Epilogue: Yuki's Comfort

Yuki spiraled around, surprised to see Tohru standing before him. He expected her to be with Hana at the moment to say goodbye to her friend and the emotional weekend. 'Maybe she did something to upset her? She looks like she's been crying… But she's smiling…' He thought to himself, very anxious to know what was on her mind. He immediately put his pencil down and got up from his schoolwork to walk over to her. "Tohru, what is it? Did you… talk with Miss Hanajima?" Tohru accepted Yuki's embrace and returned it. "Yuki… I… I'm not sure how to say it, but… I guess the simplest way is to say that… we didn't want to go any further." Yuki tried to contain his relief with a look of disappointment. "What do you mean? You… broke up?"

Tohru shook her head. "See, that's what I wanted to avoid; we're still friends but… I just felt like someone else… deserved love more than she did." Yuki was shocked, surely he didn't end the controversial relationship just to be with someone like himself. "It just seems like… out of everyone that was cursed… you were one of the people hurt the most. I felt like… you deserved someone to love more than she did…" While Yuki felt blessed to hear those words from the woman he loved, he still stuttered through excuses, feeling obligated to object as to why she chose him and not Hanajima. "Tohru… you… you don't need to do this… just… out of pity for me, I…" Yuki was interrupted once again when he felt Tohru's gentle hand caress his face like it was a sacred jewel.

"Yuki, I do admit… that this is partly out of pity for you and your family…" she paused, tears from her past conversation starting to resurface. "…but it's so much more than that. You're the one who took me in. You're the one that defended me when no one else could. You're… the one that promised me you'd always be there for me..." she leaned in closer before closing her eyes and whispering the final part of her speech.

"…and I promise you that too."

Yuki was now lost for words completely, as for the first time in his life in front of anyone outside of his family, he allowed himself to shed tears of joy through closed eyelids; at that moment Tohru leaned in and gave him their first formal kiss. It was very possible that if a bomb went off outside, they wouldn't be able to notice it since they were both lost in the moment. Almost at the same time, both their right hands moved up to caress the other's face as the kiss progressed. After several seconds, they broke apart reluctant to open their eyes and awaken from that perfect dream.

"Tohru… thank you… I love you… so much." The rat managed to say.

"I love you too, Yuki. But… what do we do now? We're too young to really…"

"Just make more memories? Isn't that what's best?"

"…You're right. That sounds… perfect… Prince Yuki."

"Now don't be like those fan club girls."

Tohru laughed, realizing that fact. "Okay…"

Time moved on that night, and finally they reluctantly decided to part to their separate quarters; they reached out to each other as Tohru walked out the door, and Yuki closed his eyes, clutching his pillow tightly as he drifted off to sleep. Only a few minutes later, Tohru did the same.