I don't own spirited away or any of its characters, although Mr. Miyazaki is amazing!

Chapter 1: Partings

"Will we meet each other again?"

"I am sure we will."


"Yes, turn around and don't look back."

As Chihiro ran towards her parents, I could feel my heart go down. As she headed towards her family's car, I shouted, "Chihiro, I will always remember you!" "No matter how much it takes, or how long, I will meet you again Chihiro. I promise!" I hoped the wind carried my words to her. Once she left, I turned around and went back inside the bathhouse, feeling lonely and miserable. Once I reached the bridge, Lin met me there. "I can't believe she's gone. I will miss her won't you Haku?" Lin noticed the sadness in Haku's eyes. "What's wrong Haku?" "Oh nothing Lin, you're right, we'll all miss her. Now get back to work Lin." As I said that I left Lin to her ramblings about bossy dragons and went inside. I had to go and see Yubaba, to tell her that I was going to quit being her apprentice. In the elevators, I was thinking how long it would take for me to reach Chihiro. But my thoughts were interrupted when I reached the top floor. With determination and a promise in mind, I entered Yubaba's office ignoring her obnoxious doorknob's insults.

"What are you doing here Haku?" Yubaba asked furiously, still mad that she had lost to a human. "I quit being your apprentice." "Ah, but you can't because you don't know your real name." "You are wrong, my name is Kohaku River." Yubaba gasped as a contract came out of a huge pile on her desk and exploded.

Thank you for reading my story. Please review!