A Thousand Miles

Summary: All four sisters, living together in their younger years. Prue and Piper trying to raise Phoebe and little Paige on their own in a wiccan household. Everything is going smoothly and they couldn't be happier, or is it?


Author's Note: I kinda mixed up their ages so there is a big age gap between piper and phoebe!

Prue is 20

Piper is 17

Phoebe is 9

Paige is 5

Chapter 1: Just another day.

It was a day like any other for the residents of the Halliwell Manor. Prue, the oldest, motherly figure inhabitant of the house was at work. Piper the second eldest of the four sisters was in the kitchen cooking dinner for her sisters. They all loved when Piper cooked, because she was the only one who actually could cook.

Throwing her long dark hair over her shoulder she continued to prepare the food that was until the ingredients she was about to add to the soup suddenly disappeared in a haze of blue and white lights. In any other household this would be considered extremely un-natural, but not in the Halliwell house. Piper looked confused at first when the ingredients disappeared but then her confused expression suddenly changed to one of exasperation with a slight smirk.

"Paige Halliwell! You get your butt down here this instant!" yelled the dark haired girl.

Then suddenly the youngest inhabitant of the Halliwell household appeared in front of her slightly pissed off older sister.

Piper looked down at her strawberry blonde haired sister and for a brief moment she thought about forgiving her and telling her to go and play, but instead she turned on her stern voice.

"Now can you tell me where the ingredients to the soup might have orbed to or will I have to ask another telekinetic whitelighter? Oh wait there isn't one!" Piper said sarcastically.

Paige looked down at her feet ashamed. Piper was about to start telling her off again when she heard a muffled giggle coming from the staircase. Piper walked to the foot of the staircase and saw the retreating back of her second youngest sister Phoebe.

"Phoebe Halliwell, don't make me freeze you ass!" yelled Piper.

She loved using her powers as an excuse to scare her little sisters. Slowly the young brown haired girl turned round and made her way down stairs and stood beside her little sister Paige. Piper looked at her two younger siblings. Both of them were very similar in looks and personality.

"Ok now Phoebe I know you had something to do with this too. Paige, did Phoebe tell you to do this?" asked Piper kneeling down so she was eye-level with her youngest sister.

Paige slowly looked at Phoebe who was frantically shaking her head and mouthing the word 'no'!

Paige looked back at Piper and replied quietly, "no", said Paige in a whisper like voice.

Piper knew Phoebe had something to do with it, and she knew that Paige would never rat out Phoebe. Piper gave Phoebe an I-know-you-had-something-to-do-with-it look before turning her attention back to Paige who almost looked on the verge of tears.

"Well ok just don't do it again or I'll have to tell Prue", said Piper in a caring voice.

Paige nodded her head vigorously before Phoebe grabbed her hand and they both ran up the stairs giggling. Piper chuckled and rolled her eyes at her two cute little sisters before turning her attention back to preparing the ingredients that had suddenly just orbed back onto the counter.

Phoebe and Paige burst into the room they shared giggling wildly.

" That was fun! What can we do now?" said Phoebe as she jumped onto her bed.

"Erm… I dunno anything that doesn't get me into trouble with Piper. She was mad at me." Paige said sadly.

Phoebe noticed this and went to comfort her baby sister. Phoebe felt that when Paige was sad, she was sad. It was a sister thing she only felt with Paige.

"Hey Paigey don't worry. She'll get over it. On the plus side you saved my butt! And I'm totally thankful! "said Phoebe giving her little sister a quick kiss on the cheek to show her she meant what she said.

Paige smiled thankfully at her big sister; she always knew how to cheer her up.

"Thought of anything to do yet?" Phoebe asked Paige. Paige was about to reply when a voice interrupted them.

"How about helping me and Piper set the table" came the voice of their oldest sister Prudence Halliwell.

"Prue!" cried Paige as she ran up to Prue and gave her a hug. Prue laughed as she picked up her baby sister.

"Hey Paigey. How was your day?" asked Prue.

Paige wasted no time in telling Prue all about her day and how she seen a bird being eaten by a cat.

"It was so cool Prue there was blood everywhere!" cried Phoebe.

"On that lovely note, dinner is ready." Piper said sarcastically.

Dinner went well for the four sisters apart from when Paige and Phoebe attempted to start a food fight. After the girls finished clearing up, they all went into the living room and watched some T.V. there was, of course, a massive argument about what they would watch. Once they had settled on watching a programme they all watched it in peace. Prue had Paige curled up next to her asleep and then Phoebe next to Paige and Piper with her arm around Phoebe.

'Just another day' thought Prue happily. When the programme finished Prue decided it was time for Paige and Phoebe's bed time.

"But I'm not even tired!" argued Phoebe, but as soon as the words had escaped her mouth she failed at stifling a yawn.

"Come on kiddo time for bed!" said Piper leading Phoebe up to her bed while Prue carried a sleeping Paige upstairs. While Prue was lying Paige down onto her bed she noticed that her little sister had a very high temperature and was sweating slightly. Prue felt her baby sister's forehead concern written all over her face.

"Piper could you come here a second?" said to her younger sister who was across the room tucking in a very tired Phoebe.

"Sure what's' up?" said the dark haired girl as she made her was over to beside Paige's bed.

"I think Paige has a fever. She's burning up." Prue said worriedly.

Piper rested her hand lightly on Paige's forehead and almost whipped it back due to the heat coming off of her baby sister's body.

"You think we should wake her up?" asked Piper concerned. Prue thought for a moment as she ran her hand through her hair, she often done this when she was worried or was thinking. Right now she was both.

"No. We should let her sleep, we'll check on her through the night." Said the worried older sister as both sisters left the room. The two sisters descended the stairs,

"So you didn't notice anything different about her at all today?" Prue asked Piper when they were both seated in the kitchen. Piper went over and poured Prue and herself a cup of coffee.

"No she was her mischievous little self all day." Piper said as she handed Prue a cup.

"Yeah she seemed fine when I got home." Prue said confused.

They shrugged it off as a 24 hour bug and Prue was asking Piper how her boyfriend Leo was. Piper was about to answer her sister's question when she heard a scream coming from her younger sister's room. Prue and Piper bolted up the stairs and expected to see a demon of some sort when they opened the bedroom door.

What they saw was worse. Phoebe was standing beside Paige's bed crying and Paige's body was thrashing about her bed. She was having a seizure.

Prue gasped and ran to her baby sister's side while Piper ran to Phoebe's side and pulled her into a hug.

"Shhh she's gonna be ok sweetie don't worry shh." Said Piper trying to comfort Phoebe and trying to reassure herself at the same time.

Prue knew that she shouldn't touch or move Paige so she just made sure that she wasn't going to harm herself while her body was convulsing.

"Call an ambulance! Quick!" Prue screamed, tears starting to run down her cheeks.