Title: Pieces

Author: Kameka

Rating: K plus, but only because of one swear word

Spoilers: uh, really don't know. Andy/Milo relationship, Milo's death.

Notes: Never really watched the show, just wrote this flashfic (less than 500 words in 30 minutes or less) for Shannon since she adores the show, Andy, and Milo. So don't expect anything too in character or true to the show, k? Hope you like it, Shannon. Quick thanks to Cassie, who helped a little. Was read through and spell checked, not really beta'd.

Summary: Andy after Milo's death.


Andy Campbell frowned down at the papers in front of her, a small slice of the mountain of paperwork that accompanied her life as a doctor. It was never something she had particularly minded before. Not that she adored filling out forms and writing notes, but she saw it as a necessary evil to do what she truly loved: practice medicine. That was what was important, the true basis of her life (other than motherhood, of course). Helping people, curing them, giving them hope.

It was something she'd shared with Milo since the beginning. Another Doctor, he'd understood her dedication. Her single-mindedness hadn't completely overwhelmed him and he hadn't tried to change her. Sure, they'd sometimes gone at it from different sides of the fence, but that hadn't mattered. They'd both cared. It had been a match made in heaven. Still, he hadn't allowed her to just be Dr. Campbell or Jessie and Lizzie's mom.

It had always been important to him to have a part of Milo Morton that wasn't Dr. Morton. A part of him kept separate from the hospital and the emotional ringer of the job, supposed professional detachment be damned. He had a life away from the hospital, from the rigors of jumping through peoples' hoops, and he'd made it a personal quest for Andy to have the same. To have a part of her that wasn't tied up in work or other people. A piece of herself that was for herself.

Looking again at the paperwork, she shook her head and pushed her chair back from the desk. Coming to a stand in one graceful, economical movement, she shifted the paperwork over. Nothing on her desk was life-and-death important. She was really just playing catch-up on what she'd done earlier that day and the previous day. Nothing that couldn't wait an hour or two.

She draped her white coat, the symbol of so much of her life, on the back of her chair and bent to unlock her desk drawer, taking her leather purse out of it.

It could all wait for a little while. Right now, she needed a walk. To clear her mind and focus on nothing but the sound of her shoes on the pavement and the wind in her hair and her own thoughts and memories and hopes and dreams. To find her center, to use the term Milo had. It was a piece of New Age-ish wisdom that had always made her chuckle, to hear it coming from this professional, serious man. But it was what she was going to do, needed to do, wanted to do.

To focus on a piece of herself for herself. For Milo...maybe she'd find a piece of him as well.




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