Summary, Something goes terribly wrong with Magneto's machine, and it backfires; straight at Rogue.
Author, Tia-chan
Rating, PG-13
Status, one-shot
Pairings, Logue (Logan/Rogue)

Your Sacred Last Words

One moment can undo many things; friendship, life, love, health, and much more. This moment I speak of is that moment of sick realization that where you thought was another step, there was not, and you simply trip. That simple moment when you realize your foot will not hit the comforting wood of the step; and you will fall.

The scene from your favorite movie, where the most dramatic of scenes is played out in slow motion, catching the emotions, knowing the strike will come.

It was this realization that came upon young Rogue, when she felt the force of Magneto's so-called harmless (to mutants) machine. The radiation forced her to her knees, yelling out in pain, as her palms pressed against her temples, trying to block it all out.

She vaguely heard a voice calling to her desperately.

No, more than one. Four. But only one that truly mattered, and that she really wished to awknowlage at the moment. Magneto's smug voice came over the intercom, addressing a distressed Logan.

"Too bad you couldn't save her." he snidely remarked. "You instead saved yourself, Wolverine, correct?" But Logan could not focus on his words, for the only thing on his mind was getting to Rogue.

"Rogue!" he knelt beside her, grabbing her hand and waiting for that stinging effect that would save her. The girl simply smiled, as she slipped her hand from him. He looked as if God had betrayed him, for he couldn't heal her. As if something precious, close to him, was about to die.

"It won't work," she said softly, her gaze locked upon him. "Magneto's machine had a reverse effect. I'm...normal." it felt weird to say that. Normal. It was tangy on her tongue, as if she were tasting the forbidden fruits.

"No, no..." the Wolverine edge was dulled in his voice, his normally cocky attitude dumped for a more reasonable mourning voice. "It will work!" He sounded more like he needed to convince himself more than anyone else, and he pulled Rogue up softly and into his lap.

Rogue shook her dark head. "Logan, don't even try. We both know it won't work,"

"But what if it does, what if--"

"What if's won't change anything," Rogue suddenly snapped, but then regained herself and spoke in a softer, more comforting voice. "Don't mourn for me, Logan. Think: at least she was with the one...the one she loved, when she died." she said, brown eyes on his.

"Jesus, Rogue..." Logan lay his rough palm on her cheek, tears brimming his vision, but not falling.

She smiled. Genuinely. "Yes, I love you, Wolverine." he couldn't respond, he didn't trust his voice, couldn't face that it might crack with the effort. He, instead, buried his face into the cook of her neck, and breathed in her withering scent.

"I..." he sighed, grinning at her. "Same here, kid."

Her gaze softened. "Thank you, Logan."

He brought himself up, before applying the soft kiss that was un-Logan, but recieved. "Yeah..." one tear. That was all. She wouldn't want him to cry.

And there she died.
