Beauty and Brains

Summary: After graduating from Harvard at the top of her class, Kagome was determined to get her dream job at Takeda Advertising Industry.However, everything turns upside down when her boss goes from hating her to wanting to "have" her, all in one day. How will Kagome get through this job with a boss who seems to have more mood swings than a woman with PMS?

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters or the actual show itself

Chapter 1: Male Chauvinism at Work

Looking into the mirror, she looked over her business suit. She wore a pale pink knee-length skirt, a thin white silk tank top, a matching pale pink jacket reaching just below her butt and black pumps. Once Kagome was satisfied with her outfit, she looked at her hair. It was kept in a bun with some hair flowing out behind her. Twirling in the mirror once more, she slipped her bag onto her shoulder and left, locking her front door behind her, jumping into her silver Porsche and driving off.

As she neared the Takeda Advertising Industry main building, nervousness began to set in. 'I hope I get this job. I've worked so hard for this,' she thought to herself. Just then her cell phone rang, playing "Mockingbird" from Eminem. Digging into her bag, she found her cell phone and quickly answered.


"Hey Kag. It's me, Sango. Where are you?" Sango asked worried.

"I'm on my way to Takeda Industry. I'm applying for the position of creative designer, and I'm kind of nervous…" she confided to her friend.

"Kagome, you don't have to be nervous. You are the smartest person I know. Plus I got good news."

"Really, What?" Kagome asked anticipation in her voice.

"Guess who you'll be working with?" Sango said, nodding her head although she was aware that Kagome could not see her.

"Ah! You have to be kidding me," Kagome squealed like a school girl who had just gotten asked out by her crush.

"Nope, I'm serious. I'll wait for you in the lobby okay?"

"Thanks Sango. You're the best," she said as she hung up and realized that she was outside the building. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of her car, straightened her skirt and walked through the front door of the establishment with as much confidence as she could muster.

"Kagome!" Sango shouted as she embraced her best friend tightly.

"Hey!" Kagome said, returning the embrace. "So, who is your boss and is he easy to please?" Kagome asked, hope shining in her eyes.

"His name is Inuyasha Takeda and…ah well…he can be difficult…" she answered, trailing off.

"Well, I'm qualified and that should be enough," Kagome said, walking towards the main desk.

"Good luck Kag. You're going to need it," Sango whispered to herself as she turned and headed toward the elevator.

"Hi. Where do I go for the interview with Mr. Takeda for the position of creative designer?" Kagome asked the girl sitting behind the desk.

"Take the elevator to the twelfth floor, go straight down the hall and you'll see a door with his name on it," the woman replied graciously.

"Okay. Thank you Ms um…" she quickly looked at the name tag that the girl wore before adding "Nazuna."

"You're welcome Ma'am. Have a nice day." She said with a friendly smile as Kagome headed towards the elevator.

Pressing the button, she waited for it to come down to her floor.

Just exiting the elevator, Sango bumped right into Miroku.

"Hi Miroku. Where are you going?"

"Oh hi Sango. I was just heading out to lunch. Would you care to join me?"

"No thanks. I'd like to have a grope-free day thank you very much," she said and began to walk away.

"Will you never give me the benefit of the doubt?" he asked as he sighed in exasperation. "You never give me a chance to show you I'm better than the guy you think I am. I'm sorry if I can't help myself around a beautiful woman, but I don't think you should judge me by that alone since you've never taken the chance to get to know me."

Sango turned around, feeling guilty, just in time to see Miroku turn and leave. "Miroku wait," she said, running to catch up to him. "I'm sorry Miroku. I…" she trailed off.

"You don't have to say anything. I don't want, neither do I need, your pity," he said, this time not tuning when she called his name.

"Miroku!" She shouted after his retreating form. 'Why do I feel so bad? Could I really have…feelings for him?' she thought as she walked to her office.

Kagome looked at every door as she walked down the long hall and mumbled to herself "Inuyasha…Inuyasha…ah ha! Inuyasha Takeda." She said triumphantly to herself. Knocking lightly, she waited for a response.

"Come in," came a male voice. Looking up as she entered, the owner of the voice, Inuyasha, asked, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm here for the interview for the position of creative designer and my name is Ka-"

"On second thought, it doesn't matter what your name is because you won't get the job."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because there is no way someone who looks like you can be smart enough for this job."

"Why don't you just look at my résumé, then tell me I'm not qualified," Kagome said, feeling her anger spike at his insinuations about her intelligence.

Smelling the change in her scent, he smirked. "This better not be a waste of time," he said as he flipped through the pages. "Wow, you are qualified," he said, actually amazed by her qualifications.

"So, you still don't think I'm smart enough for this job?" she asked, a smug grin on her face.

Turning a glare on her, he said, "No. I no longer doubt your qualifications. However, I find you to be an insufferable arrogant bitch and so you are not qualified for this position.

