Love Conquered


Disclaimer: I own no one!


Rain began to fall as Stephanie McMahon drove home. It splattered against the windshield, leaving long streaks.

Whoosh-whoosh squeaked the windshield wipers. Visibility was slowly getting worse.

A night, much like this one, had taken the life of her husband. Her husband had died because of a disoriented driver.

The shock of the accident had caused her to deliver a very premature baby.

Sydney Baikal lived for exactly two months until she had had a stroke and Stephanie had had taken mercy on her and removed life support.

Stephanie's high-heeled pumps clacked against the wet asphalt. Her large gray house was desolute.

"Wow," she mumbled, opening the door. She recieved a gust of cold, stale air.

"Paul, put me down!" she squealed.

"It's a tradition! I've got to carry you over the threshold!"

Shaking her head, she tried to get rid of the flashback. She hated the happy memories because it reminded her of the pain.

Each room brought memories. This was where he proposed. This was where the baby had been concieved. That was where she got the horrible news.

Slipping her shoes off, her stocking feet sunk into the plush carpeting. She sighed audibly as she adjusted the thermostat and the heater clicked on.

"Hmm," she murmured, finding a letter in a stack of bills. A tea kettle hummed on the stove, water boiling. She slit the letter open and began to read. She smiled and grew teary. It read:

Dear Stephanie,

Before you ask who's sending you this, it's Chris Irvine. How has life been treating you? I'm fine, I guess.

Has Paul really been dead two years? It doesn't seem real.

The reason I'm writing is simple. I'm coming to town and wanted to know if you wanted to get waffles. I remember they're your fav.

Love ya,


Chris Irvine? God, she hadn't thought about him in months. She had loved him at one point in time.

She was distracted by the loud ringing of the phone. Leaving the letter on the table, she got up and answered it.


"Do you want to be present for the birth of your niece?"


"Nidia's in labor."

"Meet you at the hospital,"

She turned the tea kettle off, and ran upstairs. She slipped out of her business suit and into a pair of blue jeans and a form-fitting white t-shirt. On her feet, she wore black leather combat boots.

The rain still fell, as she drove to the hospital. Her windshield wipers swished against her windshield.

The hospital was brightly lit. She had no problem finding it in the heavy rain.

Shane and a highly irritable Nidia stood outside. Stephanie pulled her black sweatshirt on, dashing across the parking lot.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed, following them. At first, seeing her sister-in-law pregnant with a doting husband had been pure torture, a reminder of all Stephanie had lost.

"Any clue what you're naming her?" she asked. Shane nodded.

"She is either Savannah Chase, Parker Jade, or Aislinn Kendall." Shane replied. "We want to meet her first,"

"No prob. I'm sure she'll be adorable," Stephanie murmured.


Nidia's labor was long and hard. Shane had pushed Stephanie out to get air and food. He knew she was getting jealous.

She found herself outside the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She hadn't been there for two long years. Ever since Syd.

"Pardon me, Ma'm. You look familiar," a woman mumbled. Stephanie turned slowly, finding herself staring into the kind bottle green eyes of a nurse.

"My daughter was here about two years ago. Sydney..."

"Baikal. Yes, I remember her. You never forget your first death," the nurse said. "How have you been?"

"Okay, I guess. I lost Syd two months after I lost my husband," she replied. "Excuse me, I need to get back to my sister-in-law,"

"Bye," the nurse mumbled. Stephanie made her way into the maternity ward. She could hear Nidia moaning.

"Epidural should be taking effect any minute," the anesthisiologist said. Nidia let out an audible sigh of relief.

"Steph, would you write to Aislinn?" Nidia asked, her orange curls damp with perspiration. "It's for a memory book,"

"Oh, sure," Stephanie replied, taking a seat beside her bed. Nidia handed her a composition book. Accepting it, Stephanie grabbed a pen and began to write.


Dear Aislinn,

Hi, Little Girl. It's Aunt Stephanie. As I write this, you are forcing your way into the world. Mommy is in a lot of pain but she is doing SO well.

I love your daddy. He's my big brother. We grew up together very close. He and Mommy have wanted you for so long.

I am one of the few people who have ever seen your daddy cry. Getting you was a long hard struggle. Mommy had four miscarriages before successfully carrying you to term.

Little One, we can't wait to meet you.


Aunt Stephanie

She set her pen down and began to read another letter.


Dear Little Girl,

Hello, Baby Girl. This is Grams aka Daddy's Mom aka Linda.

Aislinn, Parker or Savannah. Personally, I hope they choose Aislinn. It means 'dream' in Irish. I will love you no matter what your name is.

You are a dream baby. Daddy and Mommy had A LOT of problems, getting and keeping you. Now that you've made it this far, nobody wants to give you back.

Gramps and I are going to spoil you rotten. You are our second grandbaby. Your cousin, Sydney is in Heaven.

Love you Baby,


"It is so weird," Nidia mumbled, cradling her belly. "Aislinn has been with us nine months and I can't wait to meet her. It is so weird,"

"Know what you mean. Do you have any hopes?" Stephanie asked. Nidia nodded.

"I was a stripper, plain and simple. I'm not proud of that fact. I hope Aislinn never has to degrade herself just to survive," she said, rubbing her belly.

"As long as the McMahon family exists, your baby will never want for anything," Stephanie murmured.


The delivery room was alive with action. Everyone was preparing for the birth of the newest McMahon baby.

"Push, Di," Shane urged softly. She glanced up at him with tears in her eyes. Closing her eyes and gritting her teeth, she pushed. Bracing herself against Stephanie and Shane, she kept pushing.

"Baby's out!" the doctor exclaimer. The delivery room went silent as a loud, lusty wail

filled the air. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

"Aunt Steffi, cut the cord!" Shane exclaimed, handing her a pair of curved scissors. Slowly, Stephanie cut through the umbilical cord.

"Hi, Aislinn Kendall!" Nidia cooed, accepting the little girl in her arms.

Try as she might, Stephanie just couldn't stay jealous at Shane and Nidia for their beautiful little girl.


Hope you like it! I love this story, too!

3 reviews gets chapter 2 up.


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