I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion; Gainax and Hideaki Anno do. I'm just a 16-year-old fanboy from Alaska.

Looking for "Triumvirate"? I've deleted it. This is my replacement. Please read and review. Thanks. – C.o.W.


Excerpt from the official United Nations Complete Report on the Human Instrumentality Project:

The Project is believed to have failed when Dr. Ritsuko Akagi killed Commander Gendo Ikari with a simple handgun. Her official statement is as follows:

"I was planning on destroying all of NERV, but I changed my mind. I feared that the MAGI, designed by my mother, would betray me. I could not let this happen. I made my way to Terminal Dogma, where Lilith was kept. Commander Ikari and the Pilot Ayanami were there. Ayanami turned to me and I knew then that it would be wrong to completely destroy the facility. I could not waste innocent lives. Ikari turned around to face me. I was sure he had a gun too, so I fired first. I don't know how many bullets hit him, but I emptied the gun. Rei did nothing. I cried."

Dr. Akagi left the area with the girl Ayanami. They came into contact with Japanese officials, who arrested them. An autopsy performed on Ikari revealed seven bullet holes. Embedded in Ikari's right hand was biological material. Upon examination, the material was revealed to be a part of the first Angel, "Adam". Ikari had planned to insert the material into the girl Ayanami and have her merge with the second Angel, "Lilith".

Excerpt from the official United Nations Complete Report on Evangelion Units:

Units 05 through 13 then attacked Unit 02. Although 02 beat off its opponents, they re-activated and tore apart Unit 02. The entry plug containing the girl Soryu fell to the bottom of the lake. It was recovered when the force from the anti-AT field blew it out of the water. The entry plug was damaged enough to allow its occupant to escape.

Unit 01 was lifted out of the Geo-Front by Units 05 through 13, apparently to perform a "purification ceremony". An anti-AT field was generated, revealing the Geo-Front to the surface air and destroying much of the remains of Tokyo-3.

Excerpt from the official United Nations Complete Report on the Human Instrumentality Project:

A merger between the first and second angels did not happen. SEELE realized that the project had failed. They decided that the Dead Sea Scrolls had been seriously misinterpreted, and the organization disbanded. Chairman Lorenz Keel was found murdered three days after the dissolution.

Excerpt from the official United Nations Complete Report on Evangelion Pilots:

Pilot Shinji Ikari was admitted to a hospital in Tokyo-2. He suffered from serious psychological disturbances and neural trauma after Unit 01 fell to Earth when the "purification ceremony" stopped.

Pilot Asuka Langley Soryu was transferred to the same hospital when the Geo-Front was abandoned. Her condition remained serious. With the extent of brain damage she received, she was physically and mentally restricted.

Pilot Rei Ayanami was found to be partially human and partially artificial. She possessed mechanical implants in her arms and legs for improved reflexes. After being submitted to the same hospital as the other two pilots, it was revealed that her physical state was deteriorating. She died three months later. Former NERV technician Maya Ibuki witnessed the child's death. Her official statement is as follows:

"Rei looked right at me. She told me she loved me. She told me she loved Shinji and Asuka. Then she told me to tell Sempai Dr. Ritsuko Akagi that she loved her, too, especially for destroying the dummy plug system of which copies of Ayanami were used; only three copies have lived. Finally, Rei said that her heart was full of love… for the whole world. She wished that she had only had more time to show this love to us all. Then her eyes closed and she stopped breathing. I wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come.

Excerpt from the official United Nations Complete Report on NERV Personnel:

As of January 1, 2019, all surviving former NERV employees live in Tokyo-2.

As of January 1, 2019, the body of former NERV specialist Ryouji Kaji has not been recovered.