Disclaimer: Yeah they ain't mine

It was another hot and humid summer day in New York City. Even the 16th precinct couldn't escape such a humid day.

Fin sat at his desk trying to catch up on paperwork. "If it was any hotter this damn paper in my hands would burst into flames… too bad its not." And slammed the paper down on his desk.

Munch didn't even bother picking up his files, "I'm telling you, this heat is a conspiracy! The government must of made some type of ray that heats up the earth's atmosphere."

"Yeah they spent millions of dollars on crap like that just to piss you off Munch." Fin said.

Munch just stared at Fin.

Olivia sat in her chair, staring into space. Too hot to concentrate on paperwork. "Damn this weather, I can't get any work done."

Was it really the weather? Or was it because she had been fantasizing about her partner, Elliot for the last 20 minutes?

Of course those fantasies played a big role in her "lack of concentration". But it had been 2 months since Elliot and Kathy made their divorce final. Now she had no excuse to think she and Elliot could ever be together.

Elliot looked up from his paperwork and saw Olivia daydreaming "...either that or the humidity turned her brain to mush". "Liv. Hey Liv." Elliot whispered as he tried to get his partner out of LaLa land.

"Huh?" a very confused Olivia said, Having no idea as to how long she had been "thinking".

"You ok? Looks like the heat is getting to you. You want to go grab some lunch, or maybe some ice cream to cool you down?"

As Olivia thought about what she could do with that ice cream a comment slipped threw her lips without her noticing it: "Mmmmm ice cream."

"Great, ice cream it is!" an ecstatic Elliot replied. Actually he just wanted an excuse to leave the precinct. Hey you would too if you spent the day in a room with little AC and sweaty, smelly people.

But before the two got out of their seats, Munch and Fin happily placed their ice cream order.

"I'll take an orange sherbert, what about you Fin?"

"Make mine a hot fudge Sunday… with peanuts."

The two partners grumbled at the thought of hurrying back before the ice cream melts, instead of enjoying a nice long walk.

As the two started to walk out of the bullpen when, a door opened and the captain's voice came out of the room "Make mine vanilla!"

"Yes cap'." the two replied in unison, as they open the doors that leads them out of the bullpen.

"How did he do that?" Elliot said.

"Do what?"

"Open the door while he's still behind the desk?"

The two stopped and looked back. Wondering how the captain's door opened…