Watching From Afar

Disclaimer: Don't own, never will.

No matter how unloved you feel, no matter what you look like, no matter how much you think you're not important and don't make a difference, you still do. There is always someone watching you, loving you. There is always someone who would miss you if you weren't around.

"YOU ASSHOLE! I'LL SEND YOU TO HELL!" Kyo hollered. He flung himself at Yuki, who avoided him with ease. Yuki then kicked him flying out the paper door and on his back. The fact that Kyo didn't get up was nothing he really cared about.

"Kyo-kun, Yuki-kun, would you please stop ruining my house?" asked Shigure from his office, unconcerned.

"Kyo-kun, are you all right?" asked Tohru with a concerned voice.

"Yeah… Whatever." Kyo got up and, without even glancing at the worried Tohru next to him, he took off into the woods.

"Kyo-kun?" The left out Tohru whispered quietly, before going back inside the house, where Yuki was waiting for her.

"Don't worry about him. It's not like he'll be gone forever! He'll be back! I promise!" smiled Yuki and patted her shoulder. Little did he know, that was the last time they'd see him for a long time.

Kyo ran forcefully through the forest. Tohru had seen him lose AGAIN! She would always see him as the loser and Yuki as the winner. That damn rat doesn't deserve her! He doesn't…

He came to a road nearby without noticing it. He didn't notice the car either. His thoughts stopped rightthen and there.

Kyo didn't feel the car smash into him; his guardian had already taken him out of his shell.

Tohru was silently eating her dinner, as Shigure and Yuki argued away. She was worried about Kyo. What if something happened to him while he was away? He hadn't even looked at him, but she knew he was upset.

Suddenly she froze.

"What's the matter, Honda-san?" Yuki asked and looked at her.

"N- Nothing… I just had a feeling something bad just happened." She replied and relaxed again. "But… It's probably nothing.

"You useless son of a bitch! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO RECKLESS?" Kyo looked around to see who was screaming at whom. He noticed a woman with bright orange hair and an angry face who looked suspiciously like himself. She was floating in the air, and she had a white dress kind-of-thingy.

"Who the hell are you?" Kyo asked rudely.

"I'm you! You idiot! I bet you didn't even NOTICE the road! Thanks to you, I have to do a lot of work to get you DOWN there again."

"Wait… what are you talking about? You're ME? Down THERE?"

"I suggest you look down, Kyo-chan." The female angel-Kyo said. She was getting annoyed with his idiot-ness.

"DON'T CALL ME KYO-CHAN!" He hollered, but looked down, and was about to fall down and crack his skull open. He was floating in the air, AS WELL. When he saw the orange haired girl float, he didn't think much of it; it was just SUPPOSED to be like that. But now, he gave his situation a bit more thought.

Down there, a man was talking on the phone in front of his car with an upset voice, and a woman was looking at a lump between them. She was crying and screaming.

"I-I didn't see him! He just came out of nowhere! Oh GOD what have I done?" The woman screamed. "I-I…." She broke down in a fit of panic, and she was shaking in her entire body. She had light hair, and looked fairly young. She was pregnant, and she had a bruise on her forehead. The man put away his phone, and put his arm around her to comfort her. He had dark brown hair, and was a bit older than the woman. About 3 years, Kyo guessed.

"I've called the ambulance. Don't worry! It wasn't your fault!"

The woman started crying loudly again, and clinged to the man.

Kyo wondered what they were talking about. He looked at the lump in front of the car. At first, it just looked like some old clothes, but now he saw it had orange hair. And on the left wrist there was black and white….

Kyo quickly looked down at his left wrist. It was gone.

"She will have a baby, a boy, and they'll name the kid after you, Kyo-chan." The orange haired woman said behind Kyo. He spinned around and looked at her, only to see her watch the woman with softness in her eyes. "She is a Sohma, Kyo-chan. Sohma Keiko. She's your distant relative, and the kid she is bearing will be the year of the cat."

"Poor woman…" Kyo muttered and remember his own mother. She committed suicide because of him. "Don't call me Kyo-chan!"

"Don't say that. She will love you more than your old mother did."

Kyo looked at her. "Me?"

"Her kid is dead, Kyo. The kid died in the crash. However, he was supposed to die before birth. You, however, weren't supposed to die, so I'm giving you the chance to have a beautiful and loving mother, a wonderful life and to have Tohru near you for the rest of your life."

"Tohru? Wh- How did…?" Kyo blushed and looked away.

"I'm you, remember? I know everything about you!" She laughed. "You can call me Kyoko!"

Kyo looked down at the woman again. She just ran someone over, and at the same time she lost her precious baby. It's a harsh and unfair world we live in, Kyo thought. He felt sympathy for the poor woman. So what if he'd have to be the year of the cat again? So what if he had to suffer being the black sheep of the family again? At least nobody else would suffer.

"She's giving birth in 3 months. Until then I'll show you your loved ones life through another perspective." Kyoko said and smiled. Kyo nodded slowly, and then smiled at her.

Such a wonderful smile I have, Kyoko thought and patted Kyo on his back. "It'll be okay!" She said.

Hooo... one chapter done. How did you like it so far? Review and tell me!