"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

Aiden stopped short in the middle of the crime lab hallway and looked at the man walking next to her.

"What the hell, Flack? You think I'm some high school cheerleader or something?" She laughed and started walking again.

"I'll take that as a no, then," he answered as he caught back up with her, his footsteps falling into rhythm with her own.

"Of course it's a no. And what kind of a question is that?"

Flack smirked and then shrugged as they turned the corner into a lesser frequented portion of the building. He stopped then, and she continued for three steps before realizing he wasn't next to her. She turned, a confused look on her face.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"So, you're saying that if you all of a sudden came across the most gorgeous man you've ever seen, you wouldn't feel a thing for him?"

"I might feel something for him, but I wouldn't necessarily call it love," she said, smiling. He stepped closer to her, his eyes darkening to a shade of blue that reminded her of storm clouds just before they drench the ground with rain.

"Is that so?" he asked, letting his hands slip under her jacket to span her waist. She tried to back away playfully but only succeeded in letting him trap her against the wall. She looked up at him, her own eyes flashing insolence and amusement.

"That first day I met you, what? You thought I liked you for your personality?"

Flack looked heavenward as he let out a gusty sigh. "Oh! You wound me!" He chuckled and then paused, looking solemn. "You know, there's more to me than just my body," he said.

"And what would that be, your hair?" As she spoke she let her hands reach up to muss his black locks. He jerked his head away, his eyes widening slightly. Aiden giggled.

"You're going to pay for that," he said.


"Of course."

"Good. But later, we've got work to do."

He released her and she straightened her jacket before turning to continue down the hallway. She immediately resumed her chatter about the case and he smiled to himself. She may not believe in love at first sight but he had known the moment he first laid eyes on her that she was the woman for him.