Life Is Like A Jigsaw Puzzle

Ren x Horo

Ren has been having these nightmares of Horo in pain for months, but what does it all mean? When Horo goes missing, Ren has to abandon his thoughts of his dreams being meaningless, for the answer to all his problems, is in those dreams, but what is it? Who is behind Horo's disappearance? I can't think of how to describe this but it's a good story.

Chapter 1: Flashes Of Pain And Agony

A young Chinese shaman twisted in his bed, as the flash of images, like the many times before, began to haunt him.

Ren was in yet again in the dark room were the walls were made of stone and cold to the touch.

He jumped slightly as a figure laid on the floor, wrapping its arms around itself. "Ren… Ren are you there…?" it asked in a sort of pleading tone.. The figures words were soft, yet held the unmistakable hint of fear.

"Who are you… what do you want…?" asked Ren, but at the back of his mind he knew it was Horo. He recognized the voice, and the silhouette of spiky hair, yet refused to admit it was him who was lying on the floor, that it was him who sounded so weak and scared.

"G-Get out of here Ren… go, before he gets you…"

"Who? Who's going to get me?"

"It doesn't matter, you can't beat him, believe me, I've tried. I tried to struggle and break free, but he's just so strong I-"

Horo froze, as did Ren as footsteps could be heard.

"Is that him? Is that who did this to you!"

"Ren, you must leave quickly!"

Another door, one Ren had been oblivious too, swung open, and another figure entered the room.

"Run Ren! I'll try and hold him off while you- augh! No, stop! Please, no more!"

The Tao stood there; watching as the tall, long-haired figure whipped the Ainu, ignorant to his pleads and cries of agony. "No, stop! STOP!"


Ren jolted up right, Horo's cries still echoing in his mind.

"…Horo…" he whispered, not even attempting to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Ren sighed. He hadn't had that dream in a long time. Usually it would be about Horo screaming, yelling at him to go, but it would very rarely get so far as to Horo actually being beaten.

"Stupid dreams…" he muttered, yet began to wonder. It was odd how not once whilst he was having these dreams, did he ever get to see the Ainu's tormenter. Not once.

The Tao kicked off the covered and got out of bed, exiting his room and slowly walking down the corridor.

'…He's ok, as always…' he thought solemnly, as he peered into the room of the sleeping Ainu. 'I don't understand why I check up on him every night anyway, its just a stupid dream, a phase I'm going through… a 'vortex in my sleeping pattern', if you will… nothing to be concerned about.'

Ren sighed and after arguing with himself, decided to take a midnight shower.

The purple-haired boy stepped beneath the shower-head and turned the tap, letting the warm water turn hot and drip down his body.

"Run Ren! I'll try and hold him off while you- augh! No, stop! Please, no more!"

The young shaman crouched down and curled up into a ball, securing his body with his arms.

'The tall, long-haired figure whipped the Ainu, ignorant to his pleads and cries of agony.'

He put his hands on his head, as if it would somehow erase the heart-breaking images.

"…Stop…" he murmured, "Please… just stop… go away…" He shook his head slightly as he began to cry. "Just… stop…"

'The tall, long-haired figure whipped the Ainu…'


Ren punched the wall as hard as he could, then again, then for a third time. He slowly removed his fist from the wall, leaving a print of blood behind. The Tao sighed and closed his eyes, drifting off into a world of darkness.

Unicorn13564: …I know what you're all thinking… but I too do not know how someone could fall asleep in a shower! XD Lol. Anyway, what do ya think? Review!