change of a character's point of view like I usually do, see how well it works. Let me know your thoughts.