Kagome gasped, speechless. Finally regaining her composure, she asked "how can you say that about someone you don't know at all?"

"I don't need to know you. Now if you would kindly close that extraordinarily large hole in your face and stop sucking up all of my precious oxygen, exit my office and close the door behind you," he said turning his back on her.

"Turning around, she exited the office whispering, "what a male chauvinistic pig."

"Kagome how was the interview? Sango asked.

"Agh!" she screamed as she threw her hands up in frustration and stomped from the building.

"Alright I'll call you..." Sango said quietly.

After driving for an hour, cursing anyone who got too close to her car, Kagome finally got home. She marched in through the front door and slammed it shut, muttering to herself about sexists idiots who were afraid of superior females.

After climbing the stairs and slamming her bedroom door shut, she looked at herself in the mirror. "Is there something wrong with the way I look?" she asked herself aloud. "Maybe he thinks I'm ugly," she said looking closely at her face. "Wait a minute. What am I saying? He can't just decide to not hire me because of my looks," she said incredulously. Looking at her mirror, she saw a picture of her and one of her former law classmates. "Wait a second. I have an idea…"

Quickly changing into a plain white t-shirt, a low rise faded blue jean pants and a pair of white Air Force, Kagome pushed her hair into a high ponytail and left the house. Moments later, she ran back into her house and grabbed her cell phone. Then she took a deep breath and cleared her mind. "I just realized that I don't know where that asshole lives. I better call Sango." Not wanting to waste the money on her cell phone, she picked up the phone next to her bed and dialed Sango's number.

Sango picked up after three rings. "hello?"

"Hey Sango it's me. I'm sorry for the way I acted after the interview but right now I need your help. Do you know where Inuyasha Takeda lives?"

"Well, not exactly but I know someone who does. Let me call you back okay?" Sango said and hung up before waiting for a response. Sango quickly dialed Miroku's number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello, this is Miroku speaking-"

"Oh no don't tell me I got the machine," Sango whined.

"Sango? Is that you?"

"Oh Miroku. Thank God. I thought that was your machine."

"Is there a problem?" he asked before she could ramble on any further.

"Oh sorry. Do you know exactly where Inuyasha lives?" Sango asked

"Is that why you called?" Sighing, He then gave her the directions to Inuyasha's home.

"Thank you Miroku. Oh and about today…"

"I already told you, I don't care about today."

"Can you just hear me out?" When she heard no complaints from him she continued. "About today, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Miroku, but it's hard to allow myself to even think of you in that way when I don't even know if you're capable of being with one girl," she said in a pleading voice. "I want you to understand. You're not bad looking…and…I guess I may be attracted to you but I can't deal with that constant doubt and insecurity. I don't wan to mess up our friendship Miroku but I really don't think I can put my heart out there when I'm not sure that I can fully trust you…" she trailed off when she realized he was not responding to her.

"Are you done?" he asked, seemingly not fazed by her confession in the least.

"Yeah I guess I am," she replied.

"Sango…I know what type of man you think I am but thinking and knowing are two different things. How do you know I don't have an ulterior motive as to why I go around groping any and every girl?"

"I don't."

"No you don't. Do you know what it means to be easy Sango? Because if I had groped you and you had come straight into my arms I would have told you that you were a slut and that you weren't worth it. But you never gave me a chance. All you did was pass judgment about me as if you actually knew me. Look Sango. Being attracted to me isn't enough for me. I'm twenty-two years old and I've had so many girlfriends I can't even remember half their names. Don't you think that maybe I wasn't so shallow? That maybe I had more depth to me and was looking for a woman I could hold on to for more than a month?"

"I'm sorry Miroku. I didn't know you were that deep."

"Would you quit apologizing to me! I already told you that I don't want you pity. I want you to have genuine feelings for me."

"I'm not pitying you. I just…don't know what to say…" Breathing a heavy sigh of regret, she continued, "Miroku, I would like to get to know the real you…Can I do that…Can we do that?"

"That's all I ever wanted Sango." He said and she could hear the smile in his voice. "So does that mean that you will reconsider my invitation to lunch tomorrow?" he asked and you could hear the hope in his voice.

"I don't need to consider it because I want to have lunch with you tomorrow."



"Thanks Sango. Bye." He said and hung up.

Sango just sat back and sighed, wondering how she could have ever let a man like Miroku nearly slip through her fingers. "Oh God. I forgot all about Kagome." Quickly dialing Kagome's number, Sango awaited the tongue lashing she knew she was about to get.

"Kagome picked up the phone and shouted "what the hell Sango. Did you forget about me or something! Jesus! How long does it take to get directions to a house!" Kagome ranted.

"Sorry Kagome. I just had something to deal with. Anyway here is his address and the directions…"

"Thanks Sango and sorry about getting mad at you. You obviously had something important to deal with and as your best friend I should be more considerate."

