Disclaimer: See chapter 4.

Dedication: To everyone reading this.

Note: Sorry about the divider thing. I have no idea what happened to them; somewhere between writing it and posting it they vanished. But I guess thats what happens when you don't look at what you post...


"That was close…" Star sighed as the guards rushed away.

"This isn't over. They'll be back." Blackfire said, cursing and pulling her sister in a new direction.

"Where are we going now?" Blackfire turned on her.

"Would you rather stay here and wait for them to catch us?" Starfire's eyes flashed.

"I would like to formulate a plan to escape!"

"Great, you do that. In the meantime, I'm getting out of here, whether you like it or not!" Blackfire yanked her arm forward, throwing Star off balance. Star angrily pulled back, and both girls tumbled to the ground, fist flying.

"Stop!" Blackfire laughed.

"Had enough? I always was the better fighter." Star ignored her.

"This is just what he wants! He is turning us against each other!"

"We didn't need him for that…" Again, Star ignored her sister.

"We will never escape this way. We need to work together or we will never escape." Star extended her free hand to her sister. "Truce?"


'Search the galaxy? Sure, no problem. This will only take, uh, the rest of our lives. We may never find the princesses out here. They could be anywhere! But do you want to know what I think Ashemu?"


"I think they're already dead. That's why there are no demands. So we're just wasting our time out here." The soldier glanced at his partner, waiting for an agreement. Ashemu sighed.

"Ever the optimist, huh Liwzed?" Ashemu continued before his partner could continue. "Besides, it doesn't matter what you think, we were given an order. Find the princesses. That's what we're going to do." Liwzed didn't respond, but Ashemu couldn't help but think about his partners comment. He hoped Liwzed was wrong.

"Galfore's men still have nothing. And neither do we." Robin ignored Cyborg's 'update'. "Man, we should really be home incase she tries to contact us." Robin was silent for a moment.

"You guys head home, wait for any information. I'll stay out here and search. Robin out." The other titan's watched as Robin's pod disconnected from the ship and flew off.

"What now?"

"We go home, just like he said."


Komez watched his guards scrambling around, trying to find his captives. He laughed.

"Fools. All of them. Yes girls, even you. Run while you can. But no one eludes me for long."