
hallu everyone! enjoyed summer? im considering to do a one shot on what happened in the beginning before all this. also hope i ended it on the right note, if you want a bit more maybe ill rewrite the ending :P but if you think it was okay, then my work is done...for now...enjoy!

Revelations And Reunion

Chapter 11

By animeang3l7

Third Person POV

"You realise that you're foolishness has cost us dearly Wuya." A tall armoured figure stood high above the cliffs watching, staring at two others.

By his side the red haired witch continued to stare anxiously, contemplating what to say to get her off the hook. "Well...You see, it really wasn't my fault-"

"Insolent witch! We have lost the Hitachi Amulet. That amulet contains such power that it threatens the very existence of humanity when used carefully. "At times like this he wondered why he brought her back to her real form.

"So does any other shen gong wu such as the Eye Of Dashi. One electric zap and boom, the little human no longer exists. So I don't really understand why you want it that much." Wuya carelessly muttered.

"That's the point! You don't understand!" He turned to face her. His fists clenched and pulsating in his blood anger and rage. She bent back as he hovered over her, expecting his other form to resurface, somehow when he calmed down she was slightly disappointed. Slightly.

"But you have never been interested in shen gong wu before and now?"

"This one is very unique."

He loosened his fists and returned his focus on the two warriors wandering below. He looked from left to right, scanning the whole scenery. Trees, snow, mud, mountains, but no Xiaolin Dragons. "We've lost them, for now. They must have went further down the valley nearer to the forest. "You can make up for your mistakes now." He jumped high above and seemed to disappear - to the human eye. Wuya cracked a smile and laughed to her self. She pounced into the air and vanished.

Raimundo POV

The solitude between us seemed to lift, but there was still a hint of hurt that lingered around. "We've been walking for quite a while now and I'm starving." I commented breaking the extreme silence.

"Yeah same here." She agreed in the slightest of words. Something inside me kept shouting, speak, speak you idiot. Come on. My mouth though seemed to not want to comply.

Step by step we were going nowhere and I started to get a bit light headed. I wasn't just moaning about feeling hungry my system was shutting down and all I could do was drag myself slowly, but it was only a matter of time till I couldn't even do that. Inch by inch my body started to lean sideways and then unbalanced, I could've easily regained balance but I just let myself fall into the white blanket not bothering to try. The coldness seemed to disappear, as my body blended in with the low temperature. I felt nearly unable to feel the cold, since my body was quite numb by now.

"Here, I found a chocolate bar in my pocket. Its a bit funny looking but it can still do the job." She stood above me, in her hand a squished looking Cadbury chocolate bar. I took it without hesitation and wolfed it down not even thinking. She backed away scared of my ferocious eating manners. I looked up, wiping away smudges of chocolate which stained my face. "Sorry, I just felt weak."

"Right, you were so weak but you managed to grab and eat that chocolate bar, then ravage it as if you were some sort of animal! Amazing." she mocked, laughing outrageously. Its not that funny...

"Really amazing." I started to laugh too. If its not that funny then why am I laughing?

It took a couple of minutes for us to calm down. I looked at her in wonder. It was freezing, there was nothing to eat, and we were lost. But she managed to pull through. She smiled and gave me a hand to get up. We started to walk on, getting nowhere, reaching somewhere. I managed to pipe up, "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" she slowed down the pace.

"We've had hardly any sleep, any food, any warmth but you manage to cope with all this?"

"Its survival isn't it?" she replied, not even thinking.

"Uh...right. Survival." The conversation died suddenly and I tried to revive it again. It was better than dead silence which was driving me absolutely insane.

"So don't you think it's a bit strange, like how we've been acting."

"I know, you seemed more of a jerk than usual." I nodded and then realised what she had said and yelled at her.

"Im kidding...sorta..." She scratched her head and blinked.

"Yeah I guess it's kinda true too. And you being a bit more hot headed, emotional and frisky than usual" I joked. She scratched the back of her head thinking it over. Since there was no real theory behind this strange ordeal I said, "Maybe it was just what we least expect, hormones. You have to admit, they do pack in a punch at times, they're strange but a glorious thing-"

"No, it can't be something as simple as that. You're right, we've been acting strange, there has to be a reason for it."

A couple of minutes passed and we stopped for a bit of rest. As I leaned onto the towering tree, my stomach groaned in lack of nutrition. I put my hands over it in order to quiet the sound. SO hungry, so hungry...She frowned at me, looked down at her stomach and simultaneously we yelled - as well as our empty shrinking bellies "So hungry!" We looked at one another and burst out laughing.

"There's nothing to eat around here." she moaned.

I looked up at the floundering clouded sky. The clouds turning a darker shade of grey. Clay, Omi if you don't hurry it up a bit Kimiko and I are gonna be toast...scratch that, frozen toast...Mmh...Toast...No, snap out of it, take your mind off of food.

