Disclaimer: I don't own Half-Life or Evangelion. They are property of Valve and Gainax.


Prologue - First Assignment

SUBJECT: Gordon Freeman, Male, Age 27

EDUCATION: Ph.D., MIT, Theoretical Physics

POSITION: Research Associate

ASSIGNMENT: Anomalous Materials Laboratory




File needs update

SUBJECT: Freeman


Awaiting Assignment

"Wisely done, Mr. Freeman. I will see you up ahead."

Gordon Freeman, the now saviour of Earth, found himself in a world of darkness, nothingness, the only sounds was his own ragged breathing and heartbeat.

A minute ago, he had just defeated the Nihilanth, the supposed leader of the alien invaders that have arrived from the border world Xen to Earth through the Black Mesa Research Facility. What was considered to be a simple analysis experiment had transformed into possibly ground zero, and everyone he knew paid for it.

Alien flooded the Black Mesa Research Facility and begun a monstrous rampage, killing all of Gordon's friends and colleagues. Scientists, security guards, everyone. This was made worse when the United States Marine Corp arrived to contain the situation; which involved killing the survivors and especially him, the person who made everything go wrong.

All this on February 5, 2016, 16 years after the dreaded 2nd Impact which had plunged the whole world into chaos.

Gordon found himself to be waking up, like if he was asleep and dreaming all this time. Sure enough, his eyes as closed and he felt like he was lying on sand. He slowly opened his eyes to find he was on some kind of beach, only the sand is white.

He picked himself up and realised where he was. A beach, complete with red sky and ocean; he looked up at the sky, and could see the moon faintly in the day, or what appeared to be day.

'Is this heaven?' Gordon thought, 'Or hell?'

Wherever he is, he was glad to be here, rather on Xen.

He looked down at himself and saw he was still in his suit. His Mark 5 Hazardous Environment Suit, the one thing that has been keeping him alive all this time.

'That battle with that creature sure was tough,' he thought, scratching his head.

But now he was contemplating what he should do now. The man in the suit, the mysterious figure who had been watching him all this time during his adventure, said he would see him.

"Mr. Freeman."

Gordon jumped at those words. He looked behind and found the guy, the Government Man, the G-Man.

"Surprised to see me, Mr. Freeman?" the G-Man asked, "Thinking I was going to leave you here?"

"No," Gordon replied.

The G-Man smiled, before asking, "Do you know where we are, Mr. Freeman?"

"No I don't," Gordon replied, "Where are we?"

"Earth," the G-Man answered.

Gordon turned wide-eyed, "What!"

"Shaped by the 3rd Impact," the G-Man explained, "You see, while you were at Xen, the Third Impact hit and Instrumentality was complete. Every single human being was merged into one single glorious creature. I trust you know what I mean."

Gordon nodded, he knew all too well. He had suffered greatly at the hands of the Impacts. His father was part of the expedition to Antarctica, back in 2000, where the 1st Angel Adam was revealed, and where it was self-destructed, and causing what now is known as 2nd Impact. His mother tried hard to raise him in a stricken world, but was killed during the food riots of the early years after the Impact, leaving him alone. Earlier when he was age 6, after building his own butune-powered tennis ball cannon, he would become a man of science, to benefit mankind. And that led up to his adult years, and Black Mesa, where he heard was conducting experiments in bettering the Earth, and to defeat the Angels, the alien invaders which came after 2nd Impact.

But back to reality…3rd Impact has arrived. Everyone is gone.

"Am I, the last person on this planet?" Gordon asked.

"No you are not," the G-Man replied, frowning, "There are two others, who must now start the human race over again." He frowned, before continuing, "My employers wish that this did not happen and that is where we require your special services."

"What can I do?" Gordon asked, "I can't reverse Third Impact?"

The G-Man smiled, "No. I can. But when I do, it will be up to you to prevent this catastrophe upon mankind."

Gordon nodded. He had accepted the G-Man's proposal rather than being left on Xen to die and had to be handed his work.

"What must I do to stop Third Impact?" Gordon asked.

The G-Man smiled and took out a folder. He handed it to Gordon, who took at look at it. It had a picture of half a leaf, with the word NERV next to it.

"NERV?" Gordon queried out loud. He had only heard of this organisation once while in Black Mesa. It was the organisation charged with defending the planet against the Angels using the mechanoid Evangelion Units. There were rumours among the staff that Black Mesa was associated with the NERVs around the planet, and that the Administrator himself was connected as well.

"This will be your first assignment, Mr. Freeman," the G-Man said, "As I mentioned before, I will personally see time reverse to the last hours before Instrumentality takes place. In that time you will stop it and 3rd Impact in the process as well."

"But," Gordon tried to protest, being overwhelmed with so much detail, "How do I do that?"

He then felt darkness creep over him. The whole area was plunged back in nothingness, leaving him and the G-Man standing in the black.

The G-Man smiled, "Prevent Third Impact and the Human Instrumentality Project, Mr. Freeman," the G-Man said, almost echoing, "Do whatever it takes and use whatever means necessary."

The G-Man turned and walked away from him, where a white doorway opened and he stepped through it, disappearing. Suddenly, everything felt like it was reversing.

Gordon saw everything that would happen, right before his eyes: Tokyo-03, NERV, SEELE, the JSSDF attack on the NERV facility, and one thing that really took his breath away.

The Creature itself: A massive half-angel, half-human.

Everything faded to black again.

'What did I get myself into?' he thought, 'Oh, right.' He remembered.

Suddenly, a flash of green appeared before him, and engulfed him.