Author's Note: Konnichiwa! (if you read this in daylight, hehehehe). Name's Hirama Kyousaki, yoroshiku onegaishimasu! Right now you're in progress of reading my first ever NejiNaru story! I've been in love with this pairing since anime episode 109-110! And since I got in touch in writing fanfiction why don't I try a fic? Let's spread NejiNaru love to the entire world!

Ahem... that mere thought resulting in this fic, may I warn you that this fic will contain shounen-ai (malexmale romance relationship, don't like don't read) between Hyuuga Neji and Uzumaki Naruto, cursing, possible OOC, silly-ness and stuffs...

I've warned you! Now... happy reading and please leave a review, I really wanna know how you guys think 'bout this...


This was a beautiful dawn in Konohagakure no Sato, especially for the genin, since their teachers gave them a day off because they would attend an annual meeting with the Hokage. They would talk and discuss about routine missions, exams, politics... who cares? As long as the overjoyed genins got some day off from exhausting days, they won't give a damn about their teachers' meetings.

From the distance, you can saw a blonde walked merrily along the streets, he looked so excited barely holding himself from walking properly, his body bounced every time he took an enthusiastic step. Humming songs happily to himself. His spiky blonde hair swayed with the wind and a smile plastered on his face, he stuffed his hands in his orange pant's pockets.

Uzumaki Naruto. And it seems that he has something exciting to do. He maneuvered his lithe form along the familiar scenery of Konoha, headed toward his destination with confident steps. He turned sharply and his brain ordered his body to jog along the streets. Another turn, his grin widened.

Quick steps slowed down before stopped completely in front of a large mahogany gate, where a big sign of 'Hyuuga' could be read from two meters radius. His expression turned into an alert one and with one trained move, he jumped across the gate.

The blonde boy sneaked quietly along the garden of the large house. Feet padded lightly alongside the garden, touching the grass with barely audible sound and carefully made his way to his destination without waking anyone. His lips broke into a grin and he suspended the urge to yell 'Yatta!'. He stopped and gaze upwards, a closed window with black gaze welcomed his view.

The blonde bent down and took a pebble. With a controlled force, he swung his arm and the said object hit the window with a faint clink sound.

The blonde stopped his movements as if waiting for anyone to open the window and acknowledge him down there. His golden brows came knitted into a frown when seconds past and none of his brain image of somebody popped out to reality.

He tried again with different pebble and still no answer. The energetic blonde then surveyed his surrounding before he took a deep breath.

Please, I need just you to wake up...

"GODDAMMIT! YOU LAZY BUM! WAKE UP AL---" but then he quickly clasped his mouth with both hands. That was a bit too loud. What if his loud voice woke another person inside the house? Now that was not something in his list.

His voice seemed to take effect since the window creaked open slightly. The blonde who noticed the sound quickly snapped his head upwards. And before he knew it, an object came whirling at top speed, right into his welcoming forehead.


The power of the object made Naruto fell on his butt. He slowly cursed and rubbed his sore butt. Someone is going to pay for this! He growled and took the object. A kettle, to be exact.

"Next time I'll throw kunai if you do that again..." a familiar voice spoke from above his head. Naruto shot his head towards the window and grinned sheepishly to the person who looked over him from the said window with an annoyed expression.

"Why, Neji... I don't know you're not a morning person..." Naruto stood up and flashed a smile to the Hyuuga.

From the look of it, it was clear that Neji was super ultra hyper annoyed because his peaceful sleep was disturbed by a hyperactive blonde so early in the morning. And here he was, thinking that he got a chance to be free from Lee and Gai's cry of 'Youthful Time'. A loudmouth blonde was just what he needed. He still wore his soft off-white yukata and his long brownish black hair was a complete mess, stuck out in weird angels yet he still looked dazzling enough. The Hyuuga shot Naruto with one of his infamous glare, mouth curved into thin line of annoyance.

"So... Naruto, what do you want in..." Neji said dangerously sweet, he glanced at his clock. "4 a.m in the morning?"

"Oh yeah... I want to...uh..." Naruto stopped and looked at his surroundings, suspicious pink crept to his cheeks. "Can I get in first?" he pleaded.

"Fine, but make it quick... oh, and bring my kettle," Neji sighed and stepped out of the way. Naruto grinned and jumped to the window. muttered a 'thanks' before he landed inside Neji's room.

Neji stood in front of him. Tapping his foot impatiently, hands crossed dangerously on his chest. Naruto tossed Neji his kettle, who landed safely in the expert hand of its owner.