I remembered what Kimiko had said a while ago, and interested I asked, "When did it all start?"

She gazed at me in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You said it yourself, we've been acting strange." I looked down trying to answer my own previous question. We were just fine before we lost Clay and Omi.

"I don't know but it definitely had to be before we lost Clay and Omi." Startled that she confirmed my guess my head shot up and I looked at her seriously.

"Exactly what I've been thinking. Do you remember anything before we lost them two?" I inquired in a serious tone.

"Yeah sure. But nothing out of the ordinary really...First we started shouting their names, then you tried to comfort me about Death Valley, I wasn't taking any of it-" I rolled my eyes and carried on listening, "-Then we started arguing who's fault it was-" I went through the scenario and ruled out that had nothing to do with our strange behaviour. "-And then you kicked that amulet and I screamed at you-"

"That's it!" I yelled.

"What's it?"

"The amulet, that has to be the only explanation. Remember what Master Fung said before we went out looking for it. It is a very powerful and dangerous shen gong wu, its effects upon you when activated will cost you dearly, so take great care in locating and speaking of it. This wu, is far too dangerous to be obtained by evil."

"You don't think..."

I finished of her sentence, "That we activated it when you screamed its name and I kicked it that we activated it...Yeah I think I do. I know its like really weird, but that has to be it! Master Fung wouldn't have told us to be so cautious of locating it otherwise." I stood up, quite proud of my explanation. Then as soon as I turned to her she punched my arm. "OW!"

"See, if you hadn't gotten so angry and kicked the wu, then I wouldn't have yelled and we wouldn't have activated it and then-"

Third Person POV

"Chase, see. It really wasn't my fault that the Hitachi Amulet got away from us. You heard it yourself, that foolish monk kicked it somewhere in the forest."

"You seem to forget about the battle in Death Valley. Should I refresh your memory? You wasted so much time on Kimiko that you let your focus slip on Raimundo who seized the chance in taking the Hitachi Amulet away from your hands." He grabbed Wuya's hand and held it in front of her. He let go slowly after wards and she placed her hand over his shoulder.


"I am questioning your service and usefulness to me. I suggest you find that Amulet so that I stop questioning your value." Wuya smiled and leaped of the ground and disappeared in the white and brown.

She walked through the forest looking back at time to time to see that lone figure standing in the same spot since when she left. "Why doesn't he attack the little pipsqueaks yet, they're wide open! Ahh." Wuya cursed.

"If I was there, it would be done already. But here I am, a deadly powerful Heylin witch out playing treasure hunt for this useless wu."

"What's so special about this particular wu that he gave up a whole load just for this one." She looked down mumbling and cursing but failed to notice a tree branch sticking out. "Damn forest." She rubbed her head and looked up at the branch. There she saw it hanging, swinging side to side in the breeze. She grabbed it as she stood up. And with the wind she vanished again, laughing, cackling, howling.

Raimundo's POV

"Kimiko, behind yo-!" Before I even finished my sentence, before I managed to mutter the last syllable he was already behind her.

"What the-" Before she managed to turn the full hundred and eighty degrees he attacked, "Very pleased to see you too."

She hit the tree next to her and rebounded, then hit the ground. I rose up and attempted a kick. He dodged, I used my free leg to swing me round to face him and I tried to punch him. He seemed to easily dodge it, but that wasn't going to stop me. I made another attempt to punch him, and another, then several more landing a kick here or there. I drove him to the ground and landed unsteadily. "Not bad, not bad at all. Considering your exhausting battle through the mountains and so on." I panted, exhausted already by my refusal to stop punching. I looked over to Chases' side and saw a ready Kimiko in a fighting stance.

"Fire!" she sent a blazing fire tornado at him from her hands, he twisted round and his body was at low level. "You really think this can work?" He jumped as she still focused her energy on the fire tornado and kicked her. I moved swiftly and caught her again before she could hit against another tree. She regained stance and moved for another punch. I quickly seized the chance to get behind him and land a kick. Kimiko didn't hesitate to punch him, but he blocked it just in time with one arm. She grabbed the arm and twisted him round. This was my chance.

"Typhoon Boom, Wind!" I sent a full blast of wind at him and just the second he flew upwards carrying Kimiko and dropped her in time for my attack. She was spiralling backwards, the wind pushing her. I couldn't stop it, but then I felt a presence behind me and before I could even get to see his demonic eyes he punched me. It was clear I was flying through the air faster than Kimiko. She opened her eyes and saw me, terrified to do anything. She grabbed my hand and got her footing right and as she touched the cliff wall she pushed off. Dragging me with her before I slammed into the wall myself. Aiming for another punch at Chase, she let me go and proceeded. However, Chase simply moved backwards to avoid the hit. She landed roughly and asked, "What do you want Chase?"

