A/N: Surprise, surprise! I'm back at last! Sorry if I didn't make it last October or November. Being in the last year of high school really is busy so I didn't have the time. And I was really addicted to reading that I lost the will to write. Anyway, I'm back again to torture Kikyou's small-as-pea brain and write about Inu and Kag…haha…The promised one shot is still in my PC and I'll find time to write it…And, it's not a one shot anymore(I think) It's too long to be a one shot. Hey guys, sorry if you'll find my writing a bit rusty. It's for you to judge anyway…It's hard for me to write again after such a long vacation from writing.

So anyway…read on and please review!!! It would do good to my ego!!!

And oh wait…I'm going to be writng the name in the proper Japanese from starting from now…you know, the surnames first before the given name…



Enemies or Lovers

Chapter 20

She continued to look at the pictures with growing fascination. He's not with her mother but with another woman. Some of the later pictures showed her father with the same woman and a little girl with short black hair and warm blue eyes.

This little girl is…horribly familiar…

The last photo was a solo pic of a girl of about four or five years in age.

"This is…She is…Kagome…" Kikyou said in utter disbelief. "What the heck is her picture doing in that dusty steel cabinet drawer?"

Kagome Higurashi…

Kikyou quickly rushed out of their library to find her mother and demand an explanation. If what she is thinking right now is right…

No it cant be…

She reached the door of her mother's room and supported herself by holding onto the knob as she stopped to catch her breath. Still panting, she knocked on the door softly and waited for a response.

There was shuffling inside as Kikyou heard her mother say, "Come in. It's open."

Hanabi Sayaka looked up and met the eyes of her daughter as Kikyou stepped in her room. She smiled as she greeted her, "Why, what a surprise Kikyou. You never found time to talk to me before." Sayaka patted the area on her bed that indicated Kikyou to sit beside her.

Not paying attention to any of her mother's words and actions, she pulled the chair from her mother's vanity table and sat there. She looked at Sayaka straight in the eyes, her own gray eyes protraying her frustration.

"Would you care to explain this to me?" she tossed a picture of her father together with the other woman and Kagome. The photo landed on the floor, beside Sayaka's right foot. "Why is my father there? And why is this kept in the library?"

"I…never thought you…would find these…" her mother said quietly as she picked up the picture.

"Well, you've done a nice job of hiding it where I won't think of rummaging. It's a library, mother. Didn't you ever think that I will read books and do researches there?" she replied hotly, impatience flooding for her mother didn't explain the contents of the photo.

"This is your father, Toshiro."

"Obviously, since I already know him from a lot of other pictures you have. What I'm asking is about the other woman and that girl." said Kikyou, running a hand through her locks as she willed herself to be patient and wait until her mother really answers the questions running in her head.

Sayaka took a deep breath. This is definitely going to be a long talk. "You knew that your father and I never really married right? That's because of this woman." She pointed the image of the lady standing beside Kikyou's father. "Her name is Akira."

Kikyou stayed silent, listening apprehensively to this mysterious tale.

"You're father and I were in a relationship when she showed up. She likes Toshiro in a not-so-friendly way. I guess your father did, too, since he married her." Her mother's voice is serious and carries a long lost and hidden anguish. "They did the unthinkable then when Akira said to Toshiro that she's pregnant, your father panicked and did not know what to do. You see, Akira is from a respectable clan, and Higurashi's are way below their level."

"You mean my father is a poor man?" Kikyou interrupted.

"No, they are well-to-do, in fact. What I meant by that statement is that, Akira's family go way back…I don't exactly know. Their surname's been known for generations." She answered her daughter, watching her every move, as if reading her body language.

"Okay…go on with the story."

"He was a little wasted when he came to me, asking for help." Kikyou's eyebrows scrunched up at this, contemplating about something. "You were conceived that night."

"What you mean…" Kikyou interrupted again. "…is that I'm a…a—mistake?"

