What You Like

Chapter 1 - Much Of A Surprise

By: KaKaVegeGurl


Back for yet another Harry Potter fanfic!

Welcome in and grab a cup of yaoi, have fun. Sit down and enjoy!



"Ron, Harry! You two have got to see this!"

The two boys looked up quickly as Hermione ran to them, she looked exausted and her hair was a mess.

"What is it 'Mione?" Ron said standing up and following after her, Harry behind him as they walked down the hallway and through one corridor, into another; stopping dead in their tracks as they stared at the one; the only; Draco Malfoy.

Who was dressed in robes of the Gryffindor colors, his soft blond hair was cut short and down, hands in his pockets and eyes pointed sharply in the direction of Marcus Flint who was shouting at the top of his lungs, just like every other Slytherin on the Hogwart Express.

Draco slowly put a finger in his ear to blur out the sounds, turning to Ron, Harry and Hermione, "Hello, nice to see you three, I think we need to ditch this lot."

Ron slowly nodded in awe and watched as Draco passed by them and walked into the other corridor, he looked back at the others and they all decided to follow after him.

When they reached their compartment, Draco was sitting in one of the seats by the window. His head sat boringly in one hand and his eyes were looking straight out of the window.

"What the bloody hell happened to you?"

Draco flinched in surprise and looked up slowly to Ron, after a moment of waiting he finally said something, "I had Dumbledore have me re-sorted, he completely understood."

Harry watched him with a judging expression, he couldn't help but be suspicious of Malfoy, "So you got sorted into Gryffindor?"


Hermione watched the Slytherin-turned-Gryffindor for a moment before leaving to find another compartment.

Draco looked confused for a second as Ron also turned and fled.

Harry still stood, not knowing whether to believe the blond or not, he took off his glasses and cleaned them, when he put them back on Draco had turned and was staring at him.

"Hi." Harry said uncertainly and sat down across from Malfoy as the train started up.

Draco watched Harry and turned back to the window, "What do you want?"

"I don't know..." Harry stared at the blond dumbfoundedly, "Why did you change?"

"Millions of reasons, first of all, though, Father's in Azkaban, I can do as I please, and I want to be a Gryffindor."

Harry still watched him, "I thought you hated Gryffindors."

Draco stared at Harry, "Not really, no. I don't hate them. I was just pulling off that act because my father was around."

"What's wrong with your father? I don't understand."

"I can't do anything I want to with father around." Draco ran a hand through his hair as he cast his eyes away from Harry, "He bloody well controlled me."

Harry nodded slowly in understanding, "So, what do you plan on doing this year?" He asked with a light hint of curiousity in his voice.

Draco turned back to Harry, slightly confused, "I um... Well, I want to just pass... but, I guess there are some Gryffindors out there who'll have a problem with me joining their house."


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you had fun!

Please continue reading and come back again, please review!