Before he could answer, something rustled in the bushes. Hope was lifting in us. Clay? Omi?

"Wuya!" I said aloud. Something lodged in my throat, I coughed and coughed. My throat became dry and I tried to regain breathing.

"In the flesh."

"Is that your catch phrase or something, cause its really loosing its touch." Kimiko commented. Wuya tried to blast her with her green power bolts (an. I don't know what to call them...) but Kimiko managed to dodge but unfortunately it hit her on the ankle and she drew blood.

"I take it you have located the Amulet." Wuya smugly grinned and nodded.

Don't get your hopes up. Clay and Omi aren't coming. We'll have to handle this ourselves. No matter what. You can't depend on others all the time. I squeezed my fists harder. I looked down. My knees buckled, fast and I knelt on the ground. I took that blow really hard. I looked at Kimiko who stole a glance at me. She jumped in front of me. I felt weak and useless. My body was feeling a drain of power and energy. I. Won't. Give. Up.

"Give us the Amulet!" Kimiko choked with full rage.

"I don't think it's in your place to scream and shout orders at us, you spoilt brat!" Wuya retorted.

"We need it." It seemed pretty hopeless, but this was a fight till the end. What am I saying? We are going to die...Her fists burned with fire sparking out. The corners of her mouth rose and she wore not a smile, but something quite fearful and devious.

"You don't really think we are going to give it to you do you?" the green eyed witch asked.

"Give it to them." Shocked all three of us looked at Chase Young.

"What?" Wuya asked in a flat tone.

"Enough! They are under the influence of the Hitachi Amulet. They need to end it. Deactivate it."

"What? I do not understand, you cannot just, tell a shen gong wu to...stop!" she gasped.

"On the contraire, with this shen gong wu, you can." All of us were confused. Question marks drew up above our heads.

"This shen gong wu when activated simply by contact or directed at will release deep hidden emotions, increases and develops them until it becomes out of control. What seems like a scrape of jealousy between friends becomes something much more dangerous with the Amulet. Even if you are weak it's control won't end until all emotion is drained or to put it simply they are dead. But if you have strong will power and can over power its control or manage to call upon the Hitachi Amulet before things get out of hand you can deactivate it; you save yourself and others from its power - and yours." He paused for a second and shouted at Wuya "Give it to them before anything else happens."

"I should've took it while I had the chance." Wuya murmured. Chase glanced at her and she reluctantly tossed it to us.

My legs felt dead that I had to push myself up by my hands and get Kimiko to hold me steady. I didn't know what to do. How about if this was a trick. What if he were lying about it. Master Fung and Dojo didn't dare tell us about its power, so how were we to know if what Young said was true. Kimiko turned to me uncertain. Chase wasn't exactly what you called trust worthy.

"I assume you would like to say Raimundo what's up! And the answer is us!" Everyone looked up and saw...

"Omi!" Kimiko called out his name, "Clay! Dojo!"

"Better late than never right?" Clay laughed off. It was good to see them again. I didn't doubt them at the beginning, and I shouldn't have doubted them at the end. "You took your time." I smiled lightly.

"Ah the rest of the monks. Reunited finally. How touching." Chase Young remarked sarcastically.

"Chase Young! Wuya!" Omi gasped.

"In the fle-"

"-We've heard that line already!" muttered Kimiko, annoyed.

"Tell them to cancel the effects of the wu, before the fire dragon blows a casket." Wuya glared at Kimiko. Kimiko pushed me to the side and jumped high above her and started to throw fire balls at her. I fell onto my hands and knees. It was the last straw, Kimiko had totally lost it. "Kimiko, NO!" Beads of sweat dripped down Kimiko's face. She panted but continued to relentlessly attack. Her eyes, turning a dark blue almost tinged with purple. Wuya just seemed to block most of them, occasionally getting hit. Clay and Omi endeavours to stop and hold her back failed. When they caught her, she scratched and kicked, screaming, "That old hag needs-to-know...that...that if you' to get burnt!" They couldn't hold her any longer. "Kimiko calm down." Clay tried.

I looked at the shen gong wu in my hands. The violet gem glowing faintly. "Dojo!" Dojo shrunk and slithered to my side and tried to push me upright, "Yeah kid." "You must know what this wu does!" Dojo climbed onto my hands and looked at the Amulet.

"The Hitachi Amulet. It was basically a useless wu…at first. When Dashi was still an apprentice he used to pull pranks with it, he would use it to bring out people's true feelings. You know once he made a one of his close friends down town admit that she liked this boy and then he- "

"Dojo - the Hitachi Amulet?"