"No! Don't think that! Don't ever think that! We—"

"He was wasted! He didn't know what he was doing. He…" sahouted Kikyou, breathing heavily.

"He knows what he was doing!" her mother answered heatedly. "You just don't understand. Even I don't understand completely."


"I mean…he loves me…when we did that. But the thing is, he loves Akira too. If it is even possible to love to women at the same time."

Kikyou looked at her mother in disbelief. "You know what? I think he's stupid." She finally said, her tone cold and dry.

"I think maybe he is…" Sayaka concurred.

"Then he married her? That Akira then left us?" Kikyou said, hate growing inside her.

"Yes…and no." her mother answered softly. "He married her, yes. He even had another child with her. But he came back to us. Only…it wasn't for a very long time." Sayaka spoke, her voice hushed. "He died…"

The raven-haired girl stayed silent at this and tried to sort up her feelings with this revelations. They can't posibly be…

No that is too horrible to think about…

"So…this, girl…and her brother too…They are your siblings, Kikyou."

Kikyou just nodded at this, not really hearing those words.

"I…just don't know where they are now, if they're still here. I haven't been really around here for the past years since I married your ste—"

"They're here. They are freaking here in this city. And Kagome…is my classmate and competition…"

Sango picked up the phone, after it rang five times. Tapping her pencil on her paper, she said, "Hello?"


The girl's eyebrow ticked at the name and at the person disturbing her research and study time. "What now Miroku?"

From her tone of voice, it was obvious that she did not enjoy their small study session the day before…that is, if there was studying that was really done, as there was a majoroty of shouting during their time in the library.

"I forgot a book in your house and that is extremely important to me. I need to finish my draft tomorrow if I want our professr to be pleased." Miroku said in a rush.

"So…what do you want?" Sango asked, sighing exasperatedly.

"Could you meet me at school early tomorrow morning? And I could use a little help from you as you're good at making summaries and paraphrases." Miroku replied pleadingly.

"Well, if you were a bit serious about your work yesterday, you would have finished it and not have to ask for help from anyone." She said, annoyed.

"I already apologized for yesterday."

"Yeah, right."

"So, you going to meet me early tomorrow at school?" asked Miroku hopefully.

"Fine, fine." Sango answered as she rolled her eyes heavenwards.

"I knew you'd do it! You've ot a weak spot for me, eh?" teased Miroku from the other line of the phone.

"You know I couldjust leave you and your research work so you could rot in hell…" Sango offered, her eyebrows ticking again.

"I'm kidding. Bye!…and thanks a bunch, Sango–chan!"

"Do you call me—" the dial tone was heard "—Sango-chan!"

"Damn! I'm rubbish at history!" said Inuyasha as he threw his pen on the floor. "Just reading it is utter hell…then a compilation…Argh!"

He stood from his chair and walked the short path to his bed and collapsed onto it, closing his eyes.

I need help…Who do I know is good in history anyay? Definitely not my mom…not Sesshoumaru…my father might be but he's not here right now…and as if I care about his whereabouts. Oh God, I'm practically going to die in this subject. Why do I have to take it again? Why?

He continued to lie on his bed mulling over who can help him at a time like this when a history book is his murderer.

Inuyasha sat up quickly as the idea came to him.


A/N: I know that's quite a short chapter after a long absence. But that's all I can doo at the moment. My brain is already squeezed to a pulp. Sorry if there's not much of InuKag here. I really am sorry guys!!! Gomen!!! I'll try my hardest to update soon…hopefully January next year. I hate disappointing you guys but my schedule is really full, as well is my mind. I've got to think of school work, whether or not I passed the exam for the two colleges I've chosen, whether or not I'll pass the National College Entrance Test and whether or not I'll survive my last year in high school.

Oh God…please pray for me…I think I'm going to die already…

Anyway, as for now, do your job and review. No flames and swearing. I missed you all and I hope I can return as soon as possible.


P.S. (A/N:) Please…please pray for me… already banging her head on the wall