Chapter 10; Finally

I luv kyo: Actually, Keiko is my own character, my OC. She doesn't exist in the manga. And, as I've explained so many times before, Kyo had to die, because I wouldn't have a plot if he didn't. Why is everyone questioning my plot?

Kokari: Me? Sick? Never! Confusing, yes, sick, no. I would never make them do anything sickening. In fact, I think everyone will be disappointed in this chapter because it wasn't sickening in enough.

Kracker Lace: (laughs like a pirate) yeah, I love samurai deeper Kyo! And I would like to thank you for helping me become a better writer! Thank you! For your help, this chapter is dedicated to you! Kay? Enjoy!

Foxmagic: Yes, I actually find it annoying to watch anime sometimes. Manga is funnier and if you read it really fast, it doesn't get boring! The Samurai deeper Kyo manga is much better than the anime!

This chapter is dedicated to the ever helpful Kracker Lace, because she's helped me improve my writing skills!

Two thirds of the Mabudachi Trio were standing around with their ice-creams in hand, looking around for some reason.

"Hmm…" Shigure finally spoke. "I wonder where Yuki-kun and Tohru-kun went?" He asked and looked around some more.

"I'm here." Yuki said, sounding and looking extremely bothered by something.

Happy to see his lovely brother, Ayame swooned: "Brother! Where have you been? I've been so very worried that maybe you got caught in the rollercoaster and died!"

"As if that would ever happen." Yuki said, a vein pulsating on his forehead. "And you didn't even notice I was gone until I came back."

"Brother!" Ayame exclaimed with two exclamation marks. "Of course I did! Why would I not notice something like that?"

Only the crickets could be heard.


After about 15 minutes of running, Kyo stopped to catch his breath, as he was sure nobody had bothered to follow him. In fact, he wasn't sure if they even noticed him.

He snorted. "Like I care!" He said to himself, totally denying all feelings whirling around inside of him.

He slumped down beside a tree and leaned against it, closing his eyes. Why did this have to happen? Soon enough, he was sleeping soundly. Very soundly, forgetting all of his problems.

He was all alone in a beautiful, green valley with a lake in the middle. In a world where no rats or zodiacs existed, he was happily married to…

"Hey, Kyo-chan!" A voice suddenly yelled in his ear.

"WHAT?" He roared back, hitting whatever woke him up very hard.

"That didn't hurt!" The thing stated. Kyo looked up and saw Kyoko, his ever loving guardian. "How do you do?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Kyo asked angrily, glaring like he'd never glared before. "Go away!"

"Never!" Kyoko said loudly.

"Whatever." Kyo said and turned around to sleep some more. He closed his eyes and muttered "Just be quiet."

"If you sleep here you're going to catch a cold, you know!" Kyoko informed him with crossed arms and a motherly expression.

"I don't care."


"Why?" Kyoko asked, sounding more concerned than she'd ever sounded before. At least, Kyo thought so.

"Nothing matters anymore." He replied dully, and stared off at nothing.

"Aww, Kyo-chan, don't say things like that! It's so depressing!" Kyoko said with a forced smile before she did something Kyo had never seen her do before; she slumped down and sat beside him, patting him on his back to comfort him. "It'll be okay." She said.

Meanwhile, Shigure was watching Ayame annoy the hell out off his little brother when it suddenly hit him.

"Where's Tohru?"

The two brothers stopped in their tracks and the older looked at Yuki, who was finding the ferries wheel incredibly interesting.

After a couple of minutes of Ayame and Shigure staring at Yuki, Ayame got fed up and demanded for his little brother to answer.

"Brother!" He yelled ecstatically, being over dramatic and doing loads of gestures. "I demand that you, as my little brother, tell me, your older brother, where Honda Tohru is!"

"Yes, yes," The dog agreed, nodding his head with a dumb grin. "Let's find Tohru-kun and go home and eat!"

"Gure-san! I'm invited aren't I?" Ayame swooned, forgetting all about Tohru and her whereabouts.

Shigure nodded, still grinning dumbly, before he said "Of course, Aya-san!" Then they hugged and lived happily ever after.

That is, until Yuki, a few moments later, kicked both of their asses and made them pay!

"You don't have to be so mad, Yuki-kun!" Shigure said, teary eyed.

"Yeah, you're so scary, little brother!" Agreed Ayame, also teary eyed. "Oh, Gure-san! Save me from brother's wrath!"

"Of course, Aya-san, but you must save me too!" Shigure replied, and they hugged closely again.

