Angel's Lullaby


Disclaimer: I own no one!


Exhausted, Randy wandered the hospital corridor. He was tired. He was hungry. He had no clue where John was. He had no idea where he was going.

Since going up against the pediatrician, Randy had sat in the NICU beside Rhiannon's warming table. Staying out of the way, the nurses didn't mind. In fact, a friendly night nurse had kicked him out to get a decent meal and a good night's sleep.

Coming into a small waiting room, Randy shook his head. On a small loveseat, John was curled up, sound asleep.The couch had to be maybe four foot one. John was six foot one. Randy winced, knowing he had to be uncomfortable.

"Sweetie," he murmured, gently shaking his shoulder. "Babe, wake up," He continued shaking his shoulder. John's eyes opened slowly.

"Is Rhiannon alright?" he asked, jumping up. Setting his hand on John's shoulder, Randy nodded. "Thank God. Can I see her?" Taking his hand, Randy sighed.

"I got kicked out," he said, lightly squeezing his husband's hand. "You can see her tomorrow," He set his head on John's shoulders. "Did you eat?"

"Do a pack of Ding-Dongs and a can of Coke count?" John asked jokingly. Randy shook his head. "There's an all night pizza parlor down the street,"

John couldn't believe how much he loved Randy. When the lovers had first met, John couldn't stand Randy. He was manicures and facials. Despite being gay, John was beer and football. Yet, after they kept 'accidentally' bumping into each other, it was impossible to deny the attraction.

"Sometimes, I can't believe you married me." John murmured, kissing Randy's cheek. Randy stopped, realizing they were outside the NICU.

"Look," he said, gesturing to the plate glass window. John glanced towards the NICU. He was stunned to realize he could see Rhiannon.

"She's beautiful," John murmured. "Is she really ours?" Nuzzling his cheek affectionately, Randy put his lips to John's ear.

"Yes, she is. Unbelievable, isn't it?" he murmured. They continued to walk. Neither were able to believe they were parents. It was a surreal thought.

Nine months of waiting. Nine months of joy. Nine months of fear. It usually took ten months from conception to birth to create a child. Yet, in the months as the child grew, the parents evolved as well. From an adult with no other thoughts than themselves and the one they loved to a caring parent, who had their child to think of. It was a natural evolution that had occured since the beginning of time.

When Trish had agreed to be their surrogate mother, John had been unsure. He didn't think he could love a child. He was afraid of getting his heart broken. He was sure parenthood wasn't cut out for him.

After seeing Rhiannon, he was more sure than ever that he could be a good father.

When Trish had agreed to be their surrogate mother, Randy had been excited. He loved children. He had always wanted a family. The following months had been filled with uncertainity, joy, fear and most of all, love.

After watching Trish's reaction at giving Rhiannon to him, he knew he would die before letting somebody hurt the child.

Despite everything the past nine months had brought, it had happened.

The natural evolution from adult to parent had occured.



With this chapter up, Angel's Lullaby is ...DONE! I loved writing this story. It got me thinking, and kept me occupied for many long boring hours. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for all the fantastic reviews! I have the first chapter to Sand and Water's Sequel, Go On, done and I'll post it either late tonight or early tomorrow morning. I haven't decided.


Read, Review but most of all...ENJOY!