Summer felt a vibration next to her knee and she jumped. "What the hell was that?" She asked Marissa.

"Oh, sorry, it's just my phone. Can you pick it up?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah, sure." Summer answered and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Oh, hello Summer! It's Kirsten."

"Hi! How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks. Is Marissa there?"

"Well she's driving so can I take a message?"

"No, no don't worry. Just tell her we have a surprise for you two when you get to our house."

"What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it?"

"I guess, well we're looking forward to it and we're nearly at your house so bye!"


"Who was that?" Marissa asked when summer had put the phone down.

"It was just Kirsten saying she had a surprise for us." Summer answered.

"Oh! I hope Mya is having fun."

"I'm sure she is with Sandy and Ryan. They're probably playing computer games!"

The car pulled up outside the Cohen's house and Summer and Marissa got out. The walked up the drive and Marissa rang the doorbell. Kirsten answered with a big grin on her face.

"Hi girls!" She said grinning.

"Hi," Marissa said

"Let me take your coats," Kirsten said and summer and Marissa gave her their coats.

"So, what's this big surprise?" Summer asked Kirsten while she hung their coats up.

"Well," Kirsten said, "Why don't you two come with me to the pool house?"

"Ok!" Marissa said and laughed. They followed Kirsten through the kitchen and out the door. They bumped into Ryan. He had a massive grin on his face.

"Wow, I've haven't seen you this happy since Mya was born!" Summer said as she saw Ryan.

Ryan chuckled, Kirsten hadn't told them about Seth yet. Summer walked into the pool house and nearly fainted at the sight she saw. "Cohen?" She cried.

"Seth!" cried Marissa and gave him a big hug.

Summer looked at Marissa and asked, "Coop, what are you doing?"

"It's Seth! Summer, Seth's back!" Marissa shouted.

"I know," Summer said sarcastically, "I'm not blind!"

"Oh, it's just; I thought you would be happy." Marissa said disappointedly.

"Don't worry Marissa; Summer has every right to be angry." Seth said.

"Seth don't go all sympathetic on me. You just waltz in here and expect me to be single and waiting for you after all these years with no contact, well I'm sorry but I'm married!" Summer shouted at him.

"You're married?" he asked and sat down on the bed.

"Oh come on Seth! Be real! I was 17 when you left me with only a note for a goodbye, what did you expect?"

"I thought you still loved me!"

"I did and I still do, but I can never forgive you for what you did to me."

"I'm sorry Summer?"

"Sorry is not good enough." Tears were filling Summers eyes and she hastily wiped them away. Seth placed his hand on her shoulder but she pushed it away.

Their conversation was interrupted by the bathroom door opening and Mya walking out.

"Auntie Summer!" Mya cried and ran over to her.

"Hey Mya!" Summer said softly.

Mya looked into her eyes and saw the tears forming.

"What's wrong?" Mya asked and then she looked at Seth. He would cheer Auntie Summer up. "Auntie Summer, have you met Uncle Seth?"

"Oh yes, Uncle Seth and I go way back!" Summer said faking a laugh.

"Oh," Mya said. Suddenly Marissa phone started ringing.

"I'll just take this outside!" She said glad to get out of the tension.

"Drinks anyone?" Kirsten asked.

"I'm fine thanks," Summer answered and smiled. Marissa walked back into the room.

"I'm sorry everyone," she said, "but Mya, Ryan and I have to go. That was my mother on the phone and she needs my help. I said I'd bring Mya along to keep her company."

"Oh!" Mya groaned, "I hate going to see Grandma Julie!"

"Don't be so rude!" Marissa said.

"Sorry," Mya mumbled.

"Now Mya, say goodbye to your grandparents and Uncle Seth and Auntie Summer."

"God Marissa," Summer laughed,"you make us sound like a couple!"

Marissa gave Summer a knowing look. "Bye everyone," Mya said and gave Seth a big hug, "I hope I see you again!"

"You will. I'm staying here for good!" Seth replied.

"Well, that's what you said before and….." Summer trailed off.

"Come on Summer! That was ages ago!" Seth cried.

"I still haven't forgotten what you did!" Summer said.

"What happened?" Mya asked.

"Come on Mya lets get into the car." Marissa said and scooted her towards the door.

"Fine, but I'm still going to find out!" Mya said and stormed out the room.

"Bye guys! It was great seeing you Seth." Ryan said and followed Mya into the car.

Marissa walked over to Summer and hugged her. She whispered into her ear, "Give him a chance."

Summer just sighed. "Bye Coop!" She said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Marissa left and Summer, Seth and Kirsten were alone in the pool house.

"I've got ……. Something to do," Kirsten said and hurried out the room shutting the doors behind her.

A/N I don't think this chapter is one of my best chapters. Please R&R