Ouside of What?
by: Johnny-cakes-Depp
Summary: Takes place just after the movie ends. Might become a co-write.

Dedicated to Clear-Sparkle

"Is this real?" Mr. Syme asked me. "I mean, did this stuff actually happen?" He had asked me to stay after class to talk about the theme.

"Naw, it came to me in a dream. Of course its real. You aint seen Johnny around lately have you?" I was getting agitated already and he had only asked one question. I knew he had more of 'em. Mr. Syme was a rubber-knecker, had to know everything.

"So you really hang around cats like that?" Cats didn't sound right coming from him unless he was talking about an actual animal with fur and four paws.

"Well I guess I don't hang out with guys like Johnny and Dally anymore seeing as their dead." I don't know if he didn't catch my irritation or just ignored it but he didn't say anything for a while. I waited for him to say something but nothing came. The tardy bell rang and I turned to leave.

"Wait," he said. "I was thinking you should get your theme published like a book. You're a great writer ya know." I guess I knew so I nodded. "This would sell really well. You'd make quite a bit of money off of it too."

"Yeah well I don't need the money." That was a big lie. Of course I needed the money, I couldn't just let Darry and Soda take care of me all the time even if they were my brothers but Mr. Syme didn't need to hear me admit that. I told him the theme was true and in it I said us Curtis boys were on hard times. I think he knew that too.

"Well if you ever change your mind you know where to find me." I didn't think I would but I said ok and went to my next class. The day was slower than usual and it got me to thinking about Dally and Johnny. I had a long walk to think about them and tears started coming to my eyes. I couldn't cry. Greasers don't cry. But I had done it before. I bawled like a baby on 4 separate occasions and it wasn't that long ago.

Two-bit had started spending a lot more time at our house since Johnnycakes and Dally died. He was there when I got home drinking Coke and watching Mickey.

I knew he wouldn't say anything but I said hi to Two-Bit anyway. I was right cause he didn't say anything just kept on starin' at Mickey.

A/N: Hey everybody wazz up! Special hi to you Clear-Sparkle! Anyway this is my first Outsiders fic! People have told me that it sounds just like the book. Well tell me if y'all agree via review. Hope you like it.