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"Oooh!" Parvati squealed, "He's so cute!"

"I know!" said Lavender dreamily, "He has the most adorable dimples!"

"Who's so cute?" said Hermione, looking up from her book. Ron and Harry were off at a Quidditch match, so Hermione had no one better than Lavender and Parvati to hang out with.

"Duh!" said Parvati, growing annoyed with Hermione's ignorance of cute boys, "Fred Weasley!"

Hermione laughed. Fred Weasley?

"Just Fred?" she grinned, "They're identical! What about George?"

"Fred has a better personality," said Lavender with a sigh.

"Okay..." said Hermione, getting up. She could probably get more work done in the dorm.
"Are you serious?" said Fred, his eyes lighting up as if he'd just seen Fillibuster Fireworks for half-price.

"Yup," said Hermione, "Looks like you've got your own fifth-year fan club."

"They have to be crazy," thought Hermione. Fred Weasley wasn't exactly what she would call fanciable. He was somewhat short, stocky, and almost oafish. And he had played as many cruel jokes as he had freckles.

"Just don't do anything too mean," said Hermione stiffly. Even though she wasn't exactly "jiggy" with Lavender and Parvati, it was still unacceptable for Fred to do something that would hurt their feelings. At the primary school she had attended before Hogwarts, the boy she fancied called her "Buck-toothed Hermio-monster." That had led to her great metaphysical philosophy, "Boys suck."

Just then, a giggling Lavender came rushing up to Fred and handed him a letter. It read, "Parvati likes you. Do you like her? Circle one: yes/no."

Fred grinned mischeiviously to himself, then circled "Yes."

Okay, I know this is short. But this is as far as I could go. I'm very sleepy. I intend this to be fluff and very fluffy fluff at that. Oh, and by the way, this is NOT a Fred/Hermione shipper fic. Everyone in their right mind knows that Hermione likes Ron! I put Fred into this because the twins are the coolest! (Next to my beloved Harry, of course) So, anyway, the next part will have more Hermione/Ron fluff. Please review and let me know what you think!