Disclaimer: I do not own The Prince of Tennis or any of its characters. This fic just came into mind when I was looking through several PoT pics of the little chibis…so mwahahaha, this idea popped out! Enjoy!

Sweet Dreams

Round and innocent golden eyes darted around the room. Alright, he was out of sight. Quietly, the five year old tiptoed out of his room…


"Oof!" A certain flustered Ryoma in pajamas tumbled over the floor. He scowled. Karupin had managed to catch him again.

Getting upright, Ryoma looked at his cat. Karupin sat in his lap, tail twitching. It almost seemed like Karupin was trying to say "Play with me!" but since a cat couldn't talk, Ryoma swatted the idea away.

Karupin watched Ryoma with mischievious eyes. Smiling, Ryoma began to play with the cat. Without really knowing it, two arms picked him up and he was in his mother's arms.

"Alright, Ryo, time for bed," she said cheerfully. She carried the five year old into the bathroom. "Brush your teeth,"

Pouting, Ryoma climbed up on the stool that he needed to use for looking into the mirror. You had to look at yourself in the mirror when you're brushing your teeth, he thought, Otherwise, you'd never know where you're brushing…

Slowly, he began to pull out his toothbrush. Alright, where was his toothpaste? He grabbed the tube.

"Careful…don't squeeze too much or else it'll be too spicy…" Ryoma's hand steadily squeezed the tube and a small blob of toothpaste was on his toothbrush. Satisfied, he began to brush. One, two, one, two, one, two…

A shriek disturbed his thoughts.

"Uncle, put that away! You're being a bad influence to Ryoma!" Nanako cried.

"How can THAT be a bad influence? It's just a magazine!" protested Nanjiroh.

"It's a porn magazine! If Ryoma sees something like that, who knows what will happen? If he grows up to be like you, it's going to be your fault!"

The two continued to argue about the magazines. Ryoma had finished brushing his teeth by the time the two were exhausted from yelling at each other. Apparently, Rinko had joined in the argument, too. He didn't really understand what they were saying, but he managed to get hold of some words like, "Put that away," or "Don't be a perv".

Strangely enough, everyone stopped talking when Ryoma entered the room with Karupin. He stared blankly at his family.

The words came straight out of his mouth.

"Perv, baka oyaji,"


Nanjiroh seriously wanted to slap his son.

A/N: Alright, lame story, but I just thought this would be fun to toy around with…I'm thinking of continuing it ….putting the other members in the story, too…hee! R&R please!