The Meeting Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the others.Inside the gloomy, dark castle, Kaname was running away from the dead samurais. 'I need to hide." She turns around a corner and waits there as the samurai pass by. 'Whew! That was close.' She turns around and sees a man that looks like Inuyasha, but completely different, and a small, frog-like demon holding a staff with two heads. The man was staring at Kaname as the small frog says, "Hey, you girl." She looks at the frog. "Umm, yes?" "Do you know the way to the Castle Tower?" "Uh, yes. "Then take me there." "Well, okay." The frog turns to the man. "Sesshomaru, I was confused back there, but everything is okay." "Really, then lead the way." He says to Kaname. She nods as they run off. As the frog-like demon named Jaken was in the front, they were trailing behind him. "So, why are you here?" "Well, my friends and I were separated when the samurai were trying to ambush us." "I see." He says as he closes his eyes. "Now, I have to find them." She says as she looks at him. Jaken, who was fed up with her for not leading them to the tower, angrily says to her, "What! You're not leading! You better lead or my lord will kill you." They stop. Sesshomaru walks up to him. "Jaken." "You see, what is it, my lord?" "Leave her alone." Jaken falls silent as Sesshomaru walks away. "Why are you reprimanding me!" She was confused. Jaken turns around and says to her, "I don't know why he helps you." "He cares about me? I thought he was ignoring me." "He should have killed you since you're a human." He tries to keep up with him. 'What kind of person is Sesshomaru?' she thought. She runs to keep up. They reach the final level and enter an unharmed room. "Oh!" She says as she saw the rest of the gang. "Are you okay?" Kagome asks. "I'm fine." "There was so many demons that we have to run away." Sango says. "Anyway, I'm glad you're safe." Miroku says. They appear in the doorway. "Sesshomaru, what are you doing here!" Inuyasha says angrily. "It's none of your business!" Jaken shouts at him. "Shut up, tiny frog!" "Watch out." Sesshomaru says as he jumps toward Kaname and slice his sword. Kaname jumps out of the way and they saw a demon turning visible as it disappears. "Let's go, Jaken." He says calmly. "Y-yes, my lord." They walk away leaving the group. "Hey, wait!" Inuyasha calls. "He must be after Naraku. We better go, too." Miroku says. "Right." They all went after them. Kaname thought, 'Sesshomaru is the kind of person that is kind and you can rely on. I hope we meet again sometime alone.'

I know this thing is short, but I hope you like it and send some reviews, please! 