Disclaimer: I do not own StarFox at all. If I did, life would be good.

Fox sighed as he looked out a window from the Great Fox as they patrolled the Lylat System. He was bored since the system was at peace again. He looked away from the window to his teammates. Peppy was in a chair, reading as usual. Slippy was sitting at the table working on a blueprint for a new upgrade for the Arwings. Falco was at the same table slouching in a chair, reading a magazine on piloting. ' Same old thing everyday. ' Fox thought. He then decided to go for a ride in his Arwing. " I'm going for a flight Peppy. "

" You get back here this minute, Fox! Your not allowed to fly unless there's a mission. Your destructive ways are doing a beating to our finances. " Fox blinked, then ran to the hangar before Peppy could stop him. He jumped into the ship, started it up, then tookoff at a fast speed. Peppy watched him fly off and sighed as he shook his head " So much like James..."

He flew through space, looking around. After a while, he saw he was coming upon Corneria and flew into the planet. He landed at a base, noticing another ship there but didn't pay it any mind. He jumped out after the hatch opened and it closed after he jumped out. He then walked into the base and looked around. ( a/n: The bases are like gas stations, just so you readers know. )

At the register, he noticed out of the corner of his eye a blue vixen looking for some extra money to help pay for whatever she was buying. She sighed and was about to put her stuff back when he came up with some money. " Here, take it. " She blinked and looked to him. " Are you sure? " He wasn't really paying attention but said " Yea, take it. I don't mind. " She took the money. " Thank you. " " No problem. " With that, he left since he didn't really need anything. He walked to his ship and leaned against it, closing his eyes. He heard a noise and looked up and saw her.

He looked at her as if for the first time. She had pretty blue fur with two bands on her tail. She had a silver tiara thingwith a blue gem in it. She also had six silver beads, three on each side of her bangs. She was wearing a blue and black tight fitting suit that showed off her curves in a nice way.( a/n: they all wear the same outfits from StarFox Assault. ) She was beautiful. She started to look toward him and he looked away quickly.

She looked to him as he looked away. He had light orange fur with some white and looked somewhat built. He was wearing a green and red suit with a silver vest.She had to admit he looked cute. She walked over to him. " Thanks again for the money, you really saved me there. "

Her voice was like soft music in his ears. He gulped before looking to her, surprised that just her talking to him made him lose his composure." N..No problem. " She laughed softly. " My name is Krystal by the way. " " I...I'm Fox. Fox McCloud. Leader of the StarFox Team. "

Krystal raised an eyebrow in surprise. " Really. I've heard of you and your team. You guys are supposed to be really good. " " You heard right. "

She smiled, then looked to her ship " Well, I better be going. I'll see you around maybe. " " Yeah, bye Krystal. " She walked to her ship, jumped in, started it up, then flew off. He watched her fly off. ' Hmm...what's with my sudden stupidity around her? No one's ever made me act like that. Interesting...'

What do you guys think? Please read and review. Ideas are also welcome. Sorry if the characters seem OOC. Also, I changed their first meeting from on Sauria ( Dinosaur Planet )to this.