We are not alone

Disclaimer – As already covered by everybody else, I own nothing. The story and everything in it belong to john Hughes.

The story picks up where the film left off, the characters going through their emotions following what had happened that day. Enjoy.


John bender hadn't felt like going home after detention. He felt a buzz, and knew for certain going anywhere near his old man would destroy that. Oh no, he wanted to hang onto this feeling.

He physically hated his father, and was determined, more than anything that he would never end up like him. He knew that he put up defences and was considered a criminal, someone not to be involved with, but he wasn't too far down the path that he couldn't see his actions were doing him no good. Bender clenched his fists in frustration, how could anybody change when he had Vernon, his dad, his mom, everybody on his back telling him much of a waste of space he was. Worthless, no good, disrespectful, lazy…the list was endless. It was so hard to change when everybody was so sure you were a lost cause.

With no car, and no place to hang out he walked around the town of shermer for an hour or so until he found himself in an empty park. Settling down on a bench, he drew his knees up to his chin and curled into a sort of ball.

He had been to A LOT of detentions but none had ever played out like todays. He fingered the diamond earring gracing his earlobe and made a mental note to hide it when he got home. It was the only thing he owned that was of any beauty, and besides it was a gift from Clare. That was one thing his old man wouldn't be taking from him.

Clare…He had never met a girl like that. He looked up and noticed it was clouding over, with his luck it would start pouring any minute. He put down his feet and wrapped his coat tight around him. Lighting a cigarette, he stared of into the distance, and started to think of Clare. That morning he had thought nothing of her, just another poor little rich girl. Now, sure her surroundings were a little grander but she was just as lost as he was, as any of the breakfast club. They had found a little part of them in each other, and John knew what had happened was special. Even if when Monday came and nothing changed, they all still had that day. Between them they had broken down the walls that they had so carefully been building and bared their souls.

He thought about the kiss they had shared. No girl had ever kissed him with so much tenderness. Sure he had 'considered' many girls in his time. But none came close to Clare. He couldn't even compare them, she was special, and as he got up and started to walk once more, he wondered if anything more could ever develop between them. After all, by Clare's own admittance, she would ignore him and stick with her narrow minded little crowd of bitches. She was so much more than that, thought Bender, above them all.

Thinking about the possibility that nothing may ever happen between them, his heart grew a little heavy, and as if Mother Nature knew what he was thinking, the rain began to fall.

Clare was also braving the elements. She couldn't think clearly in her house, it was too much like a show home. Exquisetely decorated by the best interior designers, she was hardly allowed to touch anything. God forbid she sat on the silk upholstered sofa, or walk along the mohair carpets. Needing space to think, to digest the days events, she headed for the garden. She grabbed a blanket from the conservatory, and went outside to settle into a lounge chair. So preoccupied was she, that she didn't even notice the grey skies and lightly falling rain.

She pushed her hair out of her eyes and sighed. She had taken the remaining earring out to avoid questions from her father. But she couldn't help a small smile creeping across her face as she thought about who owned the other one now.

'John bender' she whispered. She bit her lip and remembered the kiss. Her first. It was short but oh so sweet, and represented more to her than just a kiss. It was to be a new start.

She had been awakened to how ignorant she really was today, and with her newfound wisdom, that lesson was not going to be wasted. She had realised for the first time how unhappy she really was. What good was popularity, when you had no real friends? When she was such a bitch, judging people by status and wealth and ignoring what was important, and that was what was within. She didn't quite know how her 'friends' would take the new Clare, but then again she wasn't entirely sure that she cared. Perhaps she could re-educate then? As quickly she thought it, that suggestion was dismissed with a rueful smile. Especially when they saw her with John Bender. She knew her so-called friends wouldn't have the mental capacity to see past john's reputation and see him for the good person he really was. Would anything even happen between them?

That really was down to him. She knew that he had his own demons to overcome, and besides, she would ruin his bad boy reputation. Her head was swimming.

She was a headstrong girl, but it would take some kind of guts to break free from the group she was part of. She didn't doubt for a moment though it was what she needed to do, she had been unhappy for a long time.

Clare heard her mother screaming at her Father from within the house. God, she hated her mother. Clare was even staying in on a Saturday night, in hopes they wouldn't argue about it, but as she always did, her mom found something to yell at her dad about. Clare could sort of understand why her Mother was so unhappy, she had married for money not love, and had realised too late the unhappiness that can bring. The same thing would probably have happened to Clare, and it would have been all too easy. She didn't have any respect for her father, How could she? Clare could do anything she wanted and her dad would not utter a word, so keen was he to keep Clare on side. But he was giving her less credit than she deserved, she was perfectly aware of what was going on, and hated him for it. Would it kill him to treat like an adult? More than anything she hated being ammunition for her parent's arguments.

