Lucky in Love

Disclaimer: I own no one!

A/N- One shot


Randy, you disgust us.

The words echoed through his head. His parents wanted nothing to do with him.

All because he was gay.

He loved the peaceful atmosphere of the beach. The briny air, the soft crash of the waves against the dunes, every small sign of life calmed him greatly.

The soft sand tickled the soles of his bare feet. He just paced, as memories wracked his brain.

Everyone said being gay was a sin. He should be ashamed. God, he was nasty!

He couldn't see the problem. He had a boyfriend and all the stuff new love brought. He was finally happy with his life.

He sat and sat on the sand. Tiny grains clung to the bottom of his jeans. He didn't care.

As a 'straight' man, he had been miserable. He never had a relationship last more than six months. Then, he had met his current (And first!) boyfriend, Chris. They had started out as very good friends. Then, Chris had confided in Randy that he was gay. Randy would always remember the day he had come to terms with his sexuality and more importantly, his true identity.

Chris, how did you know you were gay?

I just knew. Why?

Just curious. Can I kiss you?

Excuse me?

Can I kiss you?



Can I kiss you?

Go ahead

Randy could still taste the joy of that first kiss. That had been over seven months ago.

With each passing day, Randy was more in love than the day before. Waking up beside him was an amazing emotional experiance, undescribable by mortal terms.

As lucky as he felt, he couldn't get his father's words off his mind.

Randy, homosexuality is totally wrong.

Dad, Mom, Chris makes me happy!

Randy, you disgust us!

As proud as he was, he couldn't help but cry on the lonely beach. He was selfish. He wanted it all, Chris' love and his parents' support. Yet, he supposed that was asking for too much.

Sadly, he couldn't have it all.

"Babe, what are you up to?" Chris asked, standing beside his boyfriend.

"Nothing," Randy murmured, grasping Chris' hand, the older man helping him to his feet. He could never reveal what was truly on his mind.

He was afraid the knowledge would hurt Chris.

Chris Irvine had made life bearable.

"What are you thinking about?" Chris asked, stepping into their hotel room. Randy gulped.

Slowly, he undressed as he pondered how to answer Chris' question. He didn't want to hurt his boyfriend.

"How lucky I am to be with you," Randy replied. "Take down your hair," Chris shrugged as he pulled the rubber band off his long blonde ponytail.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked, watching Randy comb his fingers through his hair.

"I love playing with your hair," Randy admitted. Chris yawned.

"You're putting me to sleep," Chris chuckled. Then, they moved into the bed. Chris gently put his head on Randy's chest, allowing the young man to run his fingers through his hair. Not long after, he was sound asleep,

Randy watched him sleep. He couldn't help but feel lucky. Most men weren't this lucky in their hetero relationships.

Chris had come through when Randy had needed him most. His message was of LOVE.

That had been the lesson Randy had needed ... MOST.