"It's okay. Just go do your thing."

"Okay bye Sango."

Hanging up the phone, Kagome quickly ran out her front door and jumped into her car. Pausing only to fasten her seatbelt and look at the directions and address on the paper, she sped off.

Upon arrival at the address she was given, she could only stare in awe at the extensive mansion that lay before her. Coming to the large iron gates that led to a humungous driveway, she saw a guard.

"State your business please," he said in a monotone.

"I'm here for an interview that was postponed. Tell him that I was sent by Sango and Miroku."

Buzzing on the intercom in the guard station, he told Inuyasha what Kagome had said and Inuyasha responded by saying to let her in.

The guard opened the gates and as Kagome sped through she threw a "thanks" over her shoulder. She circled the fountain and parked in front of the stairs to the entrance just as a boy came to her car side.

"I've come to put your car in the garage for it reported on the news that it would rain," he said, explaining his purpose to her.

"Okay thank you," she said with a friendly smile. Walking up the stairs she entered and was met by a butler. "Excuse me Mister but I was wondering if you could show me where I can find Mr. Inuyasha Takeda."

"Certainly. Follow me." He led her to Inuyasha's study where he was reviewing some contracts. The butler knocked on the door a few times before saying, "Master Inuyasha. You have a visitor."

"Send her in then," he said not looking up as she entered into the study.

"Hello Inuyasha Takeda," she said slyly. "Remember me?"

Without looking up, Inuyasha said, "Of course I remember you. How could I forget such a hideous odor," he said and smiled when he felt her anger spike.

"Mr. Takeda you have no right to deny me the job when you know that I am more than qualified to fill the spot."

"I can do whatever I want because it is my company." Finally putting down his paperwork, he walked around the table and stood in front of her. "I don't know who you think you are, but I will run my company as I see fit. And if I say that you won't be an essential addition to my team then you won't be an essential addition to my team. So do me a favor and stop wasting both my and your time."

"Mr. Takeda, I don't have brains just for show, you know. And you will give me that job or risk a law suit. According to the law, you cannot discriminate against anyone one the grounds of race, political opinion and most importantly gender. So if I take you to court right now for discrimination against me, you'll be losing a whole big chunk of your money to me," she said with a smirk of smug satisfaction on her face.

"Hmm, I'm impressed. Not many people would stand up to me like you are," he said, actually seeming to hold a glimmer of respect for her in his eyes.

"Well then you obviously haven't met anyone who wants this job as much as I do."

"You know, if you hadn't made such a bad first impression, I might actually be attracted to you" he said as he looked at her with a sexy grin.

Blushing lightly, she continued. "Thank you Mr. Takeda, but I did not come here to be complimented or to impress you. I came to try and get the job I want. So can I please have the job?"

"Well…I should be angry at you but I'm quite intrigued by you. I think I could use someone like you on my team," he said as he stared at her admiringly. "Oh and you look must better in normal clothes than in a work uniform."

"So does that mean I get the job?" she asked, hope shining in her eyes.

"Yes you can have the job. I think you deserve it," he said shaking her hand. Quickly, though, he pulled her towards him so that she was pressed tightly to his chest.

"What are you doing, Mr. Takeda," Kagome said as her cheeks took on a rosy hue.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know about my other reputation besides being known for my wealth? I'm disappointed."

"And what's that? Being known as the world's richest molester?" Kagome retorted.

"No," he said bringing his mouth to whisper in her ear. "I'm also known for being the biggest playboy or seducer, whichever entices you more."

Suddenly it began to rain heavily, just as the butler had predicted. Kagome, in shock, burst from his arms and ran to the window. "Oh my God. How am I supposed to get home?" she cried in despair.

"You could always stay here the night in one of the spare rooms," Inuyasha said in a totally non-suggestive tone.

"Are you nuts? And risk being sexually harassed by you! You have got to be kidding me."

"No, really. I promise I won't sexually harass you in any way. Besides why would I waste time waiting for you to grow up when I can have any girl I want." He stated matter-of-factly.

"How dare you!" shouted an enraged Kagome. She walked towards him and looked him square in the eye. "Inuyasha Takeda, you may think you're irresistible but you're not. I haven't heard anything about you being a playboy so for all I know, you're using that story to cover up for the fact that you're gay!" she shouted and then stomped out the study only to run into the butler.

"I have prepared a room for you Miss. I will show you to it."

"Thank you. You are very kind," Kagome said as she was led to the bedroom prepared for her. She did not come out for the rest of the night, not even when she had been offered dinner.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha remained in his study, genuinely intrigued by this Kagome Higurashi. "Don't worry Kagome Higurashi. You'll soon be right where I want you. In my bed writhing beneath me," he whispered to himself.

This is my first fic so please read and review.