The rain started to fall heavier, and although it felt so good, like she was being washed clean somehow, she decided it was probably time to move. Besides, the Ralph Lauren outfit she still had on from earlier was dry clean only. She headed for the house, and when she got there stood by the living room door for a moment listening to her mom belittle her dad to a friend on the phone. Deciding she couldn't deal, she ran upstairs. She reached her bedroom and removed all the wet clothing and drew a hot bubble bath. Relaxing into it, she started to think of the only thing that could make her smile…John.

Across town, Brian was lying on his bed. A pile of books lay all around, and he knew to recover from the F he had received in shop, he needed to do some serious studying.

In particular, he wanted to retake the shop assignment and see if he could do better, perhaps Bender could help him. As soon as he thought that, Brian laughed softly, friends with a criminal. He could see his friends taking that well, laughing harder now; he thought how he was going to explain to Larry that Andrew was a good guy after all. Larry and his sore buns wouldn't like that.

Brian realised he was laughing out loud, and stopped in case his mom overheard. She'd probably think he was on drugs or something, although, little did she know. His parents had such a cow when they found out their 'perfect son' had detention. He had told them it was for failing shop, didn't mention the gun. He had borrowed the gun from Wyatt's older brother, didn't tell them why. Wyatt was one of his oldest friends, fellow member of the Maths, physics and Latin clubs. 'Fellow brain' thought Brian, although as an afterthought, he realised he should know better than to push labels onto anyone anymore. He yearned to go out and do something, anything, but he was grounded. He felt as if he had all this excess energy brewing inside him, and was finding impossible to sit still.

The rain thrashed against his window, and it sounded like a storm was brewing. It was unusual weather for March, especially as it had been fairly nice for the past week. Deciding he really had nothing else to do, Brian picked up a textbook and began to read, after all, nothing to do when your locked in a vacancy right? Yet he found it almost impossible to concentrate. His thoughts turned to Monday. He and Allison had sworn that they would never ignore anybody, yet Andy and Clare were a different story. He understood that today had changed them both, yet knew they operated in different social circles. In particular he thought about Andy and Allison, she had looked so different after Clare had made her over. He hoped that Andy would treat her right, after being ignored for so long, she deserved to be adored by someone.

Andy was thinking the exact same thing. His father had saw him kissing her, and her stealing his patch. He had sat through an entire lecture about he shouldn't give things like that away to just any pretty face.

Andy just didn't listen to him. He had developed a way to drown out anything his father said to him these days, after all, none of it was good.

He was in his room getting ready for stubbys party, although he didn't feel much like partying. He guessed that Clare wouldn't be there, and knew for sure nobody else from the breakfast club would be. He just knew how it would be. All his jock buddies getting drunk, checking out the cheerleaders, other students puking in the pool…like every other damn party. And he was getting bored of it.

After a quick snack of some tacos, a bag of chips, a bag of cookies and a plate of his mom's brownies he still didn't feel like going. He thought about going by Allison's, and found her address in the phone book. He felt butterflies in his stomach as he thought of her as she looked this afternoon. Who knew such a beautiful face was under all that hair. And that perfect kiss, for him it had just stopped time, she had understood him better than anybody else, and he knew she would never try and tell him what to do.

He laughed, perhaps he should just go to the party, cut loose and have a good time. Yeah, that's what he would do. He decided that he wouldn't drink so he could take his car. His dad had driven him this morning, after taking his car away for punishment. Something about, how no college would give a scholarship to a discipline case.Thinking about his father left a nasty taste in his mouth. His mind made up, Andy grabbed the keys from where he knew they were hidden, ran outside, got into his car and headed out of the drive, walking quickly in case his old man realised he was spliting. He climbed into the car, already soaked after just running the short distance from the front door to the driveway, He turned the key, started the ignition, and drove off.

He had planned on going to the party, but found himself turning towards Allisons house….

Allison was in the kitchen with her parents. As usual neither of them acknowledged her, and made no comment when she made a picked onion and Jelly sandwich. She had found that she had developed an immunity to even the weirdest food combinations, and recently she was doing weirder and weirder things to grab her parent's attention.

