A/N: This is one of my new fics. I hope you like this. I find the next chapters cute (at least to me). Some harrassment scenes may come but it's only because of bullying. You'll know what I mean when you read chapter 3 next time. Enjoy reading! Please R&R…thanks

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. (FOR THE WHOLE FIC)


Enemies…or Lovers?

Chapter 1

It was a perfect day to go shopping with friends. So Kagome decided to call up Sango to invite her for a whole day shopping. Right after that, she went to her bathroom and took a bath.

She went out with a towel wrapped around her body and her already-dried-but-still-quite-damp hair flowing at her back. She looked in her closet a number of dresses and thought what she would wear that day. Later on, Kagome chose a pink off-shoulder blouse and a white knee length skirt to match it. She combed her hair and used her blower to dry it quickly so that she could tie it in a ponytail. Looking at her reflection in front of the mirror, she smiled at her perfect look.

She went down to tell her mother that she was going out with her friends. Souta met her halfway down the stairs, smiled up at her but didn't say anything.

"Mom! I'm going out. I'll not eat lunch here." Kagome called out to the kitchen.

Mrs. Higurashi went out still in her apron. "That's fine dear. And by the way, buy a new dress, we're going out on Saturday."

Kagome thought of it. Maybe she ought to buy a new dress. Anyway, she's out to go shopping.

"Okay mom. What color, do you think?" she asked.

"Blue, maybe. It'll match the color of your eyes. A nice long dress okay? The skirt must pass the knee but not reach the ankle. But maybe not too formal…Umm, an off-shoulder dress, maybe?." Her mother said, smiling.

"Anyway…what's the dress for?" she asked as she shot an inquiring look at her mother.

"We're going to a friend of mine. Anyway, it's time you meet him." Her mother answered in a mysterious smile.

"Meet who?" Kagome asked, not at all liking her mother's tone.

"You'll see on Saturday. Have a nice day, dear!" her mother said as she walked back to the kitchen.

She shrugged and just went out into the bright sunshine. Maybe I'll meet an ambassador or something…But, no. That can't be…I wonder who 'he' is. She said to herself but she quickly dismissed the thought and went on to meet her friend.

She and Sango met at the fountain in the Plaza Square and went in different shops to buy some dress or bag that they would like.

"Do you think it's okay for me?" Kagome asked Sango, placing a plain blue dress over her body.

"It's okay. Anyway, anything looks beautiful on you." She answered carelessly.

"Yeah, right." Kagome said sarcastically.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Sango made a face. "Any dress is good on you so you don't really have to ask my opinion."

Another blue dress caught Kagome's eyes as she was rummaging for a dress that would be good for casual meetings.

"I really don't understand why it has to be somewhat casual…This is perfect! I like this!" Kagome announced when she pulled out a sky blue dress. It's off-shoulders but has long sleeves that reaches her wrists and it's skirt is five inches below the knee. "I'll buy this. Have you chosen a dress already Sango?"

"No, but I saw this bag and I think it's cute so I'll buy this." Sango said, smiling.

"Let's pay now." Kagome returned cheerfully.

They got out of the shop carrying the things they bought and looked for a restaurant where they will eat their lunch.

While they were walking across the Plaza Square, a group of three boys are making their way towards them. They seem to be laughing at some joke. Accidentally, the boy in front with white hair and dog-ears bump Kagome on the shoulder causing her to land hard on the ground.

"Excuse me! Aren't you looking where you're going?" Kagome exclaimed while glaring at the offender.

"Sorry miss. I guess I didn't see you were passing." The offender said as he held out a hand to help her stand up. "No doubt you will fall that hard, you're a human."

"So what if I'm a human!" Kagome shouted, furious.

"Nothing, I just think your cute for a weak human." He answered as his lips curled to a malicious smile. "What's your name?"

"Pesky creature…" she muttered while patting her bottom clean. "I don't give my name to annoying strangers."

"What? You think I'm annoying? You're the one who's shouting here so you're the one who's annoying." He said. His temper is obviously going up because of her behavior.

"I'm annoying? You're the one who bumped me! Then you're flattering me saying I'm cute then you ask my name! Why, you're a completely pesky stranger!" she answered back heatedly.

"If you don't want to be praised, fine! It was just an opinion." He said before giving her another push that made her land hard on the ground again.

"Why you--! You're so rude, do you know that! Argh!" she shouted finally losing control of her temper. "Sango, come—"

"—go dating sometimes. My treat…for a beautiful woman like you." One of the offender's companions said to Sango as his hands traveled to her bottom.

Ina fraction of a second, a red hand mark can already be seen on his face.

"PERVERT!" Sango shouted. She walked away from his and pulled Kagome by the hand.

Kagome pulled free from Sango's grip and stopped to say, "You and your friends are so rude! I wish you'll meet your karma right now!"

"Look who believes in stupid things!" Inuyasha shouted back. "I'm Inuyasha by the way. This is Sesshoumaru, my brother and Miroku! I hope to see you soon barbarian girl!"

"Argh!" and with that Kagome and Sango went inside a restaurant.

They found a table near the window and ordered lunch. Kagome was still fuming inher seat about their encounter earlier.

"Kagome, forget them. There are really some people you have nothing good to do in their lives." Sango said trying to soothe Kagome.

Kagome stayed silent while waiting for their food to come.

"To tell you the truth, those three are really cute. No denying it! The only problem is…one is so rude and the other is a pervert." She said while counting off in her fingers. "But the other seems silent. He never spoke during our meeting with them.

"I'm sure he's rude too. Arrogant, boastful…I'm really sure the three of them have the same skins. I hate them and I don't want to see them ever again!" Kagome said angrily.

"Here's your order ma'am." The waiter said as he laid their food on the table.

"Okay, just forget them. We're shopping today! We're supposed to have fun." Sango reasoned.

"They ruined it." Kagome muttered as she stabbed her food with her fork angrily, thinking it was his—Inuyasha's—face.


"Mom, I'm home." Kagome called out as she laid down her things on the floor and sat down on the couch. She took a deep breathe and placed one hand on top of her forehead.

"You look tired. You never look tired when you went out shopping." Kagome's mother said in concern.

"I'm not tired. I'm…annoyed."


"Because of that dog man. He totally ruined my day!" she exclaimed as she buried her face in both hands.

"Dog man? Who is he? What did he do to piss you off dear?" her mother asked trying hard not to laugh. It really takes a great deal to anger Kagome. And she wouldn't pay a penny for anyone who did so.

"I think he said his name is Inuyasha. He bumped me, said sorry, then said I'm cute in a malicious sort of way and then he pushed me! He is sooo rude and I really hate him!" Kagome said, standing up from the couch and gathering her things so that she can bring it all up.

"His name…is Inuyasha?" her mother asked in disbelief.

"Why? You know him?" Kagome asked carelessly. And not waiting for an answer she went upstairs to her bedroom.

"I know him very well." Mrs. Higurashi said to herself as she watched Kagome take steps on the stairs. "He is your fiancé…"


A/N: Fiancé! Oh Gawsh, problems for Kagome! Let's see if she can take the truth about this dog man being her soon-to-be husband… What do you think? Please review.

Anyone who knows the name of Kagome's mother? If she has any, please tell me at once. I can't seem to find it…-panicky- I can't use 'her mother' or 'Mrs. Higurashi' all the time!