Yuki just sighed and turned around. "I'm going home." He stated before he started walking home slowly.

Ayame and Shigure looked at each other. "Was it something we said?" Shigure asked. Ayame shrugged.

At the same time, almost, Kyo was being silent together with his guardian, when a thought popped up in his head. Maybe it was because he didn't want to think about anything that had anything to do with Tohru, Yuki or cars, or maybe it was because he was just curious. We will never know which…

"Hey, Kyoko…" He started, scratching his head. "Are you like, my guardian Angel?" He asked.

"Why, of course I am, Kyo-chan! What did you think?" She replied happily, trying her best to lighten the previously dark mood.

Kyo shifted so he was more comfortable. "I don't know, I guess I just never thought about it." He said.

Silence again. Somewhere in the seemingly big forest… in the middle of town… a bird chirped, but other than that only the faint sound of the festival and some crickets could be heard.

Damn, Kyoko thought, I hate uncomfortable silences… Damn, damn, damn! She looked up at the sky, but it wasn't there. Instead, leaves and branches covered her view. She let out a sigh, shifting and withdrawing her hand from Kyo's back. Instead, she started tapping her finger against her knee while humming some song she made up on the spot.

That should make her find us, she thought.

Kyo's breathing slowed down to the extent that Kyoko was sure he was sleeping again. A soft smile slowly spread in her face as she observed him. The back of his head was as orange as ever, and his back was rising rhythmically, up and down, up, down. Kyoko was almost hypnotized and started staring, her smile turning into a dumb grin.

That's why she didn't notice Tohru until she stepped on a twig. Kyoko's head darted up and she stared at Tohru in surprise, mostly because she hadn't noticed her before, but also because she had been staring at Kyo's back and was a little embarrassed about that.

"Kyoko-kun…" Tohru spoke, but was silenced by Kyoko signalling for her to be quiet.

"Shh!" She half-whispered, index finger pushed lightly against her mouth. "He's asleep!"

Tohru nodded and crept closer, kneeling down next to the sleeping boy. "Kyo-kun?" She whispered softly, stroking some hair from his forehead. His eyes fluttered open, and he stared at her for a second before he sat up abruptly shaking his head.

"What're you doing here?" He asked, confused.

Tohru smiled brightly and sat down beside him. "Honestly, I don't know!" she said with a sigh and felt utterly old and, strangely enough, wise. "I don't know why I followed you instead of going back to Shigure-san and Ayame-san together with Sohma-kun, but I did, and I guess I'll just have to accept that." She paused and glanced at Kyo.

"Stupid." He muttered and looked the other way, trying to hide his red hot face.

Tohru laughed, thinking of all the times the old Kyo had said that to her.

"What?" Kyo asked.

Tohru shifted to a more comfortable position, not caring about the fact that her jeans would get dirty. "Oh, nothing," She said happily. "I was just… No, nothing." She stopped, not knowing what to say next. Her mom never said anything that would help her in this situation.

Suddenly, Kyoko and Tohru-kun popped up out of nowhere in a sea of flickering light.

"Hello!" They said in union. "It's time!" Kyoko continued and both guardians turned to Tohru. She raised her eyebrows in a confused expression, pointing at herself.

The guardians nodded, before Kyoko grabbed Kyo by the arm and yanked him up in a sitting position. "You'll get a cold if you sleep in the forest!" She said motherly and nodded. "But that's not why we're here! We're here to tell you everything and then send you to where you belong!"

A slightly confused moment of silence hit the two guarded as they both stared at Kyoko.

Kyo was the first to break the silence. "Say what?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Where are you going to send us?" Tohru asked worriedly.

"Don't worry! It's no place bad! Just the regular! You'll both be very happy there!" It was something about the way she said it that made Kyo mistrust her for the first time in 16 years.

As if feeling his doubt, which she did, she shot him a look. "Don't do that! It feels funny! I'm the only one you can entirely trust! If you don't trust me, you should get thrown into a mental hospital for the rest of your life." She said solemnly.

Kyo simply frowned before he grunted out a "Sorry."

Kyoko nodded and lightened up again. "Don't worry! We're not going to kill you or anything! We are simply sending you back to where you belong!" She said, grinning widely.

"Yeah, but both of you'll have to say the right thing before we can do anything. So until then," Tohru-kun smirked "we're going to have a long, nice talk!"

Silence ensued, as neither Kyo nor Tohru knew what he was talking about. Long talk? Why?

Then it suddenly hit Kyo. "Tohru!"

Startled, Tohru jumped at his exclamation. "Ye-yes?"

