Disclaimer: I do not own X-Men Evolution. And if I did, not only would you know but it would also still be on the air. I do however own Trading spaces…. Ok not really. Just wanted to see what you would do.

A/N: This is meant to be funny. I mean no one any harm by writing this. Sorry if I offended anyone.

X-men Trading spaces

Paige: Hello I'm Paige Davis and welcome to Trading Spaces! The show where two families trade homes and redo each other's room. Today we're in Bayville New York getting really to swap homes with Professor Charles Xavier's X-men and The self-anointed Master of Magnetism's Brotherhood of EvilMutants. (Camera zooms out so you can see Bayville High behind her) In this episode we have a special surprise! Charles Xavier has addedhis own money. And now Designers Frank Bielec and Doug Wilson. Along with carpenters; Amy Wynn Pastor and Carter Oosterhouse. Have one million dollars to work with!

(Cut to some of the X-men outside enjoying the sun and fresh air.)

Jean Grey: I would like to see the mansion with some new paint and... I don't know, surprise me.

Beast: Why, I would like to see fresh new look. Like a great mind once said, "A change of scenery opens up the mind for great ideas."

Scott: Whatever Jean said.

(Cut to Danger Room. Logan/Wolverine, Rogue and Kurt are working with theDanger Room'sComputer.)

Wolverine: A little beer and maybe a hunting range in teh back.

Rogue: Ah don't really care what'ch do.

(Kurt teleports right after Rogue finishes)

(Cut to Brotherhood house, Rec room. Toad and Pyro are in front of the TV and Sabretooth is hunched over something dead on the table)

Toad: Yo man it's a camera.

Pyro: Yeah, mate, an' its shiny too.

Toad: Let's smash it!

Pyro: Oh now you're on, mate!

(Both make a mad rush at the camera and the screen goes black for a tad. Next thing you see is Sabretooth hunched over something on the table. In the background we see Toad and Pyro jumping madly on smashed camera equipment)

Sabretooth: Come at me one more time… (shakes other camera) An'I'll rip ya to shreds and…

(Cut way from Sabretooth to Gambit, Leaning against a wall and shuffling cards. In the background we see Toad and Pyro hanging on Sabertooth's back. Yelling their heads off, singing jungle-bells. Sabretooth looks angry and tries to throw them off)

Gambit: Well, mon amie, what I'm planin' tado is a secret…. (He ducks as Toad flies over his right shoulder, just missing the camera. This causes Remy to see Paige for the first time. He smiles and hands her a rose that he apparently had in his trench coat. ) Dis is for you chere (hands Paige the rose)

Paige: (takes rose) Th-thank you.

(Pyro finely gets thrown from Sabertooth's back and comes at Remy and Paige. Remy ducks and Paige gets knocked to the ground by the amazing 'flying Pyro')

Pyro: Thanks mate; I reckon ya just saved me life.

Paige: ...

(Pyro stands up and he and Gambit look down at the lifeless Paige)

Pyro: Ummm

Gambit: Disis notgood

Cameraman #1: (Comes in front of camera) We'll be back after these messages.

(Advertisements come on screen, and we stare at them for some unknown reason)

A/N: Ok well this is the first chapter of my first fan fiction, yup its a chapter story. MUHAHAHA. So there's more and it will be longer. Fear me. (not really though)