A/N Thank you to the following people who reviewed me during chapters 1-5, and made me addicted to fanficking! - nirvanafan
- wasted
- sassytoo (have never seen CSI - sorry!)
- Meriem Clayton (love your writing!)
- erruve
- KatieMichelleBell
- missmcweir (I have yet to watch Stargate Atlantis!)
- paulacole (you wrote the first fanfic I ever read!)
- MsTuri
- banner

I feel like I am at the oscars.

So without further ado, the last chapter (the ending is a bit weak - might change it at a later date):

Chapter 7 – Sun

The sun gently rose in Colorado Springs, causing the streets still wet with the previous rainfall to glisten dazzlingly.

Inside Dr Jackson's apartment, movement was minimal. Somewhere in the cluttered expanse, a clock ticked gently, counting down the minutes until an alarm would go off.

As the sunlight crept into the master bedroom, Daniel sleepily opened one eye and gazed around his surroundings. He smiled as his view fell on the peaceful form lying next to him. He felt on top of the world, and allowed the moment to wash over him. He wondered if Sam would have any regrets, but his mind went back over the previous evening and, remembering the things they had said to each other, he felt it was unlikely.

His thoughts flickered over the memory of Shar're. The people of Abydos would understand, he thought to himself. He knew he had not betrayed Shar're, but still he felt a twinge of guilt. He had changed so much since Jack had sent that tissue box through the Stargate. He had mourned for his wife long before she had died, and it had been Sam who had comforted him when Teal'c had extinguished his last hope of being with her once more. 'Sam has always been there' he thought, watching the sunlight dance on the sleeping body next to him.

His reverie was interrupted as a mellow alarm rang out from his bedside table. Daniel groaned gently as he rolled over to switch the noise off, hoping Sam hadn't heard. He hoped in vain though as he heard a sleep voice whisper "Good morning Dr Jackson."

A gentle ringing interrupted Sam's dream and she quickly let her mind enter a conscious state. Years of military training had made tasks like this second nature, and she kept her eyes shut as her brain processed information from the night before. She heard a quiet groan next to her and smiled to herself.
"Good morning Dr Jackson" she whispered before opening her eyes.

Daniel turned back to face her and smiled, his eyes searching for any sign that she was uncomfortable about where she was.

"How are you this morning?" he asked, watching her stretch under the duvet.

Sam studied his question for a few seconds. "Well, I'm a bit tired, but I feel great! How about you?" It was her turn to study his face for any signs that he regretted what they had done. Daniel grinned at her.

"Me too." They lay in silence for a few seconds. "So, any plans for today?" He really wanted to know if she was going to spend the day with him or try and avoid him.

"Well, I left in a bit of a hurry last night," she smiled sheepishly at him, "so I didn't study the surface of the orb. However, I think maybe the Colonel was right. We should give the orb back to Area 51 and let them study it." She grinned cheekily at him.

"Jack said that?"

"Well, his exact words were 'hand it back to the geeks'. So, what do you think?"

"I think," Daniel started teasingly, brushing Sam's arm, "I think we already have enough to study." He moved closer to her and gently kissed her neck. "And if area 51 doesn't mind, I would rather they studied the orb." He kissed along her jaw, moving slowly towards her lips. "I… already… have… a… project."

Sam sighed happily and the two were once again lost in their own world.

Area 51 were glad to have the orb back, complete with instructions on how to light it, and Sam and Daniel didn't mind at all when scientists opened it and discovered scriptures from an extinct race inside.
They had, after all, found something much better.