"So...?" Neji started, putting his kettle back on the table beside his bed.

"I...I...I..." Naruto started, scratching his chin sheepishly.

While Naruto was figuring out how to speak, Neji decided to poured tea for both of them. A right amount of hot water and fresh tea-leaves went inside the said kettle. After a minute or so, Neji poured the reddish-brown liquid into two cups and handed one to Naruto and received a shy 'thank you' from his guest.

"What exactly do you need, Naruto?" after the sentence flew out from his mouth, Neji sat on his bed and sipped his tea.

"Neji! Will you go out on a date with me?"

The said Neji immediately chocked his tea and started coughing madly. light pink graced his cheeks as he looked into the blonde's blue eyes, seeking for immediate answer. Naruto blushed too and waved his hands in a defensive gesture.

"No! No! Not like that! I mean... just, help me!"

"What do you mean?" Neji asked, straightening himself and regaining back his cool composure and all of the sleepy traces disappeared.

"I... I love Sakura-chan for a long time now... and I think I should ask her to go out on a date..." Naruto explained with flaming red cheeks. Little did Naruto know that he had failed to notice the slight wince on Neji's face.

"Yeah, yeah so... what was the connection does that information have with me?" Neji looked straight into the blonde, demanding an answer.

"Huh? Ya know... um, just give me tips and advice about dating! Since I never go out on a date before..." Naruto explained again, this time with puppy eyes.

"I never go out to a date myself, ask someone else..." Neji turned his head away.

"Ne—jii—" Naruto pleaded.

"Ask the girls, they knew!" said Neji.

"Hell no! The girls love gossip you know! Surely Sakura-chan will know about my plan before I asked her!" Naruto reasoned.

"Fine, plausible... then what about Uchiha?" Neji suggested.

"SASUKE? Ha! Never in my live! I'll die first before I ask him!" said the blonde stubbornly.


"The only thing that lazy ass knows it's how to say 'troublesome'..."

"Okay... Kiba?"

"Humph! He likes dogs better than human!"

"Mmh... Chouji?"

"I barely see him with any girl... well yeah, except those you see in food counter,"

"Fine... Lee?" Neji suggested his own teammate.

"Yeah, but he loves Sakura-chan too! He'll get angry!"

"Make sense... Shino?"

"He's too quiet! Besides... girls never approached that guy since he has those creepy bugs all over his body..."

"But Shino has a lot of fans out there..." Neji reasoned.

"Neji..." Naruto trailed off.

"Fine then what about..." Neji stopped when he realized that there's no one else he could suggest. "Uh... Gaara?" Neji mentioned the first name that popped in his head.

Naruto arched an eyebrow. "I think you should see doctor first before suggested that psycho panda-eyed..."

"Uh..." Neji put his hand in his chin in a thoughtful pose.

"Give up Neji! C'mon! We're wasting time here! My precious Sakura-chan is waiting!"

Slight pain stabbed Neji's heart as soon as those words came waltzing into his ear. Indeed, he had one little secret, a crush... or maybe more on the being before him. He had kept his own feelings for this particular blonde for some time now, this information was so private that the only one who knew about this was himself and would remain himself ONLY!

It seemed that Naruto mistook his silence as a no, since the blonde jumped right in front of the Hyuuga, face inches away while his both hands grabbed Neji in his broad shoulders, giving them a light shake.

"Neji! Come on! Sweet Neji, kind Neji, handsome Neji, strong Neji, whatever Neji! NejiNejiNejiNeji! Pretty pretty pleease?" Naruto pleaded with his best puppy eyes.

"I-I... Argh! Fine!" Neji finally gave up. He didn't feel comfortable with that face so close to his own, who knew what might happened? An unwanted kiss was one of those...

Naruto smiled triumphantly and thrust his fist to the air.

"Yatta! Arigato Neji! You're truly my best friend!" Naruto shook Neji's hand happily. Neji only gave a slightest hint of a smile.

Best friend... not bad.

"Now, quick! Change your clothes and we're off!" Naruto opened Neji's closet, picked up Neji's usual clothes (his shirt and black pants) and threw it to the owner, who caught it expertly.

Neji sighed and walked to the bathroom to change. Well, maybe this day wouldn't be so bad either.



Author's note: So how was it? Please R&R, If you like humor, there WILL be a lot of humor in the next chapter! We promised! And sorry if it's kinda short, next chapters will be longer...