Author's Note: This is our first fan fiction because we kept on getting bored with the other ideas!

Disclaimer: we don't any of this Blah! Blah! You know what we're gonna write and we don't own Pocahontas.

Now on with the story:

Chapter 1: The Night

Hermione sat on the foot of her bed in the head dorms and surveyed the mess surrounding her. Empty fire whisky bottles littered the floor along with several unconscious seventeen-year-olds.

It was an end of school celebration and the 7th years were all in the head dorms for a dusk-till-dawn celebration.

'I've spiked the potato chips' Goyle announced proudly to Crabbe 'and everyone except for her' he jerked his thick thumb in Hermione's direction 'has eaten one! Even me! In about 10 seconds everyone will do and see what they want!'

Sure enough Hermione saw Dean point to a wall with a Chudley Cannons Poster tacked carelessly to it and shouted 'LOOK EVERYONE IT"S POCAHONTAS!'

Off course it wasn't Pocahontas and Dean ran into the wall and knocked himself out.

'Aww look Hawwy Dean fells asweep. Ha hahaha' exclaimed Ron and swayed a little.

It had gone on long enough. Hermione needed to find Professor McGonagall before someone was seriously injured. She stood up from her bed, which was littered with chip packets and headed for the door.

She had no sooner stood up, when suddenly a pair of strong hands pushed her in the chest making her topple over back into bed.

'Hey' yelled Hermione. But she chocked on her words in surprise when she saw a pair of cold grey eyes staring hungrily into hers. She scrambled away and sat paralysed with fear on her crisp white pillows as the blonde haired figure crawled on top of her. Hermione struggled to get out of bed but the strong hands pushed her into the mounds of chip packets.

'GET OFF ME MALFOY!' screamed Hermione as she turned her head to the side to see Goyle staggering toward her with a glass of vile smelling potion. He forced it into her mouth. The sounds around the room grew faint and Hermione lay limply on the bed.

'Pansy' moaned Draco in a dazed fashion. 'Lalalalalalalalala' sung Draco in a drugged demented way.

Hermione stared at Draco, she wanted to scream, she wanted to punch him, but she couldn't move. She watched as he ripped off her robes then his. No, no, NO! She wanted to scream and scratch those cold eyes. Draco kissed her neck and she felt his rough beard on her cheek.

Get off… Get off… she pleaded silently she felt cold without her robes and she could feel his cold eyes boring into hers. Hermione saw the Chudley Cannons Poster out of the corner of her eye and she watched the little figures on brooms wiz around the poster trying not to notice the smell of whisky on his breath and his body on the bare skin.

She watched as one orange clad figure dodged bludger after bludger until her eyes blurred the poster from view…

A/N: That's all for now. Please read and review.