"Oh right…well, a while back, out of the blue he just decided to hide the Amulet." "Dojo, come on hurry!" "Um-um-he nev-never told us why or what happened just that its power isn't as it seems. So-know-one-really-knew-what-powers-that-wu-had-except-Dashi-who-refused-to-talk-about-it."

I made up my mind, I took the chance, "Hitachi Amulet!" I pointed it at Kimiko. I closed my eyes instinctively, as soon as I heard Kimiko calling off her attack I reopened them. Too my amazement and joy her eyes, closed and the fire went out. Weak and totally drained she dropped from the sky. Clay jumped caught her.

I was relieved that Kimiko was okay, but that was my mistake in letting my guard down. Chase Young pounced on me and pushed Dojo away so that he could reach for the Amulet. Too weak to hold on I let him have it, I could barely shout but it didn't stop me, "Omi, get the wu!"

I managed to see a few punches and kicks here or there. Some water rushing around and earth being lifted. A little bit of shouting. My eyes turned against me and started to become heavier. I fell onto both knees. I tried to lift my head to stay awake, to see what was happening, but my sight caught onto two rock arcs that formed a sort of heart. That's really cool. And then pure darkness.


"Raimundo. Raimundo." I opened my eyes to see a yellow light shinning in front of me.

"Is that you God? Should I reach for the light?" I asked a loud, my eyesight obscured. I closed my eyes a bit.

"Yes my child! Reach for the light Raimundo!" Is it me or does God a girl? I reached out and grabbed something. Something really big.

"Raimundo, please let go off my head!" I opened my eyes fully and looked down to see my self clutching a big yellow head from a certain monk.

"We know you love us, but dang you don't have to hug the lil' guy to death!" I looked up and saw Clay laughing.

"Can't breathe!"

"Oh right!" I let go of Omi's head and reached out to high five Clay. I sighed and saw a smiling raven haired girl beside me, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I grinned and said, "I was wondering why God sounded like a girl!" she giggled.

"Sorry but I couldn't resist! Ooh, is that you God?" she imitated laughing in between words. While she was laughing at me with Omi over my embarrassing moment, I noticed her arm was in a sling and there were a few bandages here and there on her body and limbs. I looked at myself and saw my leg in a cast and some bandages on my hands. To avoid the blood soaked bandages and big fat cast my eyes took me elsewhere. Those blue eyes.

She looked at me and my expression fell as did hers. And she uttered quietly, "The past is the past. Let's live life." She smiled.

"Thanks." I kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"It's good to have you back Raimundo. We never gave up on you two." Clay interrupted. Boy does he have good timing.

"Yeah, missed you too. I never gave up on you two, too." I hesitated. "Say, I blacked out during that fight with Wuya and Chase. What happened?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Same old, same old. Nothing much. But we had to get out fast because you two were really badly hurt."

"Oh. Thanks. For being a really good friend and coming for us."

"No problem, part'na."

"Hmm, and since your such a good friend...Can you scratch my foot in the cast. Its really itchy!" I cried out.

"Uh...uh...Here's a fork!" he quickly handed me and backed away slowly.

"My hands still hurt..." I shook my bandaged hands in front of him.

"But you high fived me a minute ago-" grabbed hold of my hand and held it in front of me.

"OW, MY HANDS...Besides, I can't reach anyways..." I said. He reluctantly moved towards my foot and started scratching it with a fork. I started to laugh while he grumbled and muttered.

"I see you have woken up young one."

"Master Fung, thanks for the bed!"

"Hey kid, it's only temporary." Dojo called out.

"Aw, man...Give a guy a break, he gets all funny because of a shen gong wu, he gets lost, gets beat up twice, humps a tree..."

"What do you mean by hump? You made a lump on a tree?"

"I didn't say that out loud did I?" They all started to laugh at me and soon Master Fung left with a humble smile on his face.

"You should see the picture! Let me get my phone!" she rushed out of the room.

"Ooh wee. Well call me Anxious Uncle Billy Bob waiting for a Thanksgiving turkey because I can't wait ta see this!" Clay waved, dropping the fork. "See ya buddy!"

"I wish to know what the term 'hump' means and be entertained by this photo you speak of!" Omi dashed out of the room to catch up with Clay and Kimiko. "Throw you soon Raimundo!"

"Its Catch you later Omi!"

"That too!" he yelled down the hall.

"Omi! Clay! Kimi-ko! Guys! Hey guys! Get back here!" I put one foot on the ground and swung round my leg in the cast. I limped like a robot down the hall. "I told you to delete that picture! Kimiko? Kimiko!" Kimiko did a fancy slide at the end of the corridor and we came face to face. Kimiko waved the phone with the picture of me and - you get the picture!

"You'll have to catch me first."

The End


so that was the final instalement of Always And Forever, Yours. it only took...a couple of months...and a year...but yeah. hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writting it for you :P thanks to readers and reviewers over the past 10 chapters you're the best!
