Meet Me In the Garden


Padme Amidala Skywalker stood in the garden near the Jedi Temple. She was waiting for her husband, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. She had contacted him and requested that he meet her here. She had something important to tell him, something that would change their lives forever.

Anakin appeared. He walked over to her, not sure what was going on. Her message had indicated that it was vital that he met her. The fact that it was to be in secret was implied. They both were very well aware of what would happen if their marriage was discovered.

"Anakin," Padme smiled at him. She hugged him tightly, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too. What's wrong?" Anakin asked. They sat down on a bench.

Padme glanced down at her hands, then looked up into his piercing blue eyes, "Anakin, I'm pregnant."

Anakin's eyebrows shot up. He's eyes widened in disbelief. A smile broke out on his face. He took Padme's face in his hands and kissed her. It would be okay.

Anakin Skywalker stood with Chancellor Palpatine, watching the Separatists protest below from the window.

"They don't understand what good you are doing them," Anakin commented. Palpatine nodded, "If they only knew what a destructive path they are taking."

Anakin didn't reply. He had often sought the council of the Chancellor. Anakin felt that Palpatine was one of the few beings he could trust. He knew that Chancellor had a soft spot for him every since they had met on Naboo all those years ago. Anakin was no longer Obi-Wan Kenobi's apprentice. He had recently earned the title of Jedi Knight by the Council after a very successful mission on Sullust. Anakin had stopped the mindless slaughter of millions taking the Separatist leader prisoner.

"Chancellor, do you believe that the Separatists will cease their attack?" Anakin asked.

Palpatine did not answer, which slightly irked Anakin. He kept quiet, however, knowing his place.

Anakin did not see the small grin on Palpatine's face, nor had any knowledge of the man's sinister train of thought.

"I don't know, Ani," Padme answered truthfully. Anakin had asked her what the Senate was going to do about the war.

Anakin expected that. He knew that the Senate was failing. He had sat in many of their meetings, disgusted with the whole bureaucracy of it. He hoped Palpatine could fix the Republic before it fell.

"The Chancellor has asked me to accompany him on trip to Duros to speak to the High Council," Anakin told her.

"Are you going?" Padme asked, upset. The trip was tomorrow. She hadn't seen her husband in three months. She didn't want him to be gone longer then he had to be. They hardy saw each other as it was.

Anakin knew what was distressing her. He rested a hand on her cheek, "I don't want to leave you, my love. The Jedi Council must tell the Chancellor in the morning if I am needed here."

"So either way, we don't have much time," Padme replied.

"We never do, darling," Anakin responded, "which is why we must make the most of the time we do have."

Padme frowned heavily. Anakin was leaving. The Jedi Council decided that Palpatine could use his protection. She watched as Anakin dressed.

"Anakin, hurry back," Padme told him.

He smiled softly at her, "I will always hurry back to you."

Three months had passed since Anakin had gone. Three months of wondering when he would return. Padme sat on her veranda, watching the sun sink into the horizon. She had to speak to Anakin soon. She had started to show. She feared what would happen to them. Would Anakin leave her? Would she have to hide? Or worse, would her children be taken from her? Padme turned suddenly when she heard the door open. It was C-3PO, the protocol droid Anakin had built when he was just a boy for his mother. He had given him to her.

"Mistress Padme, Master Anakin has returned. I delivered your message," his tinny voice told her.

"Thank you, 3PO," Padme replied and rose to meet Anakin in the garden.

Anakin smiled at his wife as she walked up to him. Padme noticed something different in her husband. There was something in his eyes she had only seen once before, on Tatoonie after the death of his mother.

"Anakin," Padme embraced him. He kissed her and then laid his hand on her stomach. Wonder crossed his face. He kissed her once more.

"How long do we have?" Padme asked, preparing herself for disappointment.

Anakin gave her a sad smile, "Tonight."

Padme nodded and lost herself in his embrace.

Padme! Padme, wake up! NO!

Anakin woke up with a start, sweat pouring down his chest. He looked to his side, letting out a breath of relief. Padme was safe, right beside him, but for how long? He had dreamed that she died. She had given birth to their child and died.

Padme stirred next to him, "Ani? Anakin, what is it?"

Anakin couldn't tell her. How could he tell her that the child she loved so dearly could be her death? He didn't want to voice it; it would only make it more real. Anakin wrapped his arms around her, "Promise me you'll never leave me, Padme."

"Never, Anakin. I would never leave you."

"She cannot die, Chancellor," Anakin had voiced his dream to Palpatine. He had tried talking to Obi-Wan about it, but Obi-Wan didn't understand. How could he?

"The Jedi are not powerful enough to stop death, I'm afraid," Palpatine gave him a look, "however, there is another way."

"What way is that?" Anakin asked. He would do anything to save his wife.

"I will show you."

Pain. That was the only thought that rained through Anakin's head. He was vaguely aware of where he was. He was in a bacta tank, somewhere. He remembered everything. He had fought Obi-Wan. After that last night with his wife, Anakin had accompanied Chancellor Palpatine to learn the ways of the Dark Side. Anakin had had a dream that Padme died. Palpatine told him that he could teach him how to save his beloved. Obi-Wan had tried to kill him! Rage surged through Anakin. He moaned, then stopped as he saw a figure standing outside his tank. It was Padme. She touched her hand to the tank and whispered, "Meet me in the garden, my darling."

Nothing would stop Anakin from that meeting.

Padme somehow managed to hold back her tears. Anakin, no Darth Vader, stood in front of her, in the garden. Anakin was gone, she had been told. She didn't believe that. If Anakin Skywalker was truly gone, she would be either dead or being taken away. Anakin came alone.

"Padme," he said to her, stepping toward her, "Padme, please come with me. Join me."

Padme lowered her gaze. She knew that she had to go with him. She didn't want to, but if she didn't, her child would always be in danger.

"Yes, Anakin, I will."