She felt invisible, when her dad picked her up after detention, he didn't comment at all on her new look, didn't notice that she was kissing Andy. Any other father, she thought bitterly, would have asked her ten thousand questions. She had taken out the hair band, feeling a bit too exposed but decided to stick with Clares make up. She had to admit, it did look better than that 'Black shit'.

Grabbing her sandwich and some juice, she headed upstairs to her bedroom. Allison was proud of how she had decorated her bedroom. As an aspiring artist she had painted different murals and scenes over all the walls. And on the ceiling was a mini universe, painted with neon paints, and decorated with luminous stars. One of her favourite things to do was lie down in total darkness and just gaze at it. She planned to go to art college one day, live in a loft in New York, escape this town and her old self.

She glanced at the time; 9.30, every other student at shermer high was out enjoying their Saturday night, and what was Allison doing? nothing. Even though some wonderful things had happened today, some things never changed.

Allison opened her journal and started to think about today. She wanted to put something in there to remember today by. She reached for her bag and rummaged in it for Andy's patch. She figured if what Clare said was true, and he would never speak to her again, at least she would have that to remember him by. She sighed as she thought of Andy, no guy had ever looked at her like that, and it was all so simple, some make up and a change of clothes. That had never occurred to Allison before, after all what was the point of looking nice if nobody ever appreciated it. She got up and went across to her closet. She frowned, all black, all shapeless, and all designed to make sure she never stood out in any way. She considered going shopping tomorrow, but remembered it was Sunday, so instead made a mental note to go after school on Monday.

Today, undoubtedly was one of the best experiences of Allison's life. She had never managed to form friendships with any of her peers. Before today she had always thought it easier to keep herself to herself, to do exactly as she pleased. But now, just eight hours, in a detention she should never have been at anyway, changed all that. Allison had never been a believer in fate, but she had to admit, it felt like she was meant to have been there today. Everybody, the popular rich girl, to the troublemaker has issues, and funnily enough Allison found herself liking everybody there, and opening up like she had never before. But she wasn't deluded enough to imagine a friendship beyond today. The cynic in her had returned, it would take more than eight hours of bonding to repair the years of neglect she had endured.

A clap of thunder jolted her out of her thoughts. She shut the light off and sat in total darkness admiring the lightning. She pulled a blanket from her bed and wrapped it tight around her shoulders. Allison couldn't understand people that were afraid of thunderstorms, she thought them beautiful. Sat under a whirling universe and looking at the beautiful light show outside her window, she felt temporally at peace.

Andy could hardly see for the rain lashing down upon his car. Allison lived quite a way across town from him and he admitted to himself that he was kinda lost. Then by some divine intervention, out of the corner of his eye, he could make out a street sign. His heart leaped as he checked the bit of paper he had torn from the phone book, it was Allison's street.

He drove along slowly trying to make out the numbers on the houses, and finally he pulled up outside Allison's.

He sat in his car for a while looking at the house. It was nice, white, not overly expensive looking but certainly respectful. The garden was well kept and flowers bloomed. It occurred to Andy how inappropriate the house was for the misery that existed within.

He frowned, and at that moment realised he hadn't really thought this plan out. Even though it was a Saturday, a look at his watch told him it was 10.15 already. Besides that, a storm was raging and in his haste he forgot to grab an umbrella.

Andy turned the ignition off, He had come all this way, and was determined to see Allison, no storm was going to stop him.

He treaded carefully around the outside of the house, trying to make out a window that could be hers, which was difficult when the entire upstairs was shrouded in darkness. Finally at the back of the house he spotted her window. It had to be, squinting, he could just make out a purple feather dream catcher fluttering lightly from within. That had to be it.

Allison had been sat in the same position for nearly an hour. Although her room was so peaceful, she could still hear the television from downstairs and her parent's chatter. Just as she was contemplating getting up, she heard a rapping on her window. She wrote it off as just the thunder, but then it happened again…

Andy really hoped this was her window, every inch of him was soaked, his clothing stuck tight to his skin, rain running off his hair, down his nose and unto his face. And quite frankly, he was getting pretty worried about standing out in this lightening, after all, he had a wrestling meet next week. He carried on throwing pebbles…

Allison couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and got up to look out the window. She let out a large squeal, and opened her window, "sporto?" Allison bellowed disbelivingly

"Allison!" Andy looked so pathetic, yet, thought Allison still gorgeous. She couldn't contain her grin and shouted down to him;

"What are you doing here?"

Andy smiled and yelled back "Getting wet, can I come in?"

