Disclaimer: Star Wars isn't mine. I apologies this took so long. My beta didn't get it back to me until today even though I sent it a month ago.

Thanks for the replies!

Padme looked horrified at the sight in front of her. Yoda had just returned with Anakin. His suit had been removed. How he was still alive, Padme didn't know. Burn scars covered his head and torso. His mechanical hands were lying unmoving on the slab. His legs were gone below the knee. Yoda had explained that they had been attached to the boots in the suit and had to go. Yoda had told her briefly what Sidious had done.

"Oh, Ani...," she whispered. She turned to face Obi-Wan, "How could you? I knew it was bad, but not that bad!"

"Padme, I had nothing to do with the lightning," Obi-Wan stated, confused.

"Not that. Look at him! He never told me why he was forced to live in that suit. Tell me why," Padme demanded.

Obi-Wan sighed. He had hoped he would never have to tell her. Obi-Wan told her of the horrific events on Mustafar. He hated retelling it, but knew he must. By the end of the tale, Padme had tears coursing down her cheeks.

"Mommy?" Leia's voice called from the other part of the ship. Yoda had landed, but had not left the ship yet.

Padme turned quickly. She ran forward to stop her daughter from seeing Anakin, "What is it, sweetie?"

"Mommy, where's Luke?"

Padme squeezed her eyes shut. That was the worst part. Luke was gone. Yoda was unable to rescue him. Her baby boy was in the clutches of the worst being in the galaxy.

"The Emperor took him, didn't he mommy?" Leia asked.

"Yes," Padme answered quietly. She hugged Leia tightly, "We'll get him back one day, I promise."

"Just like daddy?"

"Just like daddy."
Anakin had been set up in a small cabin in the ship. Yoda had put him into a powerful healing trance. Obi-Wan didn't know how he was surviving. He knew how badly Anakin had been hurt before. It was a miracle he was breathing.

Padme entered the small room and sat next to Obi-Wan. She bit her lip. She knew she had to ask, but was afraid of the answer,"Luke's gone, isn't he?"

Obi-Wan nodded sadly, "We'll never get him now. Sidious will have him hidden away. We just aren't strong enough yet."

Padme stared at him, "You want to use Leia!"

"Padme, she must complete the training. With her, we can save Luke," Obi-Wan said gently.

"Brother against sister. It isn't supposed to be like this," Padme stated, "None of this. I knew when I married Anakin it would be hard, but I never imagined this."

Obi-Wan didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He understood all to well. He loved Anakin. A day didn't go by where he didn't think of their parting.

He hoped his parting words to his apprentice wouldn't be the last he ever uttered to him.
Yoda was able to heal only some of Anakin's injuries. But at least that meant he could talk, eat, and move his arms. He still had his burn scars and looked horrible, but he was determined to walk again. He had taken his suit and was trying to rebuild legs. Leia hadn't seen him yet. It had been a month. Anakin had had a talk with Obi-Wan, asking to be forgiven for what he had done. Obi-Wan was thrilled Anakin no longer hated him.

"I want to see Daddy!" Leia demanded for the twentieth time that hour.

"Honey, you can't," Padme told her.

"He doesn't love me any more, does he?" Leia asked, sticking out her lower lip.

"Of course his does, sweetie," Padme brushed hair out of Leia's small face, "Let me go see if he is well enough to see you."

Padme entered the ship. She found Anakin working on a mechanical leg. She wasn't sure if this was a good idea, "You need to see Leia."

"No, she can't see me like this," he responded.

"Anakin, she misses her father. She hasn't seen you in a long time. She doesn't care what you look like," Padme told him exasperated.

Anakin sighed, "I miss her too." Anakin closed his eyes. He could remember how happy he had been when he saw his mother for the last time all those years ago. He loved her besides the cuts and bruises. He couldn't take that away from Leia. Besides, he missed her so much, "Send her in."

Padme smiled to herself as she went to get Leia. She had been worried at first about Leia seeing Anakin, but had changed her mind. Padme hadn't seen her father in years. She didn't care what he looked like, she just wished he was there. She wouldn't take that away from Leia. There was no way Padme was going to ruin her little girl's happiness.

"Daddy!" Leia shrieked as she ran in and wrapped her arms desperately around her father, "Oops, Mommy said you were hurt and I had to be careful."

"Its okay," Anakin responded, throat tight with emotion. He had never felt his children against him before. The suit had always been in the way.

"Daddy, are you going to rescue Luke? Obi-Wan told me about this time when you and Mommy tried to save him, but it didn't work," Leia asked.

"We'll get Luke back, I promise," Anakin told her. He pressed his charred lips to his daughter's forehead, something he had never been able to do.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Leia asked.

"Yes, angel, I'm fine," he answered, voice faltering, "I'll be okay."
Luke kicked the wall fiercely. Palpatine had had him hidden away, and so Luke hadn't seen anyone in five long days. He was locked in a tiny room. Food was slipped in under the door. No matter how hard Luke tried, he couldn't find a way out of there.

The door opened. Palpatine walked in, followed by his guards, "Skywalker, come. It's time for your training."

"No! I don't want to! I want to see my family!" Luke stated, arms across his chest.

Palpatine smiled, "They are dead."

Luke's eyes widened in disbelief. He tried to stretch out his feelings toward Leia. He could always feel her.

She was gone!

Luke bit his lip. He couldn't feel his mother or father either! But he would not cry in front of Palpatine.

"Your father's old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi killed them," Palpatine told him.

Luke's eyes narrowed. He kicked the wall again, hard. Anger surged through him. He kept kicking the wall, again and again.

"Did you get him?" Luke asked.

"No," Palpatine responded, pleased with Luke's reaction.

"I will one day," Luke said darkly, giving the wall one last mighty kick.

"I will help you," Palpatine said gently. He grinned. Luke would be much easier to manipulate than his father. He would fulfill his destiny.