MI: Okay, this is my first Beyblade fic. I hope I do well...

Disclaimer: Mirrored-Insanity has no ownership of Beyblade.

Notes Before You Read: Gary isn't in here since i kinda...forgot he was in the White Tigers. All characters are probably OOC. Don't sue me if they are...

I thank all people who read and review this.

The bladebreakers, Tyson, Kai, Max, Rei, Kenny, and Hilary, were headed to New Jersey in America to have a well deserved vacation. The plane didn't take that long, but to Tyson, it seemed like forever. To Max...He had fallen asleep waiting, his head resting on Hilary's shoulder, making her cross her arms in annoyance. Tyson was sitting by Kenny, complaining to his hearts content. "When will we be there?" "I'm bored..." "I'm thirsty." "I'm tired." "I'm bored." Tyson complained so much. Kenny turned to him. "Calm yourself, Tyson. We'll be there in a few hours; then you can do whatever you want." Kenny said bluntly, going back to talk to Dizzi. Tyson sighed, deciding to take a nap.

When the plane finally landed, Tyson woke up, and Hilary shook Max awake. "Huh...?" Max asked with sleep filled eyes. He looked at her with a hint of confusion, but a mostly questioning expression. "The plane landed." Was all she said, before heading off the plane. Max blinked, and went to follow her, but a waitress bumped into him, the milk on a tray spilling all over his shirt and shorts. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She said. "That's okay, I can wash it off later..." Max said, hurrying to catch up.

When they got to the house that Mr. Dickenson had booked for them for a whole month, Max went to get an extra set of clothes, and after changing, put his clothes in the washer. Tyson, being tired, made a bee-line to a bedroom, claiming it, and falling asleep. Max, however, was curious. The others were out back beyblading, so he took the oppertunity to look around.

In the kitchen, Max spotted a jar, and he reached up to retrieve it. Looking inside, he could see two, strangely, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. His eyes liting up, he quickly snatched them, racing to the living room to devour them.

When Max was finished, he hopped off the couch, and put his clothes in the dryer. He then went to watch TV.

After a few hours, Max got his clothes out, and frowned. 'Just great. They shrunk in the wash...' He thought, holding his clothes out. Sighing, he put them on top of the washer, feeling tired. Maybe he would take a nap...

Max looked around. Where was he? And why was everything giant? Max slowly climbed up the chair leg, and made it the the top. "Help!" He exclaimed, his voice just a tiny squeak. "What's happening...?" He asked quietly. Everybody was...gone... Max sighed, and sat down. Just then, a gigantic clown appeared in front of him with sharp, blood red eyes and razor sharp teeth and claws, grinninbg sickly at him. In a very fast sentence, the clown said, "You're going to die!"

"Ah!" Max cried, sitting up...A little to quickly. His head filled with dizziness, and he shook his head. His hands were gripping his blanket so tightly, his knuckles had turned white. His eyes filling with tears, he began to cry.

Rei, Kai, Tyson, Hilary, and Kenny, were in the living room, when they head loud crying. "What's that?" Rei asked, standing up. "I'm going to go see." He said, starting to walk back down the hallway. He realized the crying was coming from max's room, so he entered.

Upon entering, Rei saw something that wasn't expected...

A little boy, about two years old, was sitting on Max's bed, bawling his eyes out. Rei blinked a few times, before registering what was in front of him. "...M-max?" He asked disbelievingly. Big, blue eyes filled with tears looked at him. Rei had to choke the question out.

"What happened to you?"