Allison motioned to the back door and ran downstairs to let him in. she opened the door wondering if she had fallen asleep and this was just was just some whacked out dream. However the kiss Andy delivered when he was let in assured her that this was no dream. It was perfect, perfect reality. He pushed her hair back from her face, rained little kisses upon her eyes, her forehead her nose. It didn't even bother Allison that he was soaking wet and left a little puddle where he stood. Suddenly Andy pulled slightly back and looked at Allison with worried eyes.

"What about your parents?" he asked her. Allison rolled her eyes, had he learned nothing?

In reply Allison took his hand and led him into the Reynolds's living room. George and Sharon Reynolds were sat on the sofa watching the television. To prove her point Allison and Andy stood behind the sofa for a full minute, and Andy was amazed as neither parent flinched. He felt Allison take his hand and lead him upstairs, leaving large wet footprints as he went.

At the top of the stairs, Allison pointed out her bedroom;

"Go ahead", she told Andy, "I'll be right there"

Andy walked into the darkened room, and after fumbling about for a while located a light switch. He looked around Allison's room in awe. It was a masterpiece, he decided. Covering one wall was a sunset scene, a red sky fading into a blue and white sea. On another wall, a forest scene, decorated with tiny fairies and birds. So different to anything else he had ever looked at, but still so wonderful. He noted the dream catcher and smiled softly, his eyes went to the ceiling and saw that it was painted with little whirls and decorated with stars. Entering this room was like stepping into another universe.

Allison entered the room, after pausing momentarily in the doorway gazing in wonder at the sight of Andy stood in her room. In her room! She walked towards him and handed him some old clothes that belonged to her father.

"The bathrooms that way if you wanna get changed" she said.

Andy remerged some time later, and joined Allison where she was sat on the floor with her back against the bed. They sat in silence for a while until Allison broke it. "So.." she began

"what am I doing here?" Andy finished for her, smiling slightly

"yeah" she replied shyly

Andy took a deep breath " Well, I got home and my olds started on me again. I couldn't stay there any longer, and I couldn't get you outta my head. I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to be here, and I know, we only met today, but you kinda feel like my sanctuary. The only person that really understands me, I just…"

"I know" Allison had spoken so softly, Andy had only just heard her.

He shivered slightly, she pulled a blanket over both of them, and lay her head upon his shoulder. They sat like that for a while, both listening to the rhythmic beating of the rain outside. Around midnight, Andy thought he should be going. He went to get up.

"Well, I'd better be going" he said.

Allison looked distressed, "No! Please, just stay, just for tonight, I don't want to alone"

He could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Of course, of course I will" he murmured to her. Fully clothed she climbed into bed, and he followed. Tonight wasn't about sex, it was about not being alone anymore and they both knew it. He climbed under the duvet with her, and she placed her head next to his on the pillow. Lying on their sides, face to face, they both let their troubles go and fell asleep.

Allison awoke first. The first thing she noticed was that the rain had stopped, replaced by a beautiful spring morning. She lay perfectly still, transfixed with Andy's face, the rise and fall of his chest as he slept on. She really wanted to grab her sketchbook and draw him, but she didn't want to risk waking him. She could hardly believe it, if somebody had told her yesterday morning, that today she would be waking up with Andrew Clarke she would have thought them crazy…yet here she was. What a weird world.

As if he sensed her watching him, Andy's eyes slowly opened and a lazy smile crept across his lips. Allison smiled right back.

"Hey" she whispered.

"Hey. What time is it?" Andy asked. Allison looked over at the alarm clock on her bedside table.

"It's 6.45" she replied.

Andy frowned "I really have to go, my moms probably going crazy by now"

"I understand" Allison said, almost as an afterthought she asked "What's going to happen tomorrow?"

"I don't know" Andy frowned "But I don't want you to worry, I'm not letting you go"

He climbed out of Allison's bed and retrieved his clothes from the heater where they had been drying. He turned to Allison and smiled;

"I hope your not shy" he said, starting to take the loaned clothes off.

Allison gasped and pulled the duvet over her head, from underneath she laughed "Tell me when your done"

After a minute Andy pulled the covers from over her head, leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow"

Allison crept downstairs with him and showed him to the front door, she watched him walking to his car, and stood for a minute admiring how gorgeous it was this early in the morning. She might come out and sketch it later.

When Andy had driven off, Allison returned to bed. Lying in her cocoon, she suddenly realised, for the first time ever, she couldn't wait for school tomorrow.


Please review, I'm a first time author, and apologise if it shows too badly. If it's okay, I'll carry on to Monday with john/clare.