"CAN YOU SEE THEM?" Kyo was throughout-ly surprised when she nodded her head. "Why?" He proceeded to ask.

Tohru opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off. "We'll handle this, Tohru-chan!" Tohru-kun said with a weird, lopsided grin.

Kyoko continued "Kyo-chan, do you remember that time about a year ago when Tohru-kun went to the hospital?"

"Err… yes." Kyo said. How could he forget? That was horrible.

"Well, Tohru-kun ended up in the corridor, where we, the guardians, live. If you ask, I'm sure she'll tell you about it later. Anyways, we," Kyoko pointed at herself and Tohru-kun "told her what she wanted to know."

Tohru's eyes widened and her jaw fell open, as if she just realized something. She turned around and faced Kyo. "Kyo-kun? Is it really you?"

He started at her, frowning before he turned his head to the two guardians. "What did you tell her?" He asked.

The answer was simple. "The truth."

Turning back to Tohru, fully understanding the meaning of the two words, he nodded as an answer.

Frowning thoughtfully, Tohru said after a moment or two "But… how?"

Kyo opened his mouth, but Kyoko cut in. "Well, you see, when Kyo-chan was run over by Keiko, Keiko was pregnant, and the infant died in the crash. However, that kid was supposed to die anyways, so we couldn't save it. Kyo-chan, however, was not supposed to die, so we just stuffed Kyo into the infant's body after three months of merrily floating around." She explained matter-of-factly.

"I wouldn't call that 'merrily' floating around." Kyo commented dryly.

After looking at Kyo for a few moments, Kyoko turned back at Tohru. "He sneaked into your room at night!" she whispered with a smirk.

Kyo, hearing them perfectly well, flushed. "SH-SHUT UP!" He roared.

"There, there, Kyo-chan!" Kyoko said and patted him lightly on the head, reminding everyone strongly of Shigure. "You have natural urges just like every teenage boy!"

Kyo brushed her off him while he muttered obscenities. Shrugging, Kyoko continued. "But then, he was born. It was a bloody process, but Kyo finally got to see the inside of a woman's vagina!"

Red as a tomato at this time, Kyo started to shake violently, raising his fist in the air before he took a deep breath. "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He roared and hollered at the same time, making both guardians and Tohru jump high in the air. "I've never wanted to see the insides of a woman's… thing, AND BESIDES, I CAN'T REMEMBER THAT!"

Kyoko smirked evilly. "Whatever." She said, as if she didn't believe a word he said. "And I don't appreciate being called a bitch!"

Kyo snorted. I wish I never died, he thought bitterly.

At the exact same time Tohru burst "I wish you never died, Kyo-kun!"

And before either of them had the time to blush, everything became white and they couldn't see a thing. Kyoko and Tohru-kun smiled to themselves before they disappeared in a flickering light.

When Kyo woke up, he was in a white room and the place had a weird smell to it. Not that it smelled bad, only… weird. Looking around, he found that on his left he had a table with some flowers in a glass of water. A card was sticking to one of the flowers, and as Kyo reached out to see what it said, he realized he was covered in bandage.

"Wha?" He frowned and examined the bandage. "What happened?" He asked, even though he wasn't sure anybody was in the room.

But somebody was in the room. As soon as she heard him, Tohru's head perked up and she stared at him, a big, smile spreading in her face as tears formed in her eyes.

"Kyo-kun! You're alive!" She half-yelled as she ran up to him and half-hugged him, careful not to get to close. Kyo eyed her, wondering vaguely why she was wearing her old school uniform. Then he realized it.

"Tohru! You're sixteen!" He exclaimed with wide eyes.

Frowning, Tohru nodded. "So are you, Kyo-kun."

"I am…" He said thoughtfully, looking around the room. The stool Tohru had been sitting on was small and didn't look very comfortable. It was a single room, he noted, and there was a big window next to the bed. The door was a light-woody colour. Other than that, it was pretty empty.

"Maybe it was just a dream…" Kyo mumbled as he stared out the window.

"What was that, Kyo-kun?" Tohru asked happily where she was, straightening the covers of the bed.

"What happened?"

"Oh! You were run over by a car!"

There. Aren't you happy I FINALLY finished? I know you are. I'm happy too. As there are no more chapters I won't be able to answer whatever questions you may have. However, feel free to e-mail me! I love getting mail!

It seems chapter two was the most loved chapter in this fic. OOCness seems to be very popular these days! Haha! Just thought I'd let you know!

(coughs) Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoyed this short excuse for a chapter! Now go read 